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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Antarctic Peninsula (1)
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Viking Graben (1)
Austral Basin (19)
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Lesser Antilles
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Trinidad (1)
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Southern Europe
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Spain (1)
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Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Peru-Chile Trench (1)
South America
Central Andes (1)
Patagonian Andes (6)
Southern Andes (4)
Neuquen Basin (2)
Paganzo Basin (1)
Santa Cruz Argentina (2)
Magallanes Chile (13)
Patagonian Andes (6)
Patagonian Batholith (2)
Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego Island (1)
oil and gas fields (1)
shale oil (1)
elements, isotopes
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Actinopterygii (1)
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Lower Cretaceous
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Campanian (5)
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Primary terms
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Middle East
Turkey (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
North Sea
Viking Graben (1)
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Caribbean region
West Indies
Lesser Antilles
Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad (1)
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Eocene (4)
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Molasse Basin (1)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Spain (1)
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O-18/O-16 (1)
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Lower Cretaceous
Albian (2)
Upper Cretaceous
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Cenomanian (3)
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Maestrichtian (2)
Santonian (1)
Senonian (4)
Middle Jurassic (1)
Upper Jurassic
Portlandian (1)
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upper Mesozoic (1)
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Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
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sediments (1)
South America
Central Andes (1)
Patagonian Andes (6)
Southern Andes (4)
Neuquen Basin (2)
Paganzo Basin (1)
Santa Cruz Argentina (2)
Magallanes Chile (13)
Patagonian Andes (6)
Patagonian Batholith (2)
Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego Island (1)
stratigraphy (6)
tectonics (10)
sedimentary rocks
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sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
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sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures
lebensspuren (1)
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planar bedding structures
bedding (2)
cross-stratification (2)
turbidity current structures (1)
sediments (1)
siliciclastics (1)
turbidite (7)
volcaniclastics (1)
Punta Barrosa Formation
Punta Barrosa Formation: Outcrops Overview
Abstract Three different outcrops, presented along depositional dip, are featured in this fieldguide from the Punta Barrosa Formation. The outcrops are relatively close to each other and their location is highlighted by the yellow areas on map at left. The Punta Barrosa Formation represents the early filling phase of the Magallanes foreland basin, consisting of the early, relatively unconfined flows that reached the basin floor. An architecturally variable suite of sandstone-rich channel and sheet elements are present within the formation. Mudstone-rich intervals are also extensive. The photos below show the best preserved sheet-like deposits of the upper Punta Barrosa Formation that will be visited at Outcrop #1 (Marina’s Cliff) and Outcrop #3 (Park Headquarter’s Cliff). The conformable relationship from the sandstone-dominated upper Punta Barrosa Formation to the mudstone-dominated Cerro Toro Formation is transitional and exposed in the National Park. Various sheet elements are present within the shale-dominated formation but sandy channels have also been observed.
Abstract Outcrop accessibility: easy Outcrop Coordinates: 51.2284°S, 72.9526°W Refer to outcrop 1 on location map
Outcrop 2. Punta Barrosa Formation Sheet Complex, Rio Serrano Section (New Roadcut)
Abstract Outcrop accessibility: easy Outcrop Coordinates: 51.2177°S, 72.9606°W Refer to outcrop 2 on location map A recently excavated roadcut at the Rio Serrano bridge ( Fig. 2.1A ), located just south of the Rio Serrano, is an easily accessible outcrop of the upper Punta Barrosa Formation. Stratigraphically positioned at the same level as the Marina’s Cliff outcrops (from which it is visible), this outcrop offers good lateral continuity of tabular architecture with few clear examples of scouring and amalgamation. Individual sandstone packets (elements) are almost entirely composed of slurry-beds with some intebedded packets of conventional fine-grained turbidites and mudstone (S4 and S6). The slurry-beds in the roadcut exposure display a beautiful array of internal banding (micro-, meso-, and macro-banding, sensu Lowe and Guy, 2000 ), consisting of bands of mud-rich (dark) and cleaner (light) sandstone within individual beds. Band thickness varies throughout beds, both laterally and vertically (B). Few beds evolve from meso-banding at the base into micro-banding at top (C). Water escape features are present throughout the beds, commonly as vertically oriented sheets in pale bands (D), sheared sheets in dark bands (D), and throughout massive beds (E; photo slightly higher in measured section). We interpret the slurry-beds to be the result of relatively rapid load fallout from turbidity currents, causing mud entrapment within sand falling out of suspension. The banding is interpreted in a similar way to the process described by Sylvester & Lowe (2004) , whereby during rapid sedimentation, the high proportion of mud
