San Marcial

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Published: 01 January 1991
DOI: 10.1130/SPE254-p121
... region is in La Barranca, east-central Sonora, where the coal is contained in the Santa Clara Formation of Triassic-Jurassic age; there the coal ranks as anthracite. This region has been divided into the San Marcial, San Javier, Santa Clara, and San Enrique areas. The Cabullona region is currently...
Published: 01 July 1978
DOI: 10.1130/SPE179-p73
... million metric tons classed as measured, 9 million metric tons classed as inferred, and 18 million metric tons classed as possible for the San Marcial district. In the Mixtepec and Tezoatlán coal fields of the Oaxaca region, the estimated resources total 24 million metric tons classed as inferred and 26...
Dip map merged with the structural contours of current 3D geometry of the C...
Published: 19 April 2016
Fig. 3. Dip map merged with the structural contours of current 3D geometry of the Cotiella ( a ), San Marcial ( b ), Ésera ( c ), Mediodía ( d ), Armeña ( e) and Seira ( f ) faults. Dashed lines depict the cartographic trace of the fault. Contour interval is 100 m. UTM coordinates and depth
Socorro magma body (wide white oval), Quaternary faults (thin white lines),...
Published: 01 December 2010
basins (dark gray). Letter symbols: RGRN—Rio Grande Rift north (Albuquerque Basin), RGRS—Rio Grande Rift south (San Marcial Basin), RGRerf—Rio Grande Rift, east rift flank uplift, CP—Colorado Plateau, and DM—Datil-Mogollon physiographic province (modified from Pazzaglia and Hawley, 2004 ). Note
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1911
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1911) 1 (1): 10–16.
... west of Socorro, breaking one. rail and a number of ties. The following .places report having felt the shock: Socorro, and small towns nearby: ( V I I I ) ; San Antonio (VII-VIII), Elmendorf, sixteen miles south of Socorro, and Carthage, sixteen miles southeast, (VI-VII), San Marcial (VI), Rosedale ( I...
Journal Article
Published: 12 May 2015
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2015) 105 (3): 1562–1575.
... earthquake was felt as far as Douglas and Bisbee, Arizona (about 400 km away), and caused minor damage in Las Cruces (about 200 km away). Floors sank and windows broke in San Marcial, New Mexico (about 35 km south of Socorro), and the damage in Socorro (Fig.  6b ) was more severe than for the 12 July...
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Journal Article
Published: 19 April 2016
Journal of the Geological Society (2016) 173 (4): 616–627.
...Fig. 3. Dip map merged with the structural contours of current 3D geometry of the Cotiella ( a ), San Marcial ( b ), Ésera ( c ), Mediodía ( d ), Armeña ( e) and Seira ( f ) faults. Dashed lines depict the cartographic trace of the fault. Contour interval is 100 m. UTM coordinates and depth...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1936
AAPG Bulletin (1936) 20 (4): 394–402.
... in the Sonora Mountains at La Barranca, San Jose de Pimas, San Marcial, Moradillas, El Lapiz, and Los Bronces, and consist of shales, gray and reddish sandstones, red conglomerates, and schists varying in color from black to gray. Their age could be referred to the Upper Triassic, as their principal fossils...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 06 October 2020
Geosphere (2020) 16 (6): 1457–1478.
... ) is a half graben that is ∼15 km wide east-west and ∼50 km long north-south with a low-relief, ∼4-km-wide axial river valley flanked by terraced alluvial fans and axial river deposits. It is located in the central Rio Grande Rift between the adjacent Albuquerque and San Marcial basins and is bordered...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2024
American Mineralogist (2024) 109 (2): 225–242.
... a longer coordinated oxygen bond and thus referred to as the extended tetrahedra, and shorter coordinated oxygen bonded compressed tetrahedra MO2 4 corner-sharing with another MO2 4 tetrahedra forming a zigzag chain along the a -axis ( Fig. 1 ) ( Speer 1980a ; Finch and Hanchar 2003 ; Marcial et al...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 December 2007
Geology (2007) 35 (12): 1063–1066.
