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Osteolepis panderi
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Osteolepis panderi
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Journal Article
A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
Journal: Scottish Journal of Geology
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 16 September 2024
Scottish Journal of Geology (2024) 60 (2): sjg2024-006.
...Michael J. Newman In 1860 Pander described a new species of fish from the Givetian of Scotland using the invalid name Osteolepis microlepidotus , which was a synonym of Osteolepis macrolepidotus . In 1948 Jarvik published a monograph on this fish, giving it the name Osteolepis panderi . However, he...
Journal Article
The vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Rousay sequence in the Middle Devonian of Orkney, Scotland
Journal: Scottish Journal of Geology
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 28 August 2015
Scottish Journal of Geology (2015) 51 (2): 149–156.
... an upper member of the Upper Stromness Flagstone Formation. Our new investigations have confirmed that the fossil fish clearly separate the Rousay sequence from the underlying Stromness Flags and show that its thickness is over 800 m. The osteolepid fish Osteolepis panderi occurs in a limited zone...
Important localities for the history of Osteolepis panderi .
in A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 16 September 2024
Fig. 3. Important localities for the history of Osteolepis panderi .
BX-XIII-132, a head of Osteolepis panderi . ( a ) Illustration of the spec...
in A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 16 September 2024
Fig. 5. BX-XIII-132, a head of Osteolepis panderi . ( a ) Illustration of the specimen. ( b ) Photograph of the specimen. Source: Pander (1860 , pl. 1, fig. 2).
NMS G.1903.130.35, lectotype of Osteolepis panderi . ( a ) Complete specim...
in A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 16 September 2024
Fig. 6. NMS G.1903.130.35, lectotype of Osteolepis panderi . ( a ) Complete specimen. ( b ) Close-up of the head. Scale bars represent 10 mm.
Reconstruction of Osteolepis panderi . Source: after Jarvik (1948 , fig. ...
in A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 16 September 2024
Fig. 7. Reconstruction of Osteolepis panderi . Source: after Jarvik (1948 , fig. 57A).
Orkney locality map for the osteolepid Osteolepis panderi and coccosteid ...
in The vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Rousay sequence in the Middle Devonian of Orkney, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 28 August 2015
Fig. 2. Orkney locality map for the osteolepid Osteolepis panderi and coccosteid Millerosteus minor .
Specimens of ( A–C ) Osteolepis panderi and ( D–M ) Millerosteus minor ....
in The vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Rousay sequence in the Middle Devonian of Orkney, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 28 August 2015
Fig. 3. Specimens of ( A–C ) Osteolepis panderi and ( D–M ) Millerosteus minor . ( A ) NMS G.2014.7.1 parietal plate of the skull; ( B ) NMS G.2014.7.1 postparietal plate of the skull (both on same slab); ( C ) NMS G.2014.4.6 dorsal view of the skull. ( D ) NMS G.2014.4.13 median dorsal plate
Journal Article
Demarcation of the boundary between Middle Devonian Upper Stromness Flagstone and Rousay Flagstone formations in Westray, Orkney
Journal: Scottish Journal of Geology
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 22 September 2017
Scottish Journal of Geology (2017) 53 (2): 53–61.
... in the Orcadian Lake Basin. In 2015, the introduction of biozones by Uisdean Michie, based on fossil fish, and the recent discovery in Westray of the zone fossils Osteolepis panderi and Thursius pholidotus in a prominent fish bed across the island, has permitted the boundary for the base of the Rousay Formation...
Journal Article
Two newly identified cheiracanthid acanthodians from the Mey Flagstone Formation (Givetian, Middle Devonian) of the Orcadian Basin, Scotland
Journal: Scottish Journal of Geology
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 09 November 2020
Scottish Journal of Geology (2021) 57 (1): sjg2020-009.
.... Here we describe two other taxa Fallodentus davidsoni nov. gen. et sp. and Markacanthus costulatus Valiukevičius from the Mey Flagstone Formation. F. davidsoni occurs at the base of the formation, in the Osteolepis panderi biostratigraphic zone, and is readily identified by its robust fin spines which...
Biozone fossils: ( a ) median dorsal plate of Dickosteus threiplandi Uppe...
in A new geological map and review of the Middle Devonian rocks of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 17 May 2021
; ( c ) parietal plate of Osteolepis panderi , Lower Rousay Flagstone Member, Stancro foreshore [HY 5004 4046], author's collection; ( d ) small entire specimen of Osteolepis panderi , cycle 1, Lower Rousay Flagstone Member, Tuquoy Bay [HY 4533 4439], NMS G.2017.9.4; ( e ) median dorsal plate
Solid geology of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland, showing line o...
in A new geological map and review of the Middle Devonian rocks of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 17 May 2021
Fig. 1. Solid geology of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland, showing line of section of Figure 15 and localities of biozone fish. Dt; Dickosteus threiplandi ; Mm, Millerosteus minor ; Op, Osteolepis panderi.
