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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
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North America
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orogeny (7)
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Lower Cambrian
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upper Precambrian
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South America
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United States
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Potomac River basin (1)
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Shenandoah Massif
A model for Iapetan rifting of Laurentia based on Neoproterozoic dikes and related rocks
Geologic evidence of the Neoproterozoic rifting of Laurentia during breakup of Rodinia is recorded in basement massifs of the cratonic margin by dike swarms, volcanic and plutonic rocks, and rift-related clastic sedimentary sequences. The spatial and temporal distribution of these geologic features varies both within and between the massifs but preserves evidence concerning the timing and nature of rifting. The most salient features include: (1) a rift-related magmatic event recorded in the French Broad massif and the southern and central Shenandoah massif that is distinctly older than that recorded in the northern Shenandoah massif and northward; (2) felsic volcanic centers at the north ends of both French Broad and Shenandoah massifs accompanied by dike swarms; (3) differences in volume between massifs of cover-sequence volcanic rocks and rift-related clastic rocks; and (4) WNW orientation of the Grenville dike swarm in contrast to the predominately NE orientation of other Neoproterozoic dikes. Previously proposed rifting mechanisms to explain these features include rift-transform and plume–triple-junction systems. The rift-transform system best explains features 1, 2, and 3, listed here, and we propose that it represents the dominant rifting mechanism for most of the Laurentian margin. To explain feature 4, as well as magmatic ages and geochemical trends in the Northern Appalachians, we propose that a plume–triple-junction system evolved into the rift-transform system. A ca. 600 Ma mantle plume centered east of the Sutton Mountains generated the radial dike swarm of the Adirondack massif and the Grenville dike swarm, and a collocated triple junction generated the northern part of the rift-transform system. An eastern branch of this system produced the Long Range dike swarm in Newfoundland, and a subsequent western branch produced the ca. 554 Ma Tibbit Hill volcanics and the ca. 550 Ma rift-related magmatism of Newfoundland.
ABSTRACT The eastern Great Smoky Mountains basement complex consists of the following components: (1) ca. 1350–1325 Ma orthogneiss and mafic xenoliths that represent some of the oldest crust in Appalachian Grenville massifs (similar to “pre-Grenville” basement components in the Adirondack, Green Mountain, Hudson Highland, and Shenandoah massifs); (2) ca. 1150 Ma augen orthogneisses and granitic orthogneisses correlating with the Shawinigan phase of Grenville magmatism; and (3) paragneisses (cover rocks) that have either pre- or syn-Grenville (i.e., Mesoproterozoic) versus post-Grenville (Neoproterozoic) depositional ages, and that experienced Taconian metamorphism and migmatization. Mesoproterozoic paragneisses contain major zircon age modes that require a component of Proterozoic crust in the source region. The Neoproterozoic paragneisses exhibit the archetypical “Grenville doublet” in detrital zircon age distributions that matches the age distribution of Ottawan and Shawinigan magmatic/metamorphic events in eastern Laurentia. Most zircon U-Pb age systematics exhibit variable lead loss interpreted to result from high-grade Taconian (ca. 450 Ma) regional metamorphism and migmatization. Neodymium mantle model ages (T DM ) for ortho- and paragneisses range from 1.8 to 1.6 Ga, indicating that all rocks were derived from recycling of Proterozoic crust (i.e., they are not juvenile), which is consistent with Proterozoic detrital zircon ages in pre- to syn-Grenville paragneisses. Lead isotope compositions confirm the presence of an exotic (Amazonian) crustal component in the source region for the protoliths of the pre-Grenville orthogneisses and xenoliths, and that this exotic component was incorporated to varying degrees in the evolution of the basement complex. The oldest age component may represent an Amazonian pre-Grenville analog to the ca. 1.35 Ga native Laurentian crust present in Adirondack and northern Appalachian basement massifs.
