Potrero Field

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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (8): 1230–1231.
... been published by Thomas L. Bailey, “Geology of the Potrero Hills and Vacaville Region, Solano County, California”, Univ. California Bull. Dept. Geol. Sciences , Vol. 19, No. 15. The Potrero Hills gas field is the fifth of a series of gas fields discovered in northern California. It is located...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1942
AAPG Bulletin (1942) 26 (2): 188–196.
... the Pico Canyon oil field 4 1 2 miles southwest, the Newhall-Potrero oil field 2 miles southwest, and the Oak Canyon oil field 4 miles northwest ( Fig. 1 ). The displacement on the Holser fault in San Martinez-Chiquito Canyon is not known. There may be as much as 4,000 feet of duplicated...
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—<span class="search-highlight">Potrero</span> oil <span class="search-highlight">field</span> structure (after California Div. Oil &amp;amp; Gas, 1961).  ...
Published: 01 January 1973
Fig. 2. —Potrero oil field structure (after California Div. Oil & Gas, 1961). En échelon strike-slip faults have offset fold axis 1,200 ft laterally on Potrero fault and approximately 600 ft on Townsite fault complex. For location of this and other oil fields see Figure 1 .
—Gas <span class="search-highlight">fields</span> of San Francisco-Stockton area showing new <span class="search-highlight">Potrero</span> Hills <span class="search-highlight">field</span> ...
Published: 01 June 1939
FIG. 5. —Gas fields of San Francisco-Stockton area showing new Potrero Hills field and extension of Rio Vista field in solid black.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1928
AAPG Bulletin (1928) 12 (6): 651–658.
... consequence. Production is obtained at a depth of about 1,300 feet from sands in the Sespe formation of Oligocene age. Some development has also taken place westward along the Edwards anticline, where small production was obtained. The Potrero field lies between the Inglewood and Rosecrans fields...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Published: 01 January 2014
DOI: 10.1130/2014.1211(23)
... in the transition zone, between the eastern and western sectors of the Peninsular Ranges, have magnetizations residing in hematite. El Potrero and San José plutons yield highly discordant paleopoles, indicating apparent clockwise rotation (R) and flattening (F) of 33.0° ± 5.1° and −27.6° ± 6.1°, respectively (San...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1938
AAPG Bulletin (1938) 22 (12): 1715.
.... (1) R ichard W. S herman , consulting geologist, Los Angeles: Newhall-Potrero Oil Field. (2) E. B. N oble , chief geologist, Union Oil Company, Los Angeles: Rio Bravo Oil Field. (3) J an L aw , assistant petroleum engineer, Union Oil Company: A Possible Structural Interpretation of the Area of New...
—Typical electric logs in the Del Valle and Newhall-<span class="search-highlight">Potrero</span> oil <span class="search-highlight">fields</span>.
Published: 01 February 1942
Fig. 6. —Typical electric logs in the Del Valle and Newhall-Potrero oil fields.
—Ventura-Newhall district, showing oil <span class="search-highlight">fields</span> and locations of Oxnard and N...
Published: 01 June 1938
FIG. 2. —Ventura-Newhall district, showing oil fields and locations of Oxnard and Newhall-Potrero discoveries (solid black).
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1997
AAPG Bulletin (1997) 81 (1): 170.
... interpretation of the Newhall Potrero oil field, in the 1952 AAPG, SEPM, and SEG guidebook on that area. John was a charter member of the Los Angeles Petroleum Club and thoroughly enjoyed domino games there during the lunch hours. He entered tournaments and won his share of them. John was a 50-year member...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1951
AAPG Bulletin (1951) 35 (12): 2632.
...W. H Corey; G. R. Bell; J. W. Knight; J. S Loofbourow; Edward Winterer; A. S Holstron; J. W Sheller ABSTRACT Beginning at the granite-Eocene contact in the northeast part of the Ventura sedimentary basin, the cross section proceeds southeasterly through the Oak Canyon, Del Valle, Newhall-Potrero...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1961
AAPG Bulletin (1961) 45 (3): 392–396.
... chief geologist and geological engineer for Peñoles, supplied assistance in various ways and offered valuable advice in regard to procedures and techniques. The Compafiia Minera de Peñoles graciously underwrote the basic field expenses and provided living quarters near the Venus mine in the potrero...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2002
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2002) 92 (6): 2528–2538.
... ), and Yerkes and Campbell ( 1995 ), and from field mapping and subsurface investigations by Allan E. Seward Engineering Geology, Inc. ( aes ). Note that north-dipping bedding attitudes have been mapped on both sides of Potrero Canyon at the seismic line and at the west end of the canyon on strike...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1962
AAPG Bulletin (1962) 46 (2): 281–282.
...D. H. Thamer; A. S. Hawley ABSTRACT The Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Valleys are now a major dry gas province, there being about 65 dry gas fields from Fresno on the south to Redding in the north, a distance of approximately 300 miles. The Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Valleys...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1928
AAPG Bulletin (1928) 12 (6): 625–650.
...Joseph Jensen; Glenn D. Robertson ABSTRACT The writers discuss recent developments in the Los Angeles basin, calling attention to the following fields: Dominguez, Rosecrans, Inglewood, Los Cerritos, Huntington Beach townsite, Seal Beach and Potrero districts, and the deep production at Long Beach...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2005
GSA Bulletin (2005) 117 (1-2): 195–211.
..., macroinvertebrates, and frogs. In the lower basin, vegetation was limited to a few high terraces and rill fields, and no aquatic flora or fauna were observed in the main channel or valley bottom. Of the five study basins, the Pasig-Potrero River had the greatest sediment cover with ∼33% of the basin area...
FIGURES | View All (16)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1973
AAPG Bulletin (1973) 57 (1): 97–116.
...Fig. 2. —Potrero oil field structure (after California Div. Oil & Gas, 1961). En échelon strike-slip faults have offset fold axis 1,200 ft laterally on Potrero fault and approximately 600 ft on Townsite fault complex. For location of this and other oil fields see Figure 1 . ...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2002
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2002) 92 (6): 2539–2550.
.... Comment: “Contrary to field relationships and observations by the USGS and others in Potrero Canyon following the Northridge earthquake, the authors suggest that some of the ground cracking in Potrero Canyon was produced by coseismic movement along some of their imaged faults rather than secondary...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 April 2011
Geology (2011) 39 (4): 367–370.
...Karen B. Gran; David R. Montgomery; Julia C. Halbur Abstract Post-eruption sedimentation rates from two basins draining Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, are compiled and extended through A.D. 2009 to compare short-term predictions with long-term yields. The Pasig-Potrero and Sacobia Rivers were covered...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1961
AAPG Bulletin (1961) 45 (9): 1504–1522.
... of that city) have encountered salt of unknown structural and stratigraphic relationships below the gypsum-anhydrite. Diapirism of the gypsum-anhydrite is clearly demonstrable in the main arroyo of Potrero Chico—the valley formed by breaching of the northern fold of the Sierra del Fraile. Here the gypsum has...
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