Otuk Formation

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Series: SEPM Special Publication
Published: 01 January 2014
DOI: 10.2110/sepmsp.105.16
EISBN: 9781565763241
... Abstract The Triassic-Jurassic Otuk Formation is a potentially important source rock in allochthonous structural positions in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range in the North Slope of Alaska. This study focuses on three localities of the Upper Triassic (Norian) limestone member, which...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1985
AAPG Bulletin (1985) 69 (4): 657.
... Shublik Formation. Recently, these strata were named the Otuk formation. Detailed paleontologic studies of 11 measured sections more precisely document the age of the Otuk and show that its base is older than the base of the Shublik and that its top is younger than the top of the Shublik. Megafossils...
—Diagrammatic columnar section of upper part of <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> along <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> C...
Published: 01 March 1982
FIG. 9 —Diagrammatic columnar section of upper part of Otuk Formation along Otuk Creek. Section is composite of two sections, type section of Otuk and reference section of Blankenship Member located 0.8 km upstream.
—Principal reference section of Blankenship Member of <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span>, <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> ...
Published: 01 March 1982
FIG. 10 —Principal reference section of Blankenship Member of Otuk Formation, Otuk Creek. Section is overturned and dips about 60° southward. Upper contact is sharp disconformity overlain by shale of Jurassic or Cretaceous age (KJs). Job = Blankenship Member of Otuk Formation; Kls = unnamed
—View eastward of upper part of <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> at its type section. Formati...
Published: 01 March 1982
FIG. 8 —View eastward of upper part of Otuk Formation at its type section. Formation is overturned and dips approximately 20° northward. East bank of Otuk Creek. Nature of queried contact is uncertain.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1982
AAPG Bulletin (1982) 66 (3): 348–362.
...FIG. 9 —Diagrammatic columnar section of upper part of Otuk Formation along Otuk Creek. Section is composite of two sections, type section of Otuk and reference section of Blankenship Member located 0.8 km upstream. ...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2018
AAPG Bulletin (2018) 102 (7): 1171–1212.
...Katherine J. Whidden; Julie A. Dumoulin; William A. Rouse ABSTRACT The Triassic Shublik Formation and the Triassic–Jurassic Otuk Formation are partially age-equivalent lithostratigraphic units that were deposited in the Arctic Alaska Basin (AAB). The Shublik Formation represents proximal deposition...
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Series: GSA Special Papers
Published: 26 September 2022
DOI: 10.1130/2022.2556(11)
EISBN: 9780813795560
... equivalent—the Otuk Formation—consists largely of radiolarian chert, mudstone, and limestone and contains potential gas accumulations in the Brooks Range foothills to the south. New petrographic, fossil, geochemical, spectral gamma-ray, and zircon U-Pb data yield insights into facies changes in these units...
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—Eastward view of north-dipping Kayak Shale (Mk), Kuna <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> (PAAk), Si...
Published: 01 March 1982
FIG. 6 —Eastward view of north-dipping Kayak Shale (Mk), Kuna Formation (PAAk), Siksikpuk Formation ( R ¯ Ps ) , and Otuk Formation ( J R ¯ 0 ) along upper Otuk Creek at Endicott Mountain front. Late Devonian Kanayut Conglomerate (Dk) forms Endicott Mountains
Revised Triassic stratigraphy of the Shublik and <span class="search-highlight">Otuk</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formations</span> (Fm.), Nor...
Published: 01 July 2018
Figure 4. Revised Triassic stratigraphy of the Shublik and Otuk Formations (Fm.), North Slope and Brooks Range, Alaska. The Triassic time scale from Gradstein et al. (2012) was used for the absolute time scale, with the exception of the Norian–Rhaetian boundary, which is based on results from
Proximal to distal transect of total organic carbon (TOC) data for four loc...
