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Prior models on the “ <span class="search-highlight">Pseudoalbaillella</span> ” lineages recognized in Follicucul...
Published: 01 August 2020
Figure 7. Prior models on the “ Pseudoalbaillella ” lineages recognized in Follicucullidae from previous work (Ishiga 1983 ; Wang et al. 2012 ) and our models. Abbreviations: Kas., Kasimovian; Gzh., Gzhelian; Ass., Asselian; Sak., Sakmarian; Roa., Roadian; Wor., Wordian; Cap., Capitanian.
Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–b)  <span class="search-highlight">Pseudoalbaillella</span>  sp,
Published: 16 May 2014
Figure 15. Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–b) Pseudoalbaillella sp, PRC 200–201; (c–i) Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata Ishiga, PRC 202–208; (j–l) Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf. Ps. u-forma m l (Ishiga et al .), PRC 209–211; (m–o
Journal Article
Published: 24 April 2017
Geological Magazine (2018) 155 (7): 1449–1464.
... fauna from Cambodia and include a moderately well-preserved Asselian–Sakmarian age fauna consisting of Pseudoalbaillella sakmarensis, Pseudoalbaillella scalprata morphotype scalprata, Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf. P. simplex, Pseudoalbaillella u-forma morphotype II, Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf. P. elegans...
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Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of Early Permian radiolarians from Pail...
Published: 24 April 2017
Figure 8. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of Early Permian radiolarians from Pailin, Cambodia. All scale bars = 50 μm. PRC numbers are specimen numbers in the Palaeontological Research Centre of Mahasarakham University. (a–c) Pseudoalbaillella sakmarensis (Kozur, 1981 ), samples QPL1405
Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of Early Permian radiolarians from Pail...
Published: 24 April 2017
, (c) PRC586, (d) PRC587); (e–g) Pseudoalbaillella spp., samples QPL1405, QPL1408 ((e) PRC588, (f) PRC589, (g) PRC590); (h–k) Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf. P. lomentaria Ishiga & Imoto, 1980 , sample QPL1405 ((h) PRC591, (i) PRC592, (j) PRC593, (k) PRC594); (l–p) Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf . P
Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 01 August 2020
Paleobiology (2020) 46 (3): 337–355.
...Figure 7. Prior models on the “ Pseudoalbaillella ” lineages recognized in Follicucullidae from previous work (Ishiga 1983 ; Wang et al. 2012 ) and our models. Abbreviations: Kas., Kasimovian; Gzh., Gzhelian; Ass., Asselian; Sak., Sakmarian; Roa., Roadian; Wor., Wordian; Cap., Capitanian. ...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2018
DOI: 10.1144/SP450.16
EISBN: 9781786203311
... Permian radiolarian zones are summarized here. Among these, seven zones are assigned to the latest Carboniferous–early Permian, namely (in ascending order): the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella u-forma – Pseudoalbaillella elegans Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella...
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Journal Article
Published: 10 September 2014
Journal of Micropalaeontology (2014) 33 (2): 179–192.
.... monacanthus, F. porrectus, F. scholasticus and F. charveti Interval Zones. We provide a phylogenetic model for Follicucullus based on their morphological affinities and stratigraphic distribution. The genus Follicucullus originated from Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis , with F. monacanthus as the forerunner...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 16 May 2014
Geological Magazine (2015) 152 (1): 106–142.
...Figure 15. Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–b) Pseudoalbaillella sp, PRC 200–201; (c–i) Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata Ishiga, PRC 202–208; (j–l) Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf. Ps. u-forma m l (Ishiga et al .), PRC 209–211; (m–o...
FIGURES | View All (18)
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2005
Journal of Paleontology (2005) 79 (4): 687–701.
... along the Amur River in the Khabarovsk city area. A chert sample of the limestone-chert sequence contains Albaillella aff. asymmetrica and Pseudoalbaillella aff. lomentaria , and a chert sample of the basalt-chert sequence includes Follicucullus monacanthus , Follicucullus porrectus...
