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GeoRef Subject
all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Southern Africa
Barberton greenstone belt (3)
South Africa (1)
Arctic Ocean
Barents Sea (1)
Siberian Platform (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Baltic Sea (1)
Hudson Bay (1)
Western Australia
Hamersley Basin (4)
Pilbara Craton (1)
Hudson Bay (1)
Commonwealth of Independent States
Russian Federation
Siberian Platform (1)
Western Europe
France (1)
Indian Ocean
Arabian Sea
Persian Gulf (1)
Pacific Ocean
South Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Gulf of Carpentaria (1)
West Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Gulf of Carpentaria (1)
United States
Midcontinent (1)
glass materials (1)
metal ores
iron ores (2)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
elements, isotopes
C-13/C-12 (1)
chemical ratios (1)
isotope ratios (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
arsenic (1)
ferric iron (1)
ferrous iron (1)
nickel (1)
platinum group
iridium (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
geochronology methods
Pb/Pb (1)
U/Pb (2)
geologic age
Holocene (1)
upper Eocene (1)
lower Paleocene
K-T boundary (1)
Upper Cretaceous
K-T boundary (1)
Jurassic (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
Pennsylvanian (1)
Upper Devonian (1)
Ordovician (1)
Phanerozoic (1)
Neoarchean (4)
Brockman Iron Formation (1)
Fortescue Group (1)
upper Precambrian
Paleoproterozoic (5)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
tuff (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
impactites (1)
turbidite (1)
meteorites (2)
chromite (1)
goethite (1)
hematite (1)
martite (1)
chain silicates
pyroxene group
clinopyroxene (1)
olivine group
olivine (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
Southern Africa
Barberton greenstone belt (3)
South Africa (1)
Arctic Ocean
Barents Sea (1)
Siberian Platform (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Baltic Sea (1)
Hudson Bay (1)
Western Australia
Hamersley Basin (4)
Pilbara Craton (1)
Hudson Bay (1)
C-13/C-12 (1)
Holocene (1)
upper Eocene (1)
lower Paleocene
K-T boundary (1)
climate change (1)
epeirogeny (1)
Western Europe
France (1)
faults (2)
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
tuff (1)
fluid inclusions (1)
Indian Ocean
Arabian Sea
Persian Gulf (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
Upper Cretaceous
K-T boundary (1)
Jurassic (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
metal ores
iron ores (2)
arsenic (1)
ferric iron (1)
ferrous iron (1)
nickel (1)
platinum group
iridium (1)
metamorphic rocks
impactites (1)
meteorites (2)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
Pacific Ocean
South Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Gulf of Carpentaria (1)
West Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Gulf of Carpentaria (1)
paleoclimatology (1)
Pennsylvanian (1)
Upper Devonian (1)
Ordovician (1)
Phanerozoic (1)
Neoarchean (4)
Brockman Iron Formation (1)
Fortescue Group (1)
upper Precambrian
Paleoproterozoic (5)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
iron formations
banded iron formations (2)
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities
antidunes (1)
seismites (1)
sedimentation (1)
slope stability (1)
tektites (1)
United States
Midcontinent (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
iron formations
banded iron formations (2)
turbidite (1)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities
antidunes (1)
seismites (1)
turbidite (1)
Paraburdoo spherule layer
Sedimentation across the Paraburdoo spherule layer: Implications for the Neoarchean Earth system
ABSTRACT Large bolide impacts in the Phanerozoic produced global change identifiable in the postimpact sediments. Aside from a few isolated examples, however, evidence of postimpact change associated with Precambrian impacts is sparse. This study used the Neoarchean Paraburdoo spherule layer as a case study to search for impact-induced change in the sediments above the spherule layer. We found possible minor sedimentary changes that may have been due to either a disturbance by bottom currents or changing diagenetic conditions. Contrary to the trends found with several post–Great Oxidation Event large bolide impacts, we found no evidence of shifts in tectonic regime, sediment weathering and deposition, or paleoenvironment induced by the Paraburdoo spherule layer impact, for which the impactor is estimated to have been approximately three times larger than the Cretaceous–Paleogene bolide. This lack of a clear signal of climatic shift may be due to one or more mechanisms. Either the Paraburdoo spherule layer’s deposition in several-hundred-meter-deep water within the Hamersley Basin of Western Australia was too deep to accumulate and record observable changes, or the Neoarchean’s high-CO 2 atmospheric composition acted as a threshold below which the introduction of more impact-produced gases would not have produced the expected climatic and weathering changes. We also report minor traces of elevated iron and arsenic concentrations in the sediments immediately above the Paraburdoo spherule layer, consistent with trends observed above other distal impact deposits, as well as distinctive layers of hematite nodules bracketing the spherule layer. These geochemical changes may record ocean overturn of the Neoarchean stratified water column, which brought slightly oxygenated waters to depth, consistent with the observation of tsunami deposits in shallower impact deposits and/or heating of the global oceans by tens to hundreds of degrees Celsius in the wake of the Paraburdoo spherule layer impact. Either or both of these mechanisms in addition to impact-induced shallow-water ocean evaporation may also have caused a massive die-off of microbes, which also would have produced a postimpact increase in iron and arsenic concentrations.