Published: 01 July 2018
Creek locality. Data are from Kelly (2004) . (D) The TOC values in the Otuk Formation at Tiglukpuk Creek. Data are from Kelly (2004) . (E) The TOC values in the Otuk Formation at Red Dog 927 DDH. Data are from Dumoulin et al. (2013) . LC = lower clastic unit; MCC = middle carbonate–chert unit; UCC
Outcrop and core photographs of the lower clastic unit (LC). (A) Overview o...
Published: 01 July 2018
of the Otuk Formation, Tiglukpuk Creek. (D) Shale member of the Otuk Formation in Red Dog 927 DDH (photo from Dumoulin et al., 2013 ). Silty shale ranges from black and organic rich to pale gray and organic poor. Core is 5 cm (2 in.) in diameter. Core depths are shown from 564 to 567 m (1850 to 1860 ft
—Kuna <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> and Etivluk Group in fenster at headwaters of Kuna River. K...
Published: 01 March 1982
FIG. 3 —Kuna Formation and Etivluk Group in fenster at headwaters of Kuna River. Kuna Formation (ℙMk) is depositionally overlain by Siksikpuk Formation ( R ¯ Ps ) , Otuk Formation ( J R ¯ 0 ) , and undifferentiated Cretaceous rocks (Ku). High ridges are formed
Outcrop and core photographs of the upper clastic–carbonate (UCC) unit. Sol...
Published: 01 July 2018
Sandstone (KC) at the Fire Creek locality. (B) Close-up of the KC to the right of the field of view in (A). Rock hammer (white box) is 35 cm (14 in.) in length. (C) Limestone member of the Otuk Formation, Tiglukpuk Creek (photo from Whidden et al., 2013 ). Location of photograph shown in Figure 9E . (D
Outcrop and core photographs of middle carbonate–chert unit (MCC) and the c...
Published: 01 July 2018
systems tract of MCC2. (C) The MMC1 in the Tenneco 1 Phoenix core. Calcareous siltstone (light gray) is interbedded with medium brown calcareous shale. Core depth is 2452–2455 m (8045–8055 ft). The Tenneco 1 Phoenix core is 8.5 cm (3.5 in.) in diameter. (D) The chert mbr. of the Otuk Formation from Red
Cross section across Arctic Alaska illustrating the distribution of Permian...
Published: 01 July 2018
Figure 3. Cross section across Arctic Alaska illustrating the distribution of Permian–Triassic strata (purple) from the Brooks Range (Otuk Formation) across the North Slope (Shublik Formation) to the Beaufort rift shoulder. Note the highly deformed Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Early K) section
F ig . 1. Simplified stratigraphic column for the Red Dog district showing
Published: 01 November 2004
to black calcareous shale; in the Ikalukrok unit of the Kuna Formation are black shale and siliceous mudstone, black chert, and gray calcareous radiolarite (limestone); in the Siksikpuk Formation are gray shale, maroon, red, and green siltstone, and gray chert; in the Otuk Formation are gray and black
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1985
AAPG Bulletin (1985) 69 (4): 671.
..., and Mississippian Kayak Shale of the Endicott Group; Alapah Limestone and Kuna formation of the Lisburne Group; and Permian Siksikpuk Formation and Triassic Otuk formation of the Etivluk group. Lower Cretaceous coquinoid limestone and, in some places, orogenic sediments of the Okpikruak Formation cap the allochthon...
F ig . 9. Initial  87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios of barite in the
      Red Dog depos...
Published: 01 November 2004
al., 2000 , for locations). The plot shows Sr isotope compositions of barite in the Red Dog district: Su, Gull, Wul, Suds, Moil, Deadlock Mountain (assumed to be Carboniferous), Shear Creek (hosted in the Middle Jurassic to Lower Triassic Otuk Formation), and various regional
(A) Generalized stratigraphy, age control, and lithofacies of Kelly River a...
Published: 25 July 2022
) Otuk Formation contains fine-grained limestone with monotid bivalves, seen in plane view (B) and cross section (C). (D) Overview of Mississippian section in the Eli plate of the Kelly River allochthon, Baird Mountains quadrangle; red line through Kogruk Formation ~500 m. (E) Crinoid-foraminifer