Parentis field

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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 July 1956
Geophysics (1956) 21 (3): 815–827.
...Raoul Vajk; G. Walton Abstract Reviews the program of geophysical exploration in the northwest Aquitaine basin, France, which led to the discovery of the faulted anticlinal structure of the Parentis field, where oil production has been established from two zones in a lower Cretaceous limestone...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1955
AAPG Bulletin (1955) 39 (7): 1278–1319.
...Robert E. King ABSTRACT Petroleum production in western Europe increased 20 per cent in 1954, or by the same percentage as in 1953. The daily average production of countries outside the Russian orbit was 87,486 barrels. The outstanding discovery of the year was the Parentis field in southwestern...
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—Hydrocarbon <span class="search-highlight">field</span> sections. (a–f) are located in the South Aquitaine or No...
Published: 01 June 1995
Figure 14 —Hydrocarbon field sections. (a–f) are located in the South Aquitaine or North Pyrenean domain, (g–i) in the North Aquitaine, Parentis Basin. Compare with stratigraphic logs in Figure 3a , b , and regional cross sections in Figure 4a , b . (a) Lacq: the “synchronous high” hides
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2006
Petroleum Geoscience (2006) 12 (3): 247–273.
... mechanisms optimized for the main fields, through improved imagery which brought better definition and understanding of fault patterns. These 3D seismic surveys, covering an area of c . 1500 km 2 , did not reveal any ‘missed’ large structures. To the north, in the Parentis sub-basin , after...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1956
AAPG Bulletin (1956) 40 (7): 1543–1581.
...Robert E. King Abstract: Petroleum production in western Europe excluding Austria increased 25 per cent in 1955, or at a greater rate than in 1954, due to the placing on full production of two large fields discovered in previous years, Parentis in France, and Ragusa in Sicily, as well as steady...
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North Aquitaine, onshore <span class="search-highlight">Parentis</span> sub-basin: main oil and gas <span class="search-highlight">fields</span> and pe...
Published: 01 August 2006
Fig. 11 North Aquitaine, onshore Parentis sub-basin: main oil and gas fields and petroleum trap types.
Total <span class="search-highlight">field</span> magnetic anomaly maps of previous compilations (GAMMAA5, WDMAMv...
Published: 19 November 2021
Fig. 2 Total field magnetic anomaly maps of previous compilations (GAMMAA5, WDMAMv2 and EMAG2V3 – plotted with the same color scale). The upper panel present the three grids for the Bay of Biscay domain and the lower panel a zoom over the Landes–Parentis area.
Series: AAPG Special Publication
Published: 01 January 1958
DOI: 10.1306/SV18350C43
EISBN: 9781629812434
... encountered in wells in the same area, from Eocene to Triassic. Triassic oil shows have been found by recent drilling northwest and southeast of Bordeaux. Many structures in and close to the foothill belt have been drilled, but most of them are dry. At present one gas field is producing from Cenomanian at St...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2012
DOI: 10.1144/SP363.16
EISBN: 9781862396111
.... The Parentis Basin has been explored for petroleum for more than 50 years. Onshore exploration started in 1953 and the Parentis field (2.1×10 8 BBL of oil) was discovered in 1954 ( Biteau et al. 2006 ). Offshore exploration drilling started in 1966 ( Bourrouilh et al. 1995 ; Le Vot et al. 1996...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1957
AAPG Bulletin (1957) 41 (7): 1502–1539.
... discovery was made in the Molasse trough of western Austria at Puchkirchen. There was no outstanding development in France, but two smaller oil fields were found near the Parentis field in the Aquitaine basin, and the deep Lacq gas field was extended. In Germany six new oil fields and one gas field were...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2010
AAPG Bulletin (2010) 94 (7): 957–975.
...., Ibis glacier in the Parentis Basin; Mathieu, 1986 ; Biteau et al., 2006 ) and observed in the field (e.g., massif des Arbailles, Roquiague diapir in the Arzacq-Mauléon Basin; Canérot, 1989 ). These studies show compelling evidence that Aptian and Eocene salt migration was associated with high...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1995
AAPG Bulletin (1995) 79 (6): 831–853.
...Figure 14 —Hydrocarbon field sections. (a–f) are located in the South Aquitaine or North Pyrenean domain, (g–i) in the North Aquitaine, Parentis Basin. Compare with stratigraphic logs in Figure 3a , b , and regional cross sections in Figure 4a , b . (a) Lacq: the “synchronous high” hides...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1958
AAPG Bulletin (1958) 42 (7): 1589–1630.
... and the western Molasse basin. No new fields were found in France despite an increased exploratory effort. However, a new-pool discovery was made in the Middle Jurassic below the main pay of the Parentis field. Fields found in previous years were intensively developed, as a result of which oil production...
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Journal Article
Published: 19 November 2021
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2021) 192 (1): 58.
...Fig. 2 Total field magnetic anomaly maps of previous compilations (GAMMAA5, WDMAMv2 and EMAG2V3 – plotted with the same color scale). The upper panel present the three grids for the Bay of Biscay domain and the lower panel a zoom over the Landes–Parentis area. ...
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Journal Article
Journal: Interpretation
Published: 21 December 2017
Interpretation (2018) 6 (1): T127–T144.
... western Europe, as well as in their equivalent North-American Atlantic margin, are characterized by synclinal geometries detached from subsalt faults by Late Triassic (Keuper and Dagorda) or Permian (Zechstein) evaporites, e.g., Parentis Basin ( Ferrer et al., 2012 , see Figure  2 ), Sogne Basin ( Stewart...
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Journal Article
Published: 21 March 2023
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2023) 194 (1): 4.
... a general drowning of the North Pyrenean Trough and cessation of the extensional activity. The Pyrenean deformation, however, constitutes an obstacle for a precise geodynamic reconstruction, in particular in the eastern and central Pyrénées. Towards the west and north-west, in the South Aquitaine, Parentis...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1990
AAPG Bulletin (1990) 74 (1): 60–76.
... and Valenzuela (1979) Aquitaine (Parentis) Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minière et al. (1974) Curnelle et al. (1982) Brunet (1984) Curnelle and Dubois (1986) Mathieu (1986) Celtic Sea Naylor and Shannon (1982) Millson (1987) Ziegler (1982) Porcupine Croker and Shannon (1987...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1986
AAPG Bulletin (1986) 70 (6): 721–729.
... been made in the Asturian basin off northwest Spain and in the Celtic Sea basin ( Soler et al, 1981 ; Naylor and Shannon, 1982 ; Noroil, 1983 ). Commercial gas fields have also been discovered in the Parentis, Celtic Sea, and northern Irish Sea basins, and off northeast Spain (Gaviota gas field...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1959
AAPG Bulletin (1959) 43 (7): 1581–1624.
... permits resulted in the surrender of 1,700 sq. mi. in the north and east of the basin and the granting of 1,040 sq. mi. as yet unexplored. Development drilling continued in the oil fields of Esso-REP (Parentis, Lucats, Lugos, and Mothes) and was practically completed, while S.N.P.A. developed and extended...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 January 2015
Geology (2015) 43 (1): 15–18.
..., as indicated by subsidence analysis results in different sub-basins ( Fig. 1B ; see differences between the Maestrat, Cameros, Parentis, and Arzacq basins; see the Data Repository). Synrift deposits are controlled by east-west–, northwest-southeast–, and northeast-southwest–trending basement faults (e.g., BoBP...