Outcrop 3. Punta Barrosa Formation Sheet Complex, Headquarters’ Cliff
Abstract Outcrop accessibility: easy Outcrop Coordinates: 51.1786°S, 72.9618°W Refer to outcrop 3 on location map The Headquarters section ( Fig. 3.1A ), located within a few hundred meters of the Torres del Paine Park Headquarters, is one of the most accessible outcrops of the upper Punta Barrosa Formation. Stratigraphically, it sits directly below the first mudstone considered as part of the Cerro Toro Formation. This outcrop does not offer the same lateral continuity of exposure as the Marina’s cliff sections, but it presents an interesting packaging of slurry beds (S1) capped by amalgamated thick-bedded conventional turbidites. In the lower part of the section, the stratigraphic packaging consists of an alternation of thin-bedded fine-grained turbidite packets with more resistant and massive slurry-bed packets. Thin-bedded turbidites include T c,d,e intervals ranging in thickness from a few centimeters to a maximum of a few tens of centimeters. Slurry bed packets display well-developed meso- and macro-banding. No other sedimentary structures have been observed beyond rare climbing ripples in some of the fine-grained tops of sedimentation units. The lowest bed of the lowest slurry flow package is characterized by a superb example of multi-banding ( Fig. 3.1B ). It shows fourteen bands defined by dark and light coloration, and it is capped by a 5 cm thick ripple-laminated, fine-grained sandstone interval probably related to more typical turbiditic sedimentation. The top of the stratigraphic succession is capped by amalgamated, thick-bedded high-density turbidity current deposits stacked offset of one another (compensational stacking).
Abstract The outcrops of Marina’s Cliff are part of the Punta Barrosa Formation along the eastern margin of the Andean fold-thrust belt in southernmost chile ( Figure 1 ). This formation was deposited during the first deep-water, coarse-grained clastic depositional stage that characterized the Late Cretaceous of the Magallanes retro-arc foreland basin. Deep-water deposition initiated with the Punta Barrosa Formation, continued with the Cerro Toro Formation, and concluded with the shoaling-upward Tres Pasos Formation. Because of its proximity to the Andean belt, the Punta Barrosa Formation is pervasively thrusted and folded. Nevertheless, outcrops of the Upper Punta Barrosa to the east of the fold-thrust belt are not as extensively affected by tectonism and display better lateral continuity and architecture. The ∼1000-m (∼3300-ft)-thick Punta Barrosa Formation consists of interbedded packets of sandstone and mudstone. The bedding attitude and depositional style is characterized by layered and sometimes amalgamated beds.
Figure 3. A: Detrital zircon data from Punta Barrosa Formation. Age histogr...
Stratigraphic record across a retroarc basin inversion: Rocas Verdes–Magallanes Basin, Patagonian Andes, Chile
Stratigraphic and provenance variations in the early evolution of the Magallanes-Austral foreland basin: Implications for the role of longitudinal versus transverse sediment dispersal during arc-continent collision
Controls on Deep-Water Stratigraphic Architecture
Abstract The effect of inherited attenuated crust from the closure of the predecessor backarc basin led to a relatively narrow orogenic belt during the Magallanes foreland development and a short distance from arc to foredeep. The attenuated crust heritage also provided continuous basinal subsidence (contributed to by fold-thrust belt loading and ophiolitic block obduction),which permitted long-lived (>20 my) deep-marine deposition and accumulation of >4000 m of turbiditic sediment that filled the basin axially in a north to south direction ( Figs. ii.1A and C ). Three distinct formations that reflect three distinct phases of deep-water deposition with different stacking patterns are featured in this document: the Punta Barrosa Formation, the Cerro Toro Formation, and the Tres Pasos Formation. These three formations were deposited with contrasting stratigraphic architectures that we relate to two general factors: (1) variability in amount and type of source material (i.e., changes in provenance and/or staging area) and (2) variations in the basin shape throught time. Changes in the source and staging areas are represented by clear sedimentological differences, including the sandstone-and mudstone-dominated Punta Barrosa Formation with banded slurry beds, the conglomeratic channel-fill deposits of the Cerro Toro Formation, and the sandstone packages and mudstone-rich mass transport deposits of the Tres Pasos Formation slope system ( Figs. ii.1B and C ; see following page). Basin morphology controls the general lay-out of depositional systems (e.g., channel dimensions, degree of confinement, dispersal patterns, etc.), which influences the distribution of sediment and resultant stacking patterns. We suggest
Transition from Slope to Fan Facies, Lower Cretaceous Sediments, Andean Foothills, Southern Chile: ABSTRACT
Initiation of the Magallanes foreland basin: Timing of the southernmost Patagonian Andes orogeny revised by detrital zircon provenance analysis
[MnO|SiO 2 ,Al 2 O 3 ,FeO,MgO] balanced log-ratio in chlorites: a tool for chemo-stratigraphic mapping and proxy for the depositional environment
(A) Zapata thrust (cf. Wilson, 1983 ), developed at the base of the Zapata...
