Sierra Mojada ore-body

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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1933
American Mineralogist (1933) 18 (8): 345–350.
...Philip Krieger Abstract Strontianite is found in unusual abundance as a gangue mineral associated with lead and silver ores at Sierra Mojada, Mexico. The occurrence differs in several respects from other mineralization in this district. So far as known, strontianite has not been observed...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 June 2003
Economic Geology (2003) 98 (4): 685–714.
.... The difficulties during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in metallurgical beneficiation of smithsonite ores containing 10 to 20 percent Zn and complex ores containing zinc oxide, silicate, and clays led to large bodies of nonsulfide zinc material being ignored as sources of zinc. The recent...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2011
Earth Sciences History (2011) 30 (1): 104–134.
... . The Sierra Mojada, Coahuila, Mexico, and its ore deposits . Engineering and Mining Journal 72 : 705 - 707 . Mansfield , G. R. Ross , C. S. 1935 . Welded rhyolitic tuffs in southeastern Idaho . American Geophysical Union, Transactions : 308 – 321 . Marshall , P . 1935 . Acid...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2015
American Mineralogist (2015) 100 (11-12): 2484–2496.
... of marly rocks associated with subvolcanic bodies . Clays and Clay Minerals , 51 , 543 – 554 . Ahn H.I. ( 2010 ) Mineralogy and geochemistry of the non-sulfide Zn deposits in the Sierra Mojada district, Coahuila, Mexico , 193 p. Ph.D. thesis , University of Texas , Austin...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 September 2022
Economic Geology (2022) 117 (6): 1339–1366.
... of hydrozincite. This phenomenon has been described from other nonsulfide deposits, e.g., the Sierra Mojada, Mexico ( Kyle et al., 2018 ) and Gorno, Italy ( Mondillo et al., 2020 ). In both cases, the presence of oxidized Zn ores along fault conduits was considered to suggest a hydrological system evolving...
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Series: Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists
Published: 01 January 2009
DOI: 10.5382/SP.14.05
EISBN: 9781629490380
... Almoloya 1 Ch 40 5 0.12 Los Lamentos 1 M 27 2 0.07 Ojuela 6 Ch 15 2 0.13 The dissolved zinc (93 kg Zn per ton of ore; Table  3 ) reprecipitates as secondary oxide minerals at some distance from its source. At Sierra Mojada, Los Lamentos, and limited deeper areas of the West Camp...
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... alteration, the composition of the primary mineralization, and the morphology of the ore bodies suggest that these deposits can be classified as MVT. Figure 9. Geological cross section (not to scale) showing the general geology and disposition of the Pb-Zn stratabound deposits at Sierra Mojada (state...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2007
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (2007) 7 (2): 139–151.
... include Skorpion (Namibia), Mae Sod (Thailand), Lan Ping (China), Angouran (Iran), Mehdiabad (Iran), Shaimerden (Kazakhstan), Jabali (Yemen), Kabwe and Zinc Star (Zambia), Vazante (Brazil) and Sierra Mojada (Mexico). In addition, there are a number of other mines producing relatively small tonnages of non...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 September 2014
Economic Geology (2014) 109 (6): 1735–1762.
... 26,491 kilotonnes of indicated resources at 2.37% Zn and 2.18% Pb (1.67% ZnEq cutoff), and 8,701 kilotonnes at 4.05% Zn and 3.32% Pb (4.00% ZnEq cutoff; Zincore Metals Inc., 2013a ). The deposit consists of several subhorizontal stratabound bodies that extend in depth to more than 100 m. The highest ore...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 2004
SEG Discovery (2004) (57): 1–44.
..., mineralogy, petrog- connections with ore deposits of ele- raphy, petrology, geochemistry, and ments such as beryllium, lithium, tin, Near Sierra Blanca, several Eocene rhy- alteration processes. Because of their and uranium, which do not easily t evolved geochemisty, they commonly into typical igneous rock...
Series: Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists
Published: 01 January 2009
DOI: 10.5382/SP.14.11
EISBN: 9781629490380
... Studies The following case studies serve to characterize the principal contributions of faults to the formation of secondary, supergene zinc deposits. The most important parameters from each case study are summarized in Table  1 . Oxidative supergene ore formation along fault conduits: Sierra Mojada...
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Series: Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.5382/SP.17.06
EISBN: 9781629491639
... deposits are found in the Sierra de Alamitos and San Agustin districts onto the Coahuila paleoisland (Fig. 12 ). Other important deposits are found in Mùzquiz (barite), Buenavista (fluorite), Cuatro Palmas (fluorite, and some U-rich bodies), Sierra Mojada (Zn-Pb), Reforma (Zn-Pb) in Coahuila, and Tres...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 October 2000
SEG Discovery (2000) (43): 1–52.
... rekindled interest. Metalline has put several hard years of exploration and development activity will be harder and harder to excellent work in at Sierra Mojada and now has North/Rio Tinto (a.k.a. obtain. After all, it's a Biosphere Reserve! I hope that I am wrong in Kennecott in Mexico) as a partner...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 July 2008
SEG Discovery (2008) (74): 1–52.
... bodies. The total ore reserves are in and predominantly silver deposits excess of 30 million tonnes, with an (Dukat, Arylakh) located in its rear average grade of 511 g/t Ag and 1.1 g/t part. Au (Konstantinov et al., 1998). The Dukat deposit, believed to be The resource potential for gold in one...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 January 1995
SEG Discovery (1995) (20): 1–40.
..., but Codelco geologists and external consultants believe matrix-supported hydrothermal breccia (hanging wall). Pervasive that too many remain unexplained to assume that MM faulted slices were derived from the truncated western portion of Chuquicamata. potassic metasomatism affected the breccia bodies. Ore...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 1994
SEG Discovery (1994) (17): 1–36.
... by limestone replacement bodies of enargite-pyrite ore with 0.5 to 1 g/tonne Au that zone outward to gold-free enargite+chalcopyrite ores and thence to Zn+Pb+Ag±Cu veins or mantos. Ccarhuaraso, situated in the center of an inactive Quaternary stratovolcano, was the first acid-sulfate system with low base...