Protoperidinium parthenopes

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Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 01 February 2009
Palynology (2009) 33 (2): 11–18.
...HISAE KAWAMI; KAZUMI MATSUOKA Abstract Organic-walled resting cysts of Protoperidinium parthenopes Zingone & Montresor 1988 were collected from a sediment trap in Omura Bay, western Japan. The cysts are spherical and pale brown in color. The cyst wall has two layers: a thick endophragm...
Cysts and motile cells of  <span class="search-highlight">Protoperidinium</span> <span class="search-highlight">parthenopes</span> . Cysts in figs. 1–8...
Published: 01 February 2009
PLATE 1 Cysts and motile cells of Protoperidinium parthenopes . Cysts in figs. 1–8 are different specimens collected from Omura Bay. The thecate cell shown in figs. 9–11 was germinated from the cyst in fig. 8. The cell in fig. 15 was germinated from the cyst in fig. 2. Fig. 12 is a plankton
Line drawings of the plate tabulation of motile cell and cyst of  Protoperi...
Published: 01 February 2009
Text-Figure 1. Line drawings of the plate tabulation of motile cell and cyst of Protoperidinium parthenopes . A) Ventral view showing trichocyst pores (gray spots). B) Dorsal view. C) Enlargement of the sulcus. D) Apical view, showing outline of apical plates whose paraplates
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 01 February 2009
Palynology (2009) 33 (2): 1–4.
... conducted with the same thoroughness and thoughtfulness that characterized all of John’s endeavors. The paper by Hisae Kawami and Kazumi Matsuoka reports on the cyst–theca relationship in the protoperidiniacean dinoflagellate Protoperidinium parthenopes Zingone & Montresor 1988. Its...
Series: The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/TMS5.26
EISBN: 9781862396500
... Monovela Abé (A. (Protop.) minutum, Protop. fusiforme , Protop. monovelum ). Protop. americanum and Protop . parthenopes produce brownish capsulate cysts, which are different from those of the clade Protoperidinium s.s...
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 03 April 2017
Palynology (2017) 41 (2): 183–202.
... . Katoh K , Kuma K , Toh H , Miyata T . 2005 . MAFFT version 5: improvement in accuracy of multiple sequence alignment . Nucleic Acids Research 33 : 511 – 20 . Kawami H , Matsuoka K . 2009 . A new cyst-theca relationship for Protoperidinium parthenopes...
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 02 January 2020
Palynology (2020) 44 (1): 80–93.
... americanum , P. tricingulatum , P. parthenopes , P. fusiforme , P. fukuyoi and P. haizhouense (Matsuoka and Kawami 2013 ; Potvin et al. 2017 ). More specifically, the tabulation pattern of Protoperidinium mutsuense largely fits into the variability of the thecal arrangement of these species...
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