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Series: AAPG Memoir
Publisher: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Brazilpetrostudies
Published: 01 January 2021
DOI: 10.1306/13722329MSB.17.1853
EISBN: 9781629812892
... Figure 5. Meteoceanographic ancillary data used in the interpretation of Radarsat-1 image obtained on April 19, 2007. (A) Sea surface temperature map obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007; (B) Cloud top temperature map (TSM) obtained at 04:35 hours GMT on April 19, 2007; (C) Wind field...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2016
DOI: 10.1144/SP426.20
EISBN: 9781862399587
... on RADARSAT-2 data. Thanks to the SEAS-OI (Survey of Environment Assisted by Satellite in the Indian Ocean) station, 21 SAR scenes were acquired over this period and InSAR results revealed the slow subsidence of the Dolomieu caldera floor at Piton de la Fournaise, following the 2009 and 2010 eruptions...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2002
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2002) 92 (1): 138–160.
...Kurt L. Feigl; Francesco Sarti; Hélène Vadon; Simon McClusky; Semih Ergintav; Philippe Durand; Roland Bürgmann; Alexis Rigo; Didier Massonnet; Rob Reilinger Abstract We use four geodetic satellite systems (Global Positioning System [GPS], European Remote Sensing [ERS], RADARSAT, and Satellite...
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Series: AAPG Studies in Geology
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.1306/St48794C13
EISBN: 9781629810591
... Abstract This paper illustrates the use of an integrated analysis of HRAM data and RADARSAT-1 images for detection and analysis of geologic structures in mature and frontier basins. The HRAM images provide detailed information on basement structures, weakly magnetic faults, and fracture systems...
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Mosaic of Synthetic Aperture Radar data from Canadian <span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span> 1. It can be...
Published: 01 March 2024
Fig.1 Mosaic of Synthetic Aperture Radar data from Canadian Radarsat 1. It can be seen that three new areas are identified and extensions around known areas are also demarcated. (Modified after Misra et al 2023 )
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1991
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1991) 39 (2): 209.
... of age to the environmental/renewable-resource manager. The research and development conducted in the 1970’s and continuing into the 1980’s has been fruitful. Current applications-oriented research and development using airborne imagery to simulate the satellite sensors of the 1990’s, such as RADARSAT...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1991
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1991) 39 (2): 209.
... for both regional studies and prospect identification and should be useful in a wide range of studies. ENV2 DAMS, R.V., Radarsat International Inc., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P4 Environmental applications of remote sensing Satellite images of the Earth have been routinely collected for close to two decades...
<span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span>-2 DInSAR seasonal subsidence (June–September 2017) in the vicinity...
Published: 23 February 2022
Fig. 1. RADARSAT-2 DInSAR seasonal subsidence (June–September 2017) in the vicinity of Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. Coordinates are Easting and Northing, NAD83 UTM Zone 15N. Inset map shows the location of Rankin Inlet (62°48′38″N, 92°06′53″W) on the western coast of Hudson Bay. Black rectangle
<span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span>‐2 coseismic interferograms for same area as Figure  2 , both conve...
Published: 03 May 2017
Figure 3. RADARSAT‐2 coseismic interferograms for same area as Figure  2 , both converted to LoS change. Other symbols as in Figure  2 . (a) The 96‐day interferogram from track with satellite moving north (23 August to 27 November 2016). (b) The 72‐day interferogram from track with satellite
Vostok–Dome C–Adventure study region. (A) Subset of the <span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span> mosaic ( J...
Published: 01 December 2014
Figure 1. Vostok–Dome C–Adventure study region. (A) Subset of the Radarsat mosaic ( Jezek, 2003 ) of the ice sheet surface. (B) Bedrock physiography from the BEDMAP2 data set ( Fretwell et al., 2013 ). Upper map of Antarctica shows the location of the investigated region. Cd—Concordia Station
Azimuthal frequency analysis of the lineaments detected from the <span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span> m...
Published: 01 December 2014
Figure 2. Azimuthal frequency analysis of the lineaments detected from the Radarsat mosaic (left) and the digital elevation model of the ice surface (right). Results are presented both as wind rose frequency diagrams and as graphic tables to make it easy to compare the lineament domain azimuths
Interpreted <span class="search-highlight">RadarSat</span> imagery that shows the locations of the reservoir and ...
Published: 01 October 2008
Figure 2. Interpreted RadarSat imagery that shows the locations of the reservoir and main infrastructures and the conspicuous lineaments (arrows).
Figure 1: <span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span> image of the upper reaches of ice stream D ( Liu et al.,...
Published: 01 March 2007
Figure 1: RADARSAT image of the upper reaches of ice stream D ( Liu et al., 2001 ), with black line highlighting location of seismic reflection experiment. Dashed box marks location of the study region of Price et al. (2002) and Gray et al. (2005) . Inset is a map of Antarctica with the study
Portions of <span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span> interferograms from ascending swaths covering the Park...
Published: 01 September 2006
Figure 2. Portions of Radarsat interferograms from ascending swaths covering the Parkfield area. (a) 19 June 2004 to 17 October 2004; (b) 19 June 2004 to 28 December 2004. Black dashed lines indicate cropped area included in model inversions. Solid white circle indicates the Paso Robles subunit
<span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span>-1 interferograms constructed for the 3 November 2002  dfe  ( Table...
Published: 01 December 2004
Figure 2. Radarsat-1 interferograms constructed for the 3 November 2002 dfe ( Table 1 ). The data are unwrapped and plotted rewrapped with a ∼57 mm (4 π radians) interval. Warm colors indicate motion toward the satellite, whose along-track and look directions are shown by the large and small
Interferogram showing the phase difference between <span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span> images acquired...
Published: 01 February 2002
Figure 4. Interferogram showing the phase difference between RADARSAT images acquired 16 August (orbit number 19731) and on 3 October (20417). The altitude of ambiguity h a for this pair is 46 m. White circles show locations of the 159 digitized values retained in the R data set. Stars
Histogram of residuals for the combined ERS, <span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span>, GPS, and SPOT data s...
Published: 01 February 2002
Figure 11. Histogram of residuals for the combined ERS, RADARSAT, GPS, and SPOT data subsets in the ERGS solution. The lower right panel shows the normalized residuals for the complete ERGS data set. For this panel, the curve and statistics exclude the outliers beyond 2 standard deviations
Composite <span class="search-highlight">RadarSat</span> TM  image, southwestern Alberta and southeastern British...
Published: 01 December 2001
Fig. 1. Composite RadarSat TM image, southwestern Alberta and southeastern British Columbia. Map-sheets encompassing the Southeastern Cordillera NATMAP Project area are outlined and labelled. Portions of map-sheets shown in simplified form in Figure 5 are outlined by the thick dotted line
<span class="search-highlight">RADARSAT</span> 1 image, ascending orbit, encompassing the study area, and showing...
Published: 01 December 2001
Fig. 3. RADARSAT 1 image, ascending orbit, encompassing the study area, and showing the pronounced, linear, and sub-equally spaced drainage pattern that crosscuts the Foothills. Of the five, labelled cross-strike drainages, Richards Creek appears to be the least filled with Quaternary deposits
Geocoded master image for the <span class="search-highlight">Radarsat</span> interferogram showing the surface fe...
Published: 01 May 2001
Figure 6 Geocoded master image for the Radarsat interferogram showing the surface features of the Cold Lake oil field. Compare this image with the map in Figure 1 .