Sketch profile of the structure across Westray from west to east along line...
in A new geological map and review of the Middle Devonian rocks of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 17 May 2021
Fig. 15. Sketch profile of the structure across Westray from west to east along line of section indicated on Figure 1 . Dt; Dickosteus threiplandi ; Mm, Millerosteus minor ; Op, Osteolepis panderi ; f, fault.
Specimens from the Widel quarries (the Weydale quarries) in Caithness. ( a ...
in A lectotype for the Scottish Middle Devonian (Givetian) fish Osteolepis panderi and the historical problems of the genus Osteolepis
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 16 September 2024
Fig. 4. Specimens from the Widel quarries (the Weydale quarries) in Caithness. ( a ) GSd 4216, possibly an osteolepid fish. ( b ) GSd 4215, an osteolepid fish. ( c ) GSd 4214: bottom, body trunk of an osteolepid fish; top right, a postparietal bone of Osteolepis panderi . Scale bars represent 10
Fallodentus davidsoni partially articulated specimens: ( a ) NMS G.2019.14...
in Two newly identified cheiracanthid acanthodians from the Mey Flagstone Formation (Givetian, Middle Devonian) of the Orcadian Basin, Scotland
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 09 November 2020
) associated with an Osteolepis panderi specimen (Op.sp) and (e) close up of the F. davidsoni specimen in (d). a.fs, anal fin spine; br, branchiostegal plates; d.fs, dorsal fin spine; fs, fin spine; gr, gular ray; h.l, hypocaudal fin lobe;, O. panderi parietal plate; pect.fs, pectoral fin spine
Sketch map of Westray (Orkney) showing the boundary of the base of the Rous...
in Demarcation of the boundary between Middle Devonian Upper Stromness Flagstone and Rousay Flagstone formations in Westray, Orkney
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 22 September 2017
fishes: Mm, Millerosteus minor (Middle Rousay), Op, Osteolepis panderi (Lower Rousay) and Dt, Dickosteus threiplandi (Upper Stromness). Based on British Geological Survey (1999) 1:100,000 map and reproduced with the permission of the British Geological Survey ©NERC. All rights Reserved.
Sketch map of part of southwestern Westray (Orkney), Mae Sand to Ness of Tu...
in Demarcation of the boundary between Middle Devonian Upper Stromness Flagstone and Rousay Flagstone formations in Westray, Orkney
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 22 September 2017
of the Rousay Formation (RF). Biozone fishes are Op, Osteolepis panderi (Lower Rousay) and Dt, Dickosteus threiplandi (Upper Stromness). Based on British Geological Survey (1999) 1:100,000 map of Orkney and reproduced with the permission of the British Geological Survey ©NERC. All rights Reserved.
A succession of nine logs mapped along the foreshore between Mae Sand and N...
in Demarcation of the boundary between Middle Devonian Upper Stromness Flagstone and Rousay Flagstone formations in Westray, Orkney
> Scottish Journal of Geology
Published: 22 September 2017
). The thickness is shown in metres and the logs provide an example of the cyclicity of these thicker than average lacustrine beds. Fish species are: Dv, Dipterus valenciennesi ; Gp, Glyptolepis paucidens ; Rl, Rhadinacanthus longispinus ; Op, Osteolepis panderi ; Tp, Thursius pholidotus ; Gm, Gyroptychius
Journal Article
A new geological map and review of the Middle Devonian rocks of Westray and Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland
Journal: Scottish Journal of Geology
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 17 May 2021
Scottish Journal of Geology (2021) 57 (2): sjg2020-030.
...; ( c ) parietal plate of Osteolepis panderi , Lower Rousay Flagstone Member, Stancro foreshore [HY 5004 4046], author's collection; ( d ) small entire specimen of Osteolepis panderi , cycle 1, Lower Rousay Flagstone Member, Tuquoy Bay [HY 4533 4439], NMS G.2017.9.4; ( e ) median dorsal plate...
Book Chapter
Book: The Geology of Scotland
Series: Geological Society, London, Geology of Series
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 01 January 2002
EISBN: 9781862393905
... of the Orcadian Basin at Port Skerra, Sutherland. Photo N. H. Trewin. (Ch. 8 ). Plate. 15. Two well-preserved specimens of Osteolepis panderi from a mass-mortality horizon in fish bed laminites of the Middle ORS, Latheron Sub-group, near Thurso, Caithness. Width of view 120 mm. Photo N. H. Trewin...