... noticeable stepwise increase at ∼215 km at the southern end of the San Luis Basin. In the middle portion (400–800 km), Cl concentration exhibits three stepwise increases that correspond with three alluvial basins (Albuquerque, Socorro, and San Marcial–Engle). A fourth increase (point A in Fig. 2...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2004
Earthquake Spectra (2004) 20 (4): 1049–1056.
...Craig Comartin, M.EERI; Svetlana Brzev, M.EERI; Farzad Naeim, M.EERI; Marjorie Greene, M.EERI; Marcial Blondet, M.EERI; Sheldon Cherry, M.EERI; Dina D'Ayala; Mohammed Farsi; Sudhir K. Jain, M.EERI; Jelena Pantelic, M.EERI; Laura Samant, M.EERI; Mauro Sassu Recent earthquakes have caused...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1962
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1962) 52 (4): 915–921.
..., R.H., F.G.S., by H. Coming, Esq. , Trans. Geol. Soc. London , Second Series , Vol. 5 , Part 1 , 264 - 265 , (1840) . 10. Cuellar Marcial P. Annotated Bibliography on Tsunamis , U. S. Beach Erosion Board, Tech. Mem. No. 30...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1958
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1958) 48 (3): 291–296.
... 771, Marysville, Calif. Bacon, Lloyal O., Michigan College of Mining and Technology, Houghton, Mich. Baird, Edward R., 232 Emerson St., Houston 6, Texas. Barthelemy, J. E., Jr., P. O. Box 159, Casper, Wyo. tBeehtel Corporation, 220 Bush Street, San Francisco 4, Calif. [ 291 ] 292 BULLETIN OF TIIE...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1984
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1984) 74 (6): 2613–2628.
... 324.04 Pinal 331.15 Picket Post Mt. 6.5 32.31 106.78 269,59 346.26 Gila Company 267.37 Ft. Apache 7.0 29.07 110.97 274.34 310.94 San Francisco 85.53 3.0 31.59 106,27 283.31 33.66 Maricopa 185.20 Sierra Blanca 7.0 33.30 110.50 285.01 315.56 San Marcial 321.74 Baroyeca 4.5 32.43 106,60 289.00 206.96 Salt...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 14 July 2017
GSA Bulletin (2017) 129 (11-12): 1660–1680.
... al., 2004 ). The average annual suspended-sediment load of the Rio Puerco near Bernardo, New Mexico, for 1948 through 1996 (4,026,500 Mg) was 74% of the total load of the Rio Grande near San Marcial, New Mexico, located ∼84 km downstream. The Rio Puerco watershed comprises 25% of the Rio Grande...
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Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 01 December 2010
Lithosphere (2010) 2 (6): 447–453.
... basins (dark gray). Letter symbols: RGRN—Rio Grande Rift north (Albuquerque Basin), RGRS—Rio Grande Rift south (San Marcial Basin), RGRerf—Rio Grande Rift, east rift flank uplift, CP—Colorado Plateau, and DM—Datil-Mogollon physiographic province (modified from Pazzaglia and Hawley, 2004 ). Note...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2018
Earthquake Spectra (2018) 34 (3): 1339–1361.
... on the experimental curves. As previously mentioned, for the informal CM buildings, a similar experimental campaign had been performed previously, as described in Araoz and Velezmoro (2012) , Salinas and Lázares (2008) , and San Bartolomé (1994) . The results from these tests are shown in Figures 6 and 7...
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Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 16 January 2023
Palynology (2023) 47 (1): 2139307.
... Santa Victoria Oeste Salta 8 2016–2017 To Los Alisos 24° 13’ 57,59” 65° 20’ 37,56” 1507m San Antonio Jujuy 6 2016–2017 Al Samples were collected once a month during the beekeeping period using pollen traps installed at the entrance of five randomly selected hives per site for 24...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 July 2023
SEG Discovery (2023) (134): 1–76.
... property in Sonora, El Tropico in Zacatecas, and La Guitarra in Estado de Mexico. Project Media Luna Mulatos Los Ricos South Camino Rojo Panuco Los Reyes Mercedes Plomosas Don Diego San Ignacio San Pedro Los Ricos North El Picacho El Tigre Santo Tomás Cordero San Marcial Los Ricos South El Tigre Panuco San...