Paraburdoo spherule layer (Hamersley Basin, Western Australia): Distal ejecta from a fourth large impact near the Archean-Proterozoic boundary
Paraburdoo spherule layer (PSL) in outcrop. A: Steeply dipping PSL (at leve...
Phlogopite pseudomorphs in Paraburdoo spherule layer (PSL) and similar crys...
Photomicrographs of Paraburdoo and Reivilo spherule layers in plane-polariz...
Images of Precambrian spherule layers and spherules. ( A ) Photograph of th...
Spherules from three impact layers ranging in age from 3.24 Ga to 2.49 Ga display petrologic and size diversity. All of these layers represent the distal debris from asteroid impacts in the Archean and early Proterozoic. We examine the petrologic control on the size of these spherules. Though all three spherule layers have different diagenetic histories, some textural properties are consistent in all of the layers and can be used to infer original mineralogy. Spherules that are uniform in composition, with the exception of fine-grained minerals around the rims, are inferred to have been altered from an original glassy composition and are the largest spherules. Spherules that are heterogeneous and contain either pseudomorphs of olivine or contain Ni-chromite are the smallest spherules in all sections. Spherules with plagioclase pseudomorphs tend to be intermediate in size. The larger the impact, the more pronounced is the size segregation of these spherule types. Spherules in the older S3 layer from the Barberton greenstone belt are significantly larger and display a wider range of sizes, and these differences in sizes are related to their petrologic type compared to the younger Dales Gorge and Paraburdoo layers from the Hamersley Basin. The S3 layer also tends to have the largest aggregate bed thickness and Ir content, consistent with this bed resulting from a larger impactor. The Dales Gorge spherule layer contains nonspherical particles, indicative of a ballistic melt, and it is therefore used as a point of comparison with the vapor plume condensates of the S3 and Paraburdoo layers. The Dales Gorge spherules are similar in size to those of the Paraburdoo layer; however, they have a significantly higher percentage of largely glassy spherules, and only ~21% have crystalline pseudomorphs.
Distal Impact Ejecta Layers: Spherules and More
Locations of ejecta/spherule layers and impact structures mentioned in text...
