Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1954
GSA Bulletin (1954) 65 (8): 739–768.
...PAUL G LEROY Abstract The Santa Rita intrusive of Southern New Mexico consists of highly altered and strongly fractured granodiorite porphyry. Minor fracturing of the ingneous body is probably the combined effect of localized tectonic activity and stress developed in the crystallized shell...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 February 1983
Economic Geology (1983) 78 (1): 170–174.
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 July 1979
Economic Geology (1979) 74 (4): 860–887.
...D. C. Jacobs; W. T. Parry Abstract Igneous and hydrothermal biotite in the Santa Rita stock, which hosts the Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit, has been analyzed by electron-microprobe techniques for K, Na, Ca, Ba, Mg, Mn, Ti, Al, Si, Cl, and F; biotite separates were analyzed for ferrous...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 1985
Economic Geology (1985) 80 (5): 1328–1347.
... during evolution of mineralization and alteration of the granodiorite stock at the Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit. The earliest fluids to circulate are recorded in potassically altered (orthoclase- and biotite-stable) veins as vapor-rich H 2 O-CO 2 inclusions and hypersaline (30-70 equiv. wt % NaCl...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 October 1976
Economic Geology (1976) 71 (6): 1029–1035.
... deposits at Santa Rita, Bingham, and Ely; from the Hanover-Fierro, Last Chance, and Weary Flat stocks which are in close proximity to the stocks hosting the porphyry copper mineralization at Santa Rita, Bingham, and Ely, respectively; from stocks spatially related to the mineralization at Park City-Little...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 December 1990
Economic Geology (1990) 85 (8): 1825–1839.
... Groundhog fault zone, and underground workings extend to within 2 km of the Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit. Vein orebodies were mined from the upper 200 m of the deposit whereas extensive skarn and replacement orebodies were mined between 400 and 700 m below the surface.In the upper 200 m of the deposit...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1984
American Mineralogist (1984) 69 (11-12): 1053–1058.
... are sufficiently accurate to allow identification in many instances. Inclusions in quartz associated with early potassic alteration from the Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit, New Mexico, were examined in this study. Standard fluid inclusion plates revealed the existence of a number of minerals in the inclusions...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 July 1971
Economic Geology (1971) 66 (4): 515–542.
... fresh igneous rocks and veins in 9 North American porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits, and in 4 other hydrothermal mineral deposits. The porphyry copper deposit at Santa Rita, New Mexico was sampled in detail.Both sericites and biotites appear to preserve their O 18 /O 16 and D/H values...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1951
GSA Bulletin (1951) 62 (5): 451–480.
... are essentially disseminated deposits and exhibit a series of hydrothermal metamorphic stages superimposed upon a variety of geologic conditions. Early mined copper ores were largely formed by contact-metamorphic action along the boundaries between dacite porphyry or quartz monzonite and Paleozoic limestones...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 December 1981
Economic Geology (1981) 76 (8): 2212–2221.
... amount of Cl accepted (less than 0.1%), as compared with annite (up to 1.4%). Accordingly, the quantitative effect of Mg [harr] Fe substitution on Cl [harr] OH exchange was evaluated using chemical data from a suite of biotites from the porphyry copper deposit at Santa Rita, New Mexico (Jacobs, 1976...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 December 1976
Economic Geology (1976) 71 (8): 1549–1559.
... to those from most other porphyry copper deposits, and the sericite compositions are similar to those from Santa Rita. The requirements for equilibrium isotopic geothermometry are met only for unmineralized "L" Porphyry and K-silicate alteration assemblages, yielding minimum temperatures of about 650...
Series: Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series
Published: 01 January 1998
DOI: 10.5382/GB.30
EISBN: 9781934969830
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 September 2021
Economic Geology (2021) 116 (6): 1267–1284.
... postdoctoral research focuses on the stratigraphic and structural architecture of sedimentary basins and their endowment of sediment-hosted copper deposits. This study reexamined the paragenetic relationships of stockwork veins at the Santa Rita porphyry copper deposit, New Mexico, to determine...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 2003
Economic Geology (2003) 98 (5): 1003–1018.
... deposits and how this mineralization affects ground-water quality in the Santa Cruz River Basin, Arizona ( Fig. 1 ). Large areas of advanced argillic and phyllic-argillic alteration occur in the northern Patagonia Mountains and adjacent southeasternmost Santa Rita Mountains. Several porphyry copper...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 April 1980
Economic Geology (1980) 75 (2): 229–250.
...S. N. Ahmad; A. W. Rose Abstract Fluid inclusions of apparent primary origin in quartz from both porphyry copper and skarn ore at Santa Rita are filled with two main types of liquid which differ markedly in salinity. Filling temperatures for both fluids are mostly in the range of 250 degrees to 450...
Series: Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series
Published: 01 January 1998
DOI: 10.5382/GB.30.01
EISBN: 9781934969830
... porphyry-copper deposits associated with Laramide siliceous intrusion, and Precambrian units, imbricate fault slices of Paleozoic formations, and the Early Cretaceous Bisbee Group in the Santa Rita Mountains. The route follows the valley of the Santa Cruz River in which abundant Plio-Pleistocene gravel...
Series: Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists
Published: 01 January 1996
DOI: 10.5382/SP.04.18
EISBN: 9781629490281
... are associated with porphyry-copper deposits (i.e. Santa Rita). Skarns are currently mined for copper at Chino and Continental mines; zinc is recovered as a by-product. Some of the lead-zinc deposits in carbonate rocks in New Mexico have yielded significant lead and zinc in the past and may have limited economic...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 March 2017
Economic Geology (2017) 112 (2): 221–244.
... A” stock at El Teniente ( Stern et al., 2007) and from a granodiorite porphyry associated with the Qulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in Tibet ( Xiao et al., 2012) . Fig. 11. Volatile content (S, F, and Cl) of mafic melt inclusions from mineralized (Bingham Canyon and Santa Rita) vs. barren arc magmas...
FIGURES | View All (11)
F ig . 10. Bingham illite compositions compared to illites from other porph...
Published: 01 March 2002
F ig . 10. Bingham illite compositions compared to illites from other porphyry copper deposits. Compositions of micas are from: Chuquicamata and Kalamazoo, Guilbert and Schafer (1978); Santa Rita and southwest Tintic, Parry et al. (1984) ; and Sibert, Beaufort and Meunier (1983a) .
F ig.  18.  Simplified set of evolutionary tree diagrams and space-time dia...
Published: 01 January 2004
F ig. 18. Simplified set of evolutionary tree diagrams and space-time diagrams, illustrating varying degrees of decoupling between introduction and deposition of copper in three different types of porphyry deposits. A. Copper deposited primarily in potassic types of assemblages at high