The 760 Ma Wilburn Rhyolite Member of the Mount Rogers Formation, in southwestern Virginia, is a mineralogically and compositionally zoned welded ash-flow sheet at least 660 m thick. Compositional zoning, preserved despite greenshist-facies metamorphism, developed in the pre-eruptive magma chamber and was inverted during eruption of the ash-flow sheet. Microphenocrysts of aegerine and riebeckite occur at the base of the sheet, riebeckite alone or with biotite at higher levels, and Fe-rich biotite at the top. Alkali feldspar phenocrysts are more potassic, and riebeckite and biotite exhibit decreasing Mg/Fe toward the top of the ash-flow sheet; F content of biotite increases toward the base. The ash-flow tuff is a high-silica rhyolite (SiO 2 = 76.6 wt%); the basal one-sixth of the sheet is interpreted as originally peralkaline, whereas the remainder is metaluminous. Major- and trace-element zoning within the sheet is similar to other well-documented ash-flow sheets: SiO 2 , Na 2 O, and F increase toward the base of the sheet, whereas Al 2 O 3 , MgO, CaO, K 2 O, and TiO 2 decrease. Concentrations of Be, Rb, Zr, Nb, Sn, Hf, Ta, Th, U, Tb, and Yb increase toward the base; elements more abundant toward the top include Sc, Sr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, and Eu. These gradients developed in a high-level silicic magma chamber in which peralkaline high-silica rhyolitic magma overlay metaluminous high-silica rhyolite. The 765–740 Ma Crossnore Complex, which includes the Mount Rogers Formation, in the Grenvillian French Broad massif includes A-type granitoids and is interpreted to reflect aborted rifting of Laurentian continental crust. The locus of aborted rifting migrated northeastward to the Shenandoah massif, where A-type magmatism occurred at 735–680 Ma. Continental breakup and opening of the Iapetus Ocean followed Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 572–554 Ma) rifting. Formation of a voluminous high-silica, partly peralkaline magma chamber indicates that the initial pulse of rifting took place in relatively thick continental crust, perhaps explaining why this pulse did not culminate in continental breakup until ∼200 m.y. later.
Middle Proterozoic age for the Montpelier Anorthosite, Goochland terrane, eastern Piedmont, Virginia
Sample locations in the context of eastern Laurentia Precambrian basement p...
Diagram illustrating the age relationships between the possible source regi...
Abstract The Blue Ridge province in north-central Virginia forms a large basement massif at the hinterland edge of the central Appalachian fold-and-thrust belt. Rocks and structures exposed in the Blue Ridge record a long tectonic history that encompasses the Mesoproterozoic Grenvillian orogen, Neoproterozoic Iapetan crustal extension, multiple Paleozoic collisional events, and Mesozoic tectonism. The purpose of this field trip is to provide an overview of Blue Ridge tectonics, highlight the findings of recent studies, and discuss the outstanding questions that remain unanswered in Blue Ridge geology. The trip will traverse the Blue Ridge from southeast to northwest and includes stops along the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park and the Shenandoah Valley.
The Integration of Data Review, Remote Sensing and Ground Survey for a Regional-Level Karst Assessment
Abstract Mesoproterozoic basement in the vicinity of Mount Rogers is characterized by considerable lithologic variability, including major map units composed of gneiss, amphibolite, migmatite, meta-quartz monzodiorite and various types of granitoid. SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology and field mapping indicate that basement units define four types of occurrences, including (1) xenoliths of ca. 1.33 to ≥1.18 Ga age, (2) an early magmatic suite including meta-granitoids of ca. 1185–1140 Ma age that enclose or locally intrude the xenoliths, (3) metasedimentary rocks represented by layered granofels and biotite schist whose protoliths were likely deposited on the older meta-granitoids, and (4) a late magmatic suite composed of younger, ca. 1075–1030 Ma intrusive rocks of variable chemical composition that intruded the older rocks. The magmatic protolith of granofels constituting part of a layered, map-scale xenolith crystallized at ca. 1327 Ma, indicating that the lithology represents the oldest, intact crust presently recognized in the southern Appalachians. SHRIMP U-Pb data indicate that periods of regional Mesoproterozoic metamorphism occurred at 1170–1140 and 1070–1020 Ma. The near synchroneity in timing of regional metamorphism and magmatism suggests that magmas were emplaced into crust that was likely at nearsolidus temperatures and that melts might have contributed to the regional heat budget. Much of the area is cut by numerous, generally east- to northeast-striking Paleozoic fault zones characterized by variable degrees of ductile deformation and recrystallization. These high-strain fault zones dismember the terrane, resulting in juxtaposition of units and transformation of basement lithologies to quartz- and mica-rich tectonites with protomylonitic and mylonitic textures. Mineral assemblages developed within such zones indicate that deformation and recrystallization likely occurred at greenschist-facies conditions at ca. 340 Ma.