U-Pb zircon age constraints on the Hamersley spherule beds: Evidence for a single 2.63 Ga Jeerinah-Carawine impact ejecta layer
Discovery of extraterrestrial component carrier phases in Archean spherule layers: Implications for estimation of Archean bolide sizes
ABSTRACT Early Archean spherule layers, widely accepted to represent distal ejecta deposits from large-scale impact events onto the early Earth, have been described from several stratigraphic levels of the Barberton greenstone belt in South Africa. Recently, exploration drilling at the Fairview Gold Mine (25°43′53″S, 31°5′59″E) in the northern domain of the belt resulted in the discovery of a new set of spherule layer intersections. The Fairview spherule layers in drill cores BH5901, BH5907, BH5911, and BH5949 were intersected just a few meters apart, at about the same stratigraphic position within the transition from the Onverwacht Group to the Fig Tree Group. The Fairview spherule layers have petrographic and chemical similarities to at least three other well-known Barberton spherule layers (S2–S4), and multiple spherule layer bed intersections in drill cores BARB5 and CT3, all from about the same stratigraphic position. They are not uniform in composition, in particular with respect to abundances of highly siderophile elements. The highest concentrations of moderately (Cr, Co, Ni) and highly siderophile (Ir) elements are within the range of concentrations for chondrites and, thus, reinforce the impact hypothesis for the generation of the Fairview spherule layers. Iridium peak concentrations and Cr/Ir interelement ratios for spherule layer samples from drill cores BH5907, BH5911, and BH5949 suggest admixtures of 50%–60% chondritic material, whereas for the BH5901 spherule layer, only an admixture of 1% chondritic material is indicated. We discuss whether these four Fairview spherule layers represent the same impact event, and whether they can be correlated to any of the S2–S4, CT3, and BARB5 intersections.
Genesis of High-Grade Hematite Orebodies of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia
Searching for Distal Ejecta on the Craton: The Sedimentary Effects of Meteorite Impact
Discovery, Geologic Setting, and Controls on Iron Mineralization, South Flank, Western Australia
Abstract South Flank is a ~1.8-billion-tonne martite-goethite iron deposit located in the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic central Hamersley province, Pilbara craton, Western Australia—a district containing multiple giant iron deposits. A combination of detailed mapping, high-precision airborne magnetic and gravity gradiometer data, and resource range analysis, followed up by systematic drilling, was used to discover and fully define iron mineralization at South Flank. Exploration was targeted using a deposit-scale model, based on observed geologic controls on martite-goethite deposits in the South Flank district, combined with a systems approach, which identified key processes in the formation of iron mineralization at the camp scale, namely fluid pathways, controlling structures, potential host rocks, and ore preservation beneath detrital cover. Iron mineralization at South Flank is hosted by the Marra Mamba Iron Formation and occurs as a series of strata-bound tabular orebodies over a strike length of 25 km. Individual ore zones are up to 150 m thick and can extend to depths of 300 m. Martite-goethite-ochreous goethite ore is predominantly hosted by N2 and N3 subunits of the Mount Newman Member and is best developed in E-W–trending, upright to N-verging asymmetric synclines and associated low-angle reverse faults, which have caused substantial thickening of host rocks. Primary textures within banded iron formation are largely preserved within ore zones and can control location and grade of iron mineralization. Both unmineralized iron formations and ore zones are overprinted by recent extensive ferricrete, locally termed “hardcap.” Phosphorous, Al 2 O 3 , and volatile contents of ore co-vary with iron, albeit at low absolute abundances, whereas SiO 2 is strongly negatively correlated with Fe, reflecting the transition from iron formation (Fe = 30–35 wt %) to iron ore (Fe = 50–65 wt %). Premineralization host-rock composition is an important control on both ore geochemistry and mineralogy. Martite-goethite-ochreous goethite is the dominant style of iron mineralization in the Hamersley province, in terms of overall tonnage and contained Fe, and is also widely developed in iron formations in the Pilbara and Yilgarn cratons and in other major global iron ore districts (e.g., India and Brazil). In each of these regions, martite-goethite and ochreous goethite are commonly developed as a weathering-related supergene overprint of earlier-formed hypogene hematite mineralization. In contrast, South Flank and other major deposits in the central Hamersley province (e.g., Mining Area C, Hope Downs) show no evidence of hypogene iron mineralization and its commonly associated wall-rock alteration. These iron orebodies are characterized by common structural association with synclines and associated reverse faults, preferential host-rock settings within particular units of the Brockman and Marra Mamba iron formations, simple ore mineralogy and geochemistry, and absence of associated wall-rock alteration. The giant martite-goethite deposits in the Hamersley province, of which South Flank is a type example, potentially represent a distinct deposit style. While some of the geologic characteristics of iron mineralization at South Flank are compatible with a supergene origin, many factors relating to ore genesis are unknown or not adequately constrained, including timing and mechanisms of ore formation.