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Figure  7 —Scanning electron micrographs of the Permian radiolarians from t...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 7 —Scanning electron micrographs of the Permian radiolarians from the Khabarovsk Complex, Far East Russia. Scale bar indicates 100 μm for all figures. 1 – 6 , Pseudoalbaillella aff. P. lomentaria Ishiga and Imoto, 1980 ; sample SK-01 ( 1, IGPS109402, 2, IGPS109403, 3, IGPS109404
figures 1–26.  Guadalupian radiolarians from the Xiaodong Town, southern Gu...
Published: 10 September 2014
Explanation of Plate 1. figures 1–26. Guadalupian radiolarians from the Xiaodong Town, southern Guangxi, China. The sample number and SEM photo number are given for each illustrated specimen. Scale bar 100 μm for all specimens, unless otherwise specified: 1, 2 , Pseudoalbaillella globosa
Dendrogram of the cluster analysis, highlighting eight clusters that map cl...
Published: 01 August 2020
, Pseudoalbaillella ; F , Follicucullus ; I , Ishigaconus ; Ca , Cariver .
Figure  5 —Range chart of the selected radiolarian species with radiolarian...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 5 —Range chart of the selected radiolarian species with radiolarian and fusulinoidean biozones. Modified from Ishiga (1990b) . The range of Pseudoalbaillella yanaharaensis is cited from Nishimura and Ishiga (1987) . The box in the right column shows the maximum interval
Discriminant result conducted using Hayashi's quantification theory II.    ...
Published: 01 August 2020
Table 1. Discriminant result conducted using Hayashi's quantification theory II. Predicted value Longtanella Pseudoalbaillella Curvalbaillella Kitoconus Parafollicucullus Holdsworthella Haplodiacanthus Follicucullus Ishigaconus Cariver
Diagrammatic illustration (not real species) showing the terminology and me...
Published: 01 August 2020
Figure 1. Diagrammatic illustration (not real species) showing the terminology and measured traits of Follicucullidae species (A) and sketch of the type species of the genera (B, Pseudoalbaillella scalprata ; C, Parafollicucullus fusiformis ; D, Longtanella zhengpanshanensis ; E, Kitoconus
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2004
Micropaleontology (2004) 50 (1): 27–44.
... and Babcock: Gh.2-3/4778
 13,14 Follicucullus charveti Caridroit and De Wever: 13, Gh.2-1/47870; 14, Gh.2-1/4784
 15 Follicucullus orthoganus Ormiston and Babcock: Gh.2-1/4780
 16. 28 Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis (Holdsworth and Jones): 16, Gh.2-3/4786; 28, Gh.2-3/4798
 17 Albaillella lauta Kuwahara: Gh...
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Radiolarians from the E-Lert Formation. (a–e)  Hegleria mamilla  (Sheng &am...
Published: 16 May 2014
) Latentifustula crux Nazarov & Ormiston, PRC 191–195; (r) Latentifustula sp. cf . L. triacanthophora Nazarov & Ormiston, PRC 196; (s) Latentifustula sp, PRC 197; (t, u) Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. postscalprata Ishiga, PRC 198–199. Scale bars 50 μm.
Plate 2.  Illustrations of radiolarians from the Pope, Sowchea and Tezzeron...
Published: 04 May 2001
Plate 2. Illustrations of radiolarians from the Pope, Sowchea and Tezzeron successions. Various magnifications. Fig. 1. Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Ishiga; height 350 μm; GSC 119924, sample 97-YS-MP155, GSC loc. C-304179. Pope–Sowchea transition. Fig. 2. Follicucullus porrectus Rudenko; height
Journal Article
Published: 04 May 2001
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2001) 38 (4): 551–578.
...Plate 2. Illustrations of radiolarians from the Pope, Sowchea and Tezzeron successions. Various magnifications. Fig. 1. Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Ishiga; height 350 μm; GSC 119924, sample 97-YS-MP155, GSC loc. C-304179. Pope–Sowchea transition. Fig. 2. Follicucullus porrectus Rudenko; height...
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