Beyond Zircon: Incorporating Detrital Feldspar Pb Isotope Analysis into the Multiproxy Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis—an Example from a Long-Lived Eastern Laurentian Clastic System
Low rates of bedrock outcrop erosion in the central Appalachian Mountains inferred from in situ 10 Be
Early Cretaceous stress field variations and relationship to intraplate magmatism in the New England portion of the eastern North American margin
Proterozoic and Paleozoic evolution of the Blue Ridge geologic province in northern Virginia, USA
ABSTRACT This field guide presents a one-day trip across the northern Virginia Blue Ridge geologic province and highlights published geologic mapping of Mesoproterozoic rocks that constitute the core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium and Neoproterozoic cover-sequence rocks on the fold limbs. The guide presents zircon SHRIMP (sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe) U-Pb crystallization ages of granitoid rocks and discusses the tectonic and petrologic evolution of basement rocks during the Mesoproterozoic. U-Pb data show more of a continuum for Blue Ridge Mesoproterozoic magmatic events, from ca. 1.18–1.05 Ga, than previous U-Pb TIMS (thermal ionization mass spectrometry)-based models that had three distinct episodes of plutonic intrusion. All of the younger dated rocks are found west of the N-S–elongate batholith of the Neoproterozoic Robertson River Igneous Suite, suggesting that the batholith occupies a fundamental Mesoproterozoic crustal boundary that was likely a fault. Narrow belts of paragneiss may represent remnants of pre-intrusive country rock, but some were deposited close to 1 Ga according to detrital zircon U-Pb ages. For late Neoproterozoic geology, the guide focuses on lithologies and structures associated with early rifting of the Rodinia supercontinent, including small rift basins preserved on the eastern limb of the anticlinorium. These basins have locally thickened packages of clastic metasedimentary rocks that strike into and truncate abruptly against Mesoproterozoic basement along apparent steep normal faults. Both basement and cover were intruded by NE-SE–striking and steeply dipping, few-m-wide diabase dikes that were feeders to late Neoproterozoic Catoctin Formation metabasalt that overlies the rift sediments. The relatively weak dikes facilitated the deformation that led to the formation of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium during the middle to late Paleozoic as the vertical dikes were transposed and rotated during formation of the penetrative cleavage.
ABSTRACT The Mesoproterozoic southeastern margin of Laurentia, which consisted primarily of the ca. 1.5–1.35 Ga Granite-Rhyolite Province, was extensively reworked during ca. 1.3–0.9 Ga phases of the Grenville orogenic cycle. Questions remain for much of southeastern Laurentia regarding the transition from the Granite-Rhyolite Province to Grenville orogenic cycle, and for potential collisional interaction with Amazonia, due to Paleozoic sedimentary cover or tectonic reworking. Basement rocks sampled by drill core in the east-central United States include 1.5–1.35 Ga magmatic rocks, some overprinted by late Geon 10 (Ottawan) orogenesis, which are the most outboard evidence of Granite-Rhyolite Province crust. Newly recognized 1.35–1.30 Ga (pre-Elzevirian) granitic orthogneisses within the Mars Hill terrane of southeastern Laurentia (1) expand the along-strike distribution of the earliest crustal age components of the Grenville orogenic cycle in Appalachian basement inliers; (2) contain Geon 19–16 inherited zircons; and (3) were metamorphosed during late Ottawan to Rigolet tectonism. Paragneisses enveloping the Geon 13 orthogneisses are dominated by Geon 19–16 and Geon 13–12 detrital zircons overgrown by Geon 10–9 metamorphic zircon. The zircon age systematics require the paragneiss protoliths to be younger than orthogneiss protoliths and be partly sourced from the latter. Orthogneisses and paragneisses have Pb isotope compositions that overlap those of south-central Appalachian and southwest Amazonia basement, both of which are distinct from Laurentian Pb isotope compositions. The boundary between Amazonian (southern Appalachian) and Laurentian (northern Appalachian) Pb isotope compositions is thus a terrane boundary, with Geon 13 magmatic rocks being the youngest common crustal component. In comparison, the Paraguá block of the southwestern margin of Amazonia consists of a Geon 19–16 basement complex intruded by the batholithic-scale Geon 13 San Ignacio granite suite. The latter also contains inherited Geon 19–16 zircon and has Pb isotope compositions that help define the Amazonian trend. The correspondence of magmatic, inherited, and detrital ages and similarity in Pb isotope compositions are consistent with an origin for the exotic/orphaned Mars Hill terrane as an outboard sliver of the Paraguá block that developed before Grenvillian orogenesis (Geons 12–9). Manifestations of the latter are concentrated around the margins of the Paraguá block in the Sunsás (southwest), Nova Brasilândia (north), and Aguapeí belts (east). The Sunsás belt is a mostly low-grade metasedimentary belt with only minor Geon 10–9 magmatism and no Geon 12 or 11 magmatism, thus distinguishing it from the Mars Hill terrane. The Arequipa-Antofalla terrane, exposed in Andes basement inliers, lies outboard of the Sunsás belt and has Pb isotope and geochronologic characteristics that permit a correlation with the Mars Hill terrane and a paleogeographic position between the Mars Hill terrane and the Sunsás belt. The histories of the Mars Hill terrane, Arequipa-Antofalla terrane, and Paraguá block merge during Geons 10–9 and final collisional orogenesis between southeast Laurentia and southwestern Amazonia.
