Silvretta Nappe

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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1997
European Journal of Mineralogy (1997) 9 (2): 411–422.
Journal Article
Published: 07 June 2016
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2016) 53 (11): 1279–1311.
...A.M. Celâl Şengör Abstract The Albula Pass region lies between the Lower Austroalpine Err Nappe and the Middle Austroalpine Silvretta Nappe. They will be treated here as the frame of the non- to gently metamorphic sedimentary units between the two during the Alpide times. Sedimentation started...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2001
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2001) 71 (4): 516–525.
... due to rifting of the Pennine oceanic domain. Presently, the Silvretta nappe complex, situated at the western termination of the Austroalpine realm, and the South-Alpine basement west of the Canavese Line, display similar zircon FT ages. Therefore, a westward continuation of the Silvretta complex...
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Published: 01 January 1983
DOI: 10.1130/MEM158-p191
... in a sort of distributed ramp under oblique compression. In other cases, they are sheared off from their crustal underpinnings and move as rigid bodies: a famous example is the Austroalpine Silvretta nappe. At its base, widespread mylonites are in some places interrupted by pseudotachylites...
Journal Article
Published: 20 December 2023
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2023) 194 (1): 16.
....(2009) Orthogneiss SHRIMP U-pb zircon 587 5 Adula Nappe Liati et al.(2009) Eclogite SHRIMP U-pb zircon 595 9 Austroalpine domain Silvretta nappe mafic Complex Schaltegger et al.(1997) Metagabbro TIMS Dissolution U-pb zircon 522 6 Silvretta nappe mafic...
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Journal Article
Published: 18 November 2019
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2019) 56 (11): ix–x.
... in the Swiss Alps, the Err and Silvretta nappes of the Albula Pass. This he did in great and accurate detail, producing an outstanding thesis. Even as a student, Celâl showed that rare confident ability to strike up friendships, empathetically, with anyone he met from janitors to society presidents anywhere...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2004
Journal of the Geological Society (2004) 161 (3): 335–338.
... are commonly described from major fault complexes such as the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone ( Sibson 1980 ), Redbank Shear Zone, Australia ( Hobbs et al . 1986 ), and the Silvretta Nappe, Eastern Alps ( Koch & Masch 1992 ). The mylonites and pseudotachylites commonly appear to be syn-kinematic ( White 1996...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2013
GSA Bulletin (2013) 125 (1-2): 89–108.
...—Paleozoic of Graz; Gl—Gleinalm; Gu—Gurktal nappes; GWZ—Greywacke zone; IQ—InnsbruckQuartzphyllite; K—Kaintaleck slices (Frauenberg, Prieselbauer, Ritting); Ko—Koralpe; NM—Niedere Tauern and mica schist complexes; Oe—Oetztal; P—Plankogel; Re—Rennfeld; Sa—Saualpe; Sc—Schladming-Wölz; Si—Silvretta; SL—Sesia...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2001
Journal of the Geological Society (2001) 158 (6): 983–994.
...-Pb zircon dating of the older orthogneisses suite in the Silvretta nappe, eastern Alps: Cadomian magmatism in the upper Austro-Alpine realm , Geologische Rundschau , 84 , 457 – 465 . Murphy , J.B. , Strachan , R.A. , Nance , R.D. , Parker , K.D. & Fowler , M.B...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2001
Journal of the Geological Society (2001) 158 (1): 97–110.
... sensu stricto comprising Ötztal–Silvretta, Northern Calcareous Alps, and the northern parts of the Austroalpine and West Carpathian nappes) as northern appendages of Adria, Ivrea on its western side, and Tisza , a plate today situated in the Pannonian basin. Fig. 9. The Austroalpine–West...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2016
Italian Journal of Geosciences (2016) 135 (2): 217–235.
...-called Dinaric nappe with the Ötztal and Silvretta basements (e.g., T ermier , 1905 ). Recent studies interpret the Tonale nappe as a basement unit belonging to the Drauzug-Gurktal nappe system (the tectonically highest units of the Upper Austroalpine), located between the Southern Border of Alpine...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2003
The Journal of Geology (2003) 111 (5): 543–563.
...   = Hochgrat   ; white     squares   = Chiemgau   . Also plotted are reference samples from Arlberg gneiss (northern Silvretta basement; white     triangles   = Arlberg   Pass) to illustrate their conformity with the Hochgrat gneiss pebbles. b , Ocean ridge granite (ORG...
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Highly schematized cross sections showing the structural evolution of the A...
Published: 07 June 2016
to follow up their evolution more easily, but they were most likely listric. All the colours and the numbers correspond to the units shown in Fig. 2 . In all parts, north is always to the right. (B) The first phase of deformation and the formation of the first genre Elalbula Nappe with a south vergence. (C
Journal Article
Published: 22 January 2016
Geological Magazine (2016) 153 (5-6): 1085–1109.
... in Figure 6 passes through the westernmost window, the Engadin Window. It illustrates the internal structure of the largest crystalline basement nappe, the Silvretta–Sesvenna–Campo nappe system, measuring about 100 km in a NW–SE direction. The shallow part of the cross...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1994
Journal of the Geological Society (1994) 151 (4): 591–598.
.... Flisch M. Raumer J.F.V. Neubauer F. Evolution of the Silvretta nappe Pre-Mesoroic geology in the Alps 1993 Berlin Springer 469 484 Menegazzi R. Pili M. Venturini C. Preliminary data and hypothesis about the very low grade metamorphic Hercynian sequence...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1989
Journal of the Geological Society (1989) 146 (5): 835–849.
... (the Austroalpine unit) and accretion of oceanic material (the Penninic nappe) occurred simultaneously. Imbrication started in the Austroalpine unit (Ratschbacher et al. 1987), then Austroalpine nappes (Silvretta nappe etc., Fig. lb) were brought into contact with Penninic units. Downward propagation led...
Geological map of the Alps (modified after  Schulz, 2008 ). (A) Domains in ...
Published: 01 January 2013
; An—Antigorio with Berisal and Monte Leone; DM—Dora Maira; GP—Gran Paradiso; H—Habach-Storz and Stubach Groups; Le—Lepontine nappes with Simano, Maggia, Leventina, Lebendun; LiCS—Ligurian Calizzano-Savona; MR—Monte Rosa; R—Ruitor; Si—Siviez–Mischabel–Bernard–Mont Fort; Su—Suretta; Ta—Tambo; TG—Tauern basement
Journal Article
Published: 07 February 2008
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2008) 49 (2): 73–90.
... includes the Silvretta crystalline nappe in South Upper Austroalpine ( Frank, 1987 ) and the Speik Complex in the Middle Austroalpine, Styria. In the Silvretta crystalline basement, on the eastern slopes of Hochnorderer, Tyrol, three lenses of ultramafic rock were embedded into a thick amphibolite suite...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Geology of Series
Published: 01 January 2008
DOI: 10.1144/CEV2P.6
EISBN: 9781862393899
... to upper greenschist facies in parts of the lowermost nappe. Only the uppermost Noric Nappe is in stratigraphic contact with the Tirolic Nappe System of the Northern Calcareous Alps; the other nappes are not. Silvretta-Seckau Nappe System This is the structurally lowermost Upper Austro-Alpine nappe...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2009
Journal of the Geological Society (2009) 166 (4): 797–810.
...-facies metamorphism do not show such pronounced metamorphic zircon rims. The Mid-Carboniferous HP metamorphic event identified in the rocks of the northern Adula nappe is known also from other parts of the Variscan European basement (Oetztal, Silvretta, Ulten, Black Forest, Bohemian Massif; see, e.g...
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