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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1999
Journal of Paleontology (1999) 73 (3): 403–406.
...Mats Eriksson Abstract The scolecodont genera Nereidavus Grinnell, 1877, and Protarabellites Stauffer, 1933, have been used for several different fossil polychaete taxa over the years. Nereidavus is here considered a nomen dubium, as the holotype of the type species is lost and the original...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2001
Journal of Paleontology (2001) 75 (5): 993–1015.
...MATS ERIKSSON Abstract Silurian ramphoprionid polychaete annelids, represented by their jaws (scolecodonts), are described from extensive collections from Gotland, Sweden. The family Ramphoprionidae, monotypic at its original description, is sub-divided into four genera; Protarabellites Stauffer...
FIGURES | View All (10)
Figure  6 — <span class="search-highlight">Protarabellites</span> rectangularis  n. sp. from sample 90-K2CB, Klin...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 6 — Protarabellites rectangularis n. sp. from sample 90-K2CB, Klinthagen 1, except 9, 12, 18, which are from sample 90-109LJ, Filehajdar 1. Magnification about ×60 except 15, ×51. Dorsal view except 7, 8, 13, lateral view and 12, 16–18, ventral view. 1, left MII, LO 8145; 2
Figure  7 — <span class="search-highlight">Protarabellites</span> staufferi  n. sp. from sample 83-12LJ, Närsham...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 7 — Protarabellites staufferi n. sp. from sample 83-12LJ, Närshamn 2, except 6, 7, 12, which are from sample 93-909LJ, Lickershamn 2. Magnification ×53 except 1–3, 8, 13, (see below). Dorsal view except 1, 9, 12, lateral view and 4, 5, ventral view. 1, 2, left MII, LO 8160, ×41
Figure  8 — 1–16, 20, 21, <span class="search-highlight">Protarabellites</span> triangularis  n. sp.;  17, 18, 22...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 8 — 1–16, 20, 21, Protarabellites triangularis n. sp.; 17, 18, 22, Protarabellites sp. B; 19, 23, Protarabellites sp. A. 1, 4, 6, 15, 16, from sample 72-22LJ Kroken 2; 2, 3, 5, 7–14, 20, 21, from sample 83-12LJ Närshamn 2; 17, 18, 22, from sample 90-K2CB Klinthagen 1; 19, 23
Figure  10 —TEM microscans of a right MI, LO 8219, of  <span class="search-highlight">Protarabellites</span> tria...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 10 —TEM microscans of a right MI, LO 8219, of Protarabellites triangularis, from sample 82-15CB, Glasskär 1. Left in the pictures is towards the myocoele opening. The outer edge of the jaw is to the right. 1, Anterior region, scale bar 2 μm. The darker regions to the right
Journal Article
Published: 04 August 2010
Geological Magazine (2011) 148 (2): 269–287.
... of that of the Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Oenonites , Vistulella , Mochtyella and the enigmatic ‘ Xanioprion ’ represent the most common genera, whereas Pteropelta , Protarabellites ?, Atraktoprion and Xanioprion are considerably more rare. The assemblage differs from coeval ones particularly in its poorly...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2003
Journal of Paleontology (2003) 77 (3): 509–523.
... and/or characteristic genera include Oenonites Hinde, 1879 ; Kettnerites Žebera, 1935 ; Atraktoprion , Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962 ; Ramphoprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962 ; Protarabellites Stauffer, 1933a ; Kalloprion , Kielan-Jaworoska, 1962 ; Leptoprion , Kielan-Jaworowska, 1966 ; Hadoprion Eriksson and Bergman, 1998...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1971
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1971) 19 (1): 251–293.
.... A descriptive terminology is defined in a glossary, including the construction of a dental formula. The present systematic nomenclature is reviewed. Emendations are given for Arabellites, Leodicites, Paleoenonites, and Protarabellites. Eunicites, Lumbriconereites, and Nereidavus are unsuitable generic names...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1936
AAPG Bulletin (1936) 20 (10): 1329–1341.
... Lumbriconereites speciosus Stauffer Lumbriconereites webbi Stauffer Nothrites gratus Stauffer Oenonites dignus Stauffer Oenonites inornatus Stauffer Oenonites scelestus Stauffer Protarabellites concavus Stauffer Protarabellites delectus Stauffer Protarabellites glenwoodensis...