Implications for late Grenvillian (Rigolet phase) construction of Rodinia using new U-Pb data from the Mars Hill terrane, Tennessee and North Carolina, United States
Geology along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia
Abstract Detailed geologic mapping and new SHRIMP (sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe) U-Pb zircon, Ar/Ar, Lu-Hf, 14 C, luminescence (optically stimulated), thermochronology (fission-track), and palynology reveal the complex Mesoproterozoic to Quaternary geology along the ~350 km length of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. Traversing the boundary of the central and southern Appalachians, rocks along the parkway showcase the transition from the para-autochthonous Blue Ridge anticlinorium of northern and central Virginia to the allochthonous eastern Blue Ridge in southern Virginia. From mile post (MP) 0 near Waynesboro, Virginia, to ~MP 124 at Roanoke, the parkway crosses the unconformable to faulted boundary between Mesoproterozoic basement in the core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium and Neoproterozoic to Cambrian metasedimentary and metavolcanic cover rocks on the western limb of the structure. Mesoproterozoic basement rocks comprise two groups based on SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology: Group I rocks (1.2-1.14 Ga) are strongly foliated orthogneisses, and Group II rocks (1.08-1.00 Ga) are granitoids that mostly lack obvious Mesoproterozoic deformational features. Neoproterozoic to Cambrian cover rocks on the west limb of the anticlinorium include the Swift Run and Catoctin Formations, and constituent formations of the Chilhowee Group. These rocks unconformably overlie basement, or abut basement along steep reverse faults. Rocks of the Chilhowee Group are juxtaposed against Cambrian rocks of the Valley and Ridge province along southeast- and northwest-dipping, high-angle reverse faults. South of the James River (MP 64), Chilhowee Group and basement rocks occupy the hanging wall of the nearly flat-lying Blue Ridge thrust fault and associated splays. South of the Red Valley high-strain zone (MP 144.5), the parkway crosses into the wholly allochthonous eastern Blue Ridge, comprising metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks assigned to the Wills Ridge, Ashe, and Alligator Back Formations. These rocks are bound by numerous faults, including the Rock Castle Creek fault that separates Ashe Formation rocks from Alligator Back Formation rocks in the core of the Ararat River synclinorium. The lack of unequivocal paleontologic or geochronologic ages for any of these rock sequences, combined with fundamental and conflicting differences in tectonogenetic models, compound the problem of regional correlation with Blue Ridge cover rocks to the north. The geologic transition from the central to southern Appalachians is also marked by a profound change in landscape and surficial deposits. In central Virginia, the Blue Ridge consists of narrow ridges that are held up by resistant but contrasting basement and cover lithologies. These ridges have shed eroded material from their crests to the base of the mountain fronts in the form of talus slopes, debris flows, and alluvial-colluvial fans for perhaps 10 m.y. South of Roanoke, however, ridges transition into a broad hilly plateau, flanked on the east by the Blue Ridge escarpment and the eastern Continental Divide. Here, deposits of rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boulders preserve remnants of ancestral west-flowing drainage systems. Both bedrock and surficial geologic processes provide an array of economic deposits along the length of the Blue Ridge Parkway corridor in Virginia, including base and precious metals and industrial minerals. However, common stone was the most important commodity for creating the Blue Ridge Parkway, which yielded building stone for overlooks and tunnels, or crushed stone for road base and pavement.