San Martino Laccolith

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Journal Article
Published: 19 February 2014
Journal of the Geological Society (2014) 171 (3): 413–424.
...Emanuele Roni; David Scott Westerman; Andrea Dini; Carl Stevenson; Sergio Rocchi Abstract Dykes feed laccoliths and sills; however, the link between feeder and intrusion is rarely observed. The felsic San Martino laccolith displays a clear feeder–intrusion link, allowing reconstruction...
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Variations in magma driving pressure, magma pressure, and vertical stress a...
Published: 01 June 2010
Figure 9. Variations in magma driving pressure, magma pressure, and vertical stress as a function of depth for Portoferraio laccolith magma, San Martino laccolith magma, and the Sant'Andrea sheet magma (the first magma batch of the Monte Capanne pluton). Each curve is constructed according
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 2002
Geology (2002) 30 (11): 983–986.
... for the Portoferraio and San Martino laccoliths plot on the regression line for pluton dimensions of Cruden and McCaffrey (2001) , as do the parameters of the Monte Capanne pluton ( Fig. 3 ). In case 2, the dimensions of Portoferraio and San Martino laccoliths plot on the regression line for laccolith dimensions...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 June 2010
Geosphere (2010) 6 (3): 225–236.
...Figure 9. Variations in magma driving pressure, magma pressure, and vertical stress as a function of depth for Portoferraio laccolith magma, San Martino laccolith magma, and the Sant'Andrea sheet magma (the first magma batch of the Monte Capanne pluton). Each curve is constructed according...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2004
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.234.01.12
EISBN: 9781862394827
... breccia made of Complex V flysch and megacrystic San Martino porphyry. Fig. 3. Geological map of western and central Elba Island, modified after Rocchi et al. (2002). Labels on laccolith layers refer to Figure 5 . Equal-area stereograms show orientations of bedding, fold axes and faults...
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(A) Portoferraio <span class="search-highlight">laccolith</span> sheets, viewed from south of the east-west shore...
Published: 01 June 2010
porphyry, 1.5 km northwest of Marciana; the foliation is N52W, 55N (parallel to the local contact with the Monte Capanne pluton) with stretching lineation 50, N5E, pointing out a genetic link between pluton emplacement and deformation. Width of field of view is 10 cm. (D) San Martino porphyry, Scoglio
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2002
Geological Magazine (2002) 139 (3): 257–279.
... of western-central Elba started with construction of a laccolith complex, first by emplacement of the Capo Bianco aplite and Nasuto microgranite, followed in succession by the Portoferraio porphyry and, after a time lag of ≈1 million years, the San Martino porphyry. The deepest layers of this complex were...
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Evolution of the vertical profile for the crustal density throughout the em...
Published: 01 June 2010
with minor sedimentary cover)—2850 kg m −3 ; felsic Portoferraio and San Martino porphyries—2650 kg m −3 ; Monte Capanne (MC) granite—2700 kg m −3 ; Mesozoic carbonate sequence—2600 kg m −3 . The thicknesses of rock units and the emplacement depths are taken from Table 1 in Rocchi et al. (2002) . Note how
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2006
Journal of the Geological Society (2006) 163 (5): 881–892.
... and convergence processes along the Proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana ( Pankhurst & Rapela 1998 ). Fig. 1.  ( a ) Location of the studied zone within the Sierras Pampeanas de Córdoba. HP, El Hongo pluton; CP, Calmayo pluton; SAP, San Agustín pluton; CtL, Ctalamuchita lineament, LCL, Los Condores...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2011
GSA Bulletin (2011) 123 (1-2): 329–346.
... at shallow depths beneath the active Lardarello and Monte Amiata geothermal fields in mainland Tuscany. All of these plutons possess broadly tabular geometries. In most cases, they have a laccolithic form, characterized by convex-upward roofs and relatively flat floors (e.g., the Portoferraio and San Martino...
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Journal Article
Published: 11 July 2018
Seismological Research Letters (2018) 89 (5): 1741–1749.
... 2017 © Seismological Society of America The first automatic hypocenter location at National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) was offshore (about 5 km north of San Montano; SM in Fig.  1 ) at a standard crustal depth of 10 km, in the area between Ischia island...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2008
DOI: 10.1144/SP302.10
EISBN: 9781862395503
..., multilayer laccolith; SMp, San Martino porphyry, multilayer laccolith; ODS, Orano dyke swarm; CEF, Central Elba Fault (see Fig. 1 ) along which the western Elba intrusive complex gets decapitated soon after emplacement the Orano dyke swarm. Fig. 3. Magnetic model ( Botti 1999 ) based on a detailed...
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Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 01 February 2015
Lithosphere (2015) 7 (1): 46–58.
...–trending graben, 25 km long and 3 km wide, related to the collapse of the crest of a salt anticline in the Canyonlands section of the Colorado Plateau, Utah. The anticline is truncated by the Tertiary diorite laccolith of the La Sal Mountains and crossed transversely by the Colorado River ( Fig. 1...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 December 2011
Geosphere (2011) 7 (6): 1439–1468.
... . Castro A. Martino R. Vujovich G. Otamendi J. Pinotti L. D'eramo F. Tibaldi A. Viñao A. , 2008 , Top-down structures of mafic enclaves within the Valle Fértil magmatic complex (Early Ordovician, San Juan, Argentina) : Geologica Acta , v. 6 , p. 217 – 229 . Cater...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 21 April 2021
Geosphere (2021) 17 (3): 766–785.
... with concentrations of mafic minerals (Bt and Amp) alternating with granitic layers (San Nicolás bridge). (C, D) Mingling relations of diorites (dark) and granites with inclusions of xenoliths from a tonalite (To) host (area between Melimoyu and Correntoso creeks, Chile). (E–H) Backscattered electron images (atomic...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 July 2000
SEG Discovery (2000) (42): 1–52.
... centers in Utah and Nevada, International Development, AGID Report No. 7; p. 157-166 Kerrich, R., 1986, Fluid transport in lineaments: Phil. Trans. Royal Soc in Friedman, J.D., and Huffman, A.C., coordinators, Laccolith complexes London, A 317, p. 219-251. of southeastern Utah: Time of emplacement...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2004
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.238.01.23
EISBN: 9781862394865
... Abstract Regional considerations on the tectonic regime during the emplacement of the Early Devonian magmatic units in the Sierra de San Luis are inferred from combined field, petrographic and AMS observations. Devonian granitoids of the Sierra de San Luis, in central Argentina, constitute...
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