Abstract The late Mesozoic to early Tertiary Magallanes foreland basin in southernmost Chile formed when regional shortening related to the Andean orogeny caused the inversion of the earlier Rocas Verdes back-arc basin into a retroarc foreland basin during the Late Jurassic. This inversion, the orogeny, and the onset of deep-water sedimentation is recorded by the ~1000 m thick Punta Barrosa Formation (Turonian-Coniacian), characterized by 40-150 cm thick, generally medium-grained, tabular, turbiditic sandstone beds that alternate with abundant shale, sandy slurry flow and debris flow deposits. Sedimentation style changed during deposition of the overlying Cerro Toro Formation (Coniacian-Campanian), which consists of thick successions of thin-bedded mudstone and sandstone turbidites and debris flow deposits interrupted by thick (up to 400 m) deep-water channel complexes. The channels are filled with conglomeratic turbidity current deposits, conglomeratic slurry flow deposits, and thick-bedded turbidite sandstone. Sediment transport was dominated by a 5-8 km wide axial channel belt with southward directed paleocurrents. Potential tributary channel complexes, possibly confined behind a local structural high, seem to have funneled sediment into the axial channel. In contrast, the overlying Tres Pasos Formation (Campanian) comprises marine slope deposits that represent southward progradation into the basin. The transition from slope deposits into shallow-marine sediments is recorded by the Dorotea Formation. The Magallanes Basin remained a site of deep-water sedimentation for at least 15 m.y., from the Turonian through the Campanian. The sedimentation style of the deep-water basin fill varied significantly throughout the three formations and the basin fill eventually shoaled upward into shallow-marine and deltaic deposits. The sculpting of the outcrops by recent glaciation provides superb exposure of the basin fill, making the Magallanes Basin an excellent field area to study deep-water depositional processes as well as foreland basin evolution.
Transition from back-arc to foreland basin development in the southernmost Andes: Stratigraphic record from the Ultima Esperanza District, Chile
Tectonic Setting of the Magallanes Basin, Chile
Abstract The Magallanes Basin is a retroarc foreland basin ( Suarez and Pettigrew, 1976 ; Dalziel, 1981 ; Wilson, 1991 : Fildani and Hessler, 2005 ) and the sedimentary sequence preserved in the Andean fold-thrust belt reflects the early extensional phase of basin evolution and the subsequent contractile phase with eventual uplift associated with Andean orogenesis ( Figs. i.1 and i.2 ). In the latest Jurassic, extension associated with the initial breakup of southern Gondwana ( Bruhn, et al., 1978 ; Gust, et al., 1985 ; Pankurst, et al., 2000 ; Calderón et al., 2007 ) culminated in the development of an oceanic backarc basin referred to as the Rocas Verdes Basin ( Katz, 1963 ). Ophiolitic rocks exposed in the Cordillera Sarmiento, south and west of Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, represent the obducted remains of the floor of this backarc basin ( Wilson, 1991 ; Fildani and Hessler, 2005 ; Calderón et al., 2007 ). Compression associated with the onset of the Andean orogeny resulted in rapid uplift along the western basin margin and concurrent foreland subsidence. A deep-water depositional phase, caused by flexural loading of obducted ophiolitic blocks over the attenuated crust, is marked by the turbidites of the Punta Barrosa Formation ( Fig. i.1 ). The overlying shale-rich Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation represents the climax of deep-water sedimentation. Conglomerate-filled channel systems (channel belt up to 8 km wide) within the Cerro Toro Formation developed along much
Stratigraphic Evolution of Deep-Water Architecture: Examples of controls and depositional styles from the Magallanes Basin, southern Chile
Abstract This large format (11 × 17 inch) all color outcrop atlas and field guide was produced for the SEPM Research Conference held in Chile in February, 2009. It contains a wealth of information on the world class deep water outcrops of the Cretaceous of the Magallanes Basin in the Ultima Esperanza District, Chilean Patagonia. This book covers the significant outcrops in the region the Punta Barrosa Formation, CerroToro Fm., and the Tres Pasos Fm.