Figure  3 — 1–6 , Reconstructed jaw apparatuses (exploded) of the main ramp...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 3 — 1–6 , Reconstructed jaw apparatuses (exploded) of the main ramphoprionids on Gotland. 7–9, Morphology of myocoele openings in the MI of Protarabellites species; right and left MI, respectively. 1, Megaramphoprion magnus. 2, P. staufferi. 3, P. rectangularis. 4, P. triangularis. 5
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2008
Journal of Paleontology (2008) 82 (3): 628–633.
... ( Fig. 1.18 ). A left MII (type and only specimen) belonging to a ramphoprionid of either Protarabellites Stauffer, 1933 or Ramphoprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962 . The specimen is somewhat laterally tilted in the slab. It is not as stout and wide as indicated by Hinde's illustration. It is similar...
Figure  1 —Map of Gotland showing the geographic distribution of ramphoprio...
Published: 01 September 2001
Figure 1 —Map of Gotland showing the geographic distribution of ramphoprionid species. 1, Localities yielding ramphoprionids and Hede's (1921, 1960) units. 2, Distribution of Megaramphoprion magnus (m), Protarabellites rectangularis (r) and “ Pararamphoprion ” cf. nordicus (n). 3
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2005
Journal of Paleontology (2005) 79 (3): 486–496.
..., right MII, LO 9443; 16, MIII (single left jaw), LO 9444; 13, Leptoprion ? sp., left MI, LO 9445; 14, Protarabellites sp., left MI, LO 9446; 15, Oenonites sp., left MI, LO 9447; 17, Atraktoprion sp. C, right MI, LO 9448; 18, 19, Atraktoprion ? sp. B; 18, left MI, LO 9449; 19, right MI...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Journal Article
Published: 19 February 2009
Geological Magazine (2009) 146 (3): 451–462.
... sample 04E1-2, right MI, LO 10471. (g) Leptoprion sp., from sample 04E1-3, left MI, LO 10472. (h, i) Kalloprion ? sp., from sample Gt01-32. (h) Left MI, LO 10473; (i) right MI fused with basal plate, LO 10474. (j) Protarabellites rectangularis , from sample 04E1-3, left MI, LO 10475. (k, l...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2008
Journal of Paleontology (2008) 82 (6): 1218–1219.
... of the apparatus. Except for these possible carriers, all elements are more or less in natural position. Silurian members of the Ramphoprionidae are primarily known from the Baltoscandian paleobasin. They are poorly known from North America and only one genus, Protarabellites Stauffer, 1933 , was previously...
Figure  7 —SEM micrographs of selected scolecodonts from the Sylvan Shale. ...
Published: 01 May 2005
; 16, MIII (single left jaw), LO 9444; 13, Leptoprion ? sp., left MI, LO 9445; 14, Protarabellites sp., left MI, LO 9446; 15, Oenonites sp., left MI, LO 9447; 17, Atraktoprion sp. C, right MI, LO 9448; 18, 19, Atraktoprion ? sp. B; 18, left MI, LO 9449; 19, right MI, LO 9450; 20, 21
Figure  5 —Selected SEM micrographs of representative and characteristic sc...
Published: 01 May 2003
, OSU 51457; 11, Right MI, OSU 51458. 12–14, Protarabellites cf. ineptus (Eller); 12, Left MI, OSU 51459; 13, Right MII, OSU 51460; 14, Right MI, OSU 51461. 15, Protarabellites sp., Left MI, OSU 51462. 16, 17, Ramphoprion cf. procurvus (Eller); 16, Left MI, OSU 51463; 17, Right
Journal Article
Published: 09 March 2016
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2016) 53 (7): 739–747.
...) Pteropelta sp., right MI in ventral view (300 μm) JVII-235. (11) Protarabellites sp., left MI (245 μm) JVII-234. (12) Ramphoprion ? sp., left MI (185 μm) JVII-235. (13) Ramphoprion sp., right MI (695 μm) JVII-236. (14) Symmetroprion sp., left MI? (240 μm) JVII-234. (15) Symmetroprion sp., right MI...
Series: Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/M38.18
EISBN: 9781862396425
... to both palaeocontinents. Moreover, when some of the most common and species-rich genera, such as Oenonites , Ramphoprion and Protarabellites , for example, are present, the faunal similarity is even greater, with these genera often dominating the assemblages in both palaeocontinents (see Kielan...