Second Watchung Basalt

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1981
GSA Bulletin (1981) 92 (4_Part_II): 515–553.
... of the Newark Basin of New Jersey (the First, Second, and Third Watchung Basalts). Our geochemical data impose some constraints on any time-stratigraphic correlation of the basalts in the two basins. We suggest that the Holyoke and Second Watchung Basalts are fractionation products of a Talcott-First Watchung...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 1989
Geology (1989) 17 (11): 1007–1010.
... associated Lower Jurassic intrusives. The intermediate volcanic sequence, including the Deerfield basalt, the Holyoke basalt, and the base of the Second Watchung basalt, yields anomalous directions that differ by more than 30° from the nominal Early Jurassic direction. These anomalous directions record...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1980
GSA Bulletin (1980) 91 (1_Part_II): 156–191.
... cut into the relatively soft mudstones. Stratigraphically from bottom to top, the three ridges are known as the First, Second, and Third Watchung Mountains and average 183, 229, and 91 m thick, respectively (Faust, 1975). A fourth basalt ridge located west of the Third Watchung was recognized by Black...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1984
GSA Bulletin (1984) 95 (5): 594–598.
... for plagioclase separates from the bottommost Talcott, the middle Holyoke, and the topmost Hampden Flows of the Hartford Basin are 186 ± 8, 189 ± 6, and 230 ± 12 m.y. B.P., respectively, whereas those from the First, Second, and Third Watchung Flows (proceeding from bottom to top) are 191 ± 8,194 ± 4, and 185 ± 4...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1978
GSA Bulletin (1978) 89 (6): 901–920.
... and Second Watchung-York Haven suite and the Quarryville basalts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The Moroccan Meseta of western and central Morocco consists of Lower Jurassic (Liassic) evaporites intercalated with low-alkali quartz tholeiites, yielding an isotopic mean age of 186 ± 8 m.y. This tholeiite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2001
The Journal of Geology (2001) 109 (5): 585–601.
...John H. Puffer; Richard A. Volkert Abstract Coarse-grained segregations are found in several subaerial flows of Jurassic flood basalts in the Watchung Mountains, New Jersey. They are particularly common within a 140–180-m-thick quartz-tholeiitic Preakness flow, the thickest of the Watchung flows...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2009
The Journal of Geology (2009) 117 (2): 139–155.
... approximately 260 k.yr. of minor intermittent igneous activity interbedded with sediments deposited above the Orange Mountain basalt. The second magma extruded as a highly fractionated 150-m-thick Preakness basalt flow and crystallized as a central layer of Palisades diabase of similar composition. Subsequent...
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Journal Article
Published: 26 July 2002
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2002) 39 (7): 1127–1142.
..., the second cycle in both sections is immediately capped by the eruption of basalts with distinctly lower Ni contents (e.g., Fig.  4 b ). These are part of the group D lavas of Alona Bay and the compositionally identical group 3b lavas at Mica Bay (Fig.  5 c ; Table  2 ; Klewin and Berg 1990 , 1991...
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Journal Article
Published: 16 May 2022
Geological Magazine (2022) 159 (8): 1415–1436.
... JH and Student JJ ( 1992 ) Volcanic structures, eruptive style, and posteruptive deformation and chemical alteration of the Watchung flood basalts, New Jersey . In Eastern North American Mesozoic Magmatism (eds...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.256.01.13
EISBN: 9781862395046
... of Chicago, to authenticate the find. The Woman (2727 kg or 3 tons; AMNH #868) and The Dog (407 kg; AMNH #869) were located first. The Woman was surrounded by about 10 000 basalt cobbles transported from many miles away and used to hammer pieces of metal (including the ‘head’: Peary 1898 , p. 146; Buchwald...
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