Olla field

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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1941
AAPG Bulletin (1941) 25 (4): 747–750.
...S. A. Packard; H. R. Kamb The Olla zone is characterized by the presence of glauconitic and calcareous sands and marls suggesting that it is in part, at least, of shallow marine origin. The general continuity of the Olla sands throughout the field is further evidence of this although...
Type electrical log of <span class="search-highlight">Olla</span> <span class="search-highlight">field</span>.
Published: 01 April 1941
Fig. 1. Type electrical log of Olla field.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1948
AAPG Bulletin (1948) 32 (2): 310.
..., Allen Parish. So. Oberlin field, column 3, delete: 8,442? P. 24, Table I, La Salle Parish, Olla field, line 3, column 4, should read: 2,768–75. P. 32, References, line 21: an asterisk should precede Foster. P. 32, References, lines 24 and 27, delete: asterisks preceding Gravell and Houston...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1941
AAPG Bulletin (1941) 25 (6): 1024–1036.
... of Wilcox production in LaSalle Parish, Louisiana, geophysical activity in North Louisiana was probably at its lowest in years. With the opening of the Olla field, a concentration of geophysical work followed in the shallow Wilcox trend. Table III shows important dry holes and tests drilled...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1942
AAPG Bulletin (1942) 26 (7): 1250–1276.
... are in a zone ranging from 630 to 1,740 feet below the top of the Wilcox. The upper five sands in this zone may be correlated approximately with oil sands of the Olla zone of the Olla field. During February, 1939, Walsenham’s Dean No. 1, was completed as a small oil producer from the Urania sand. This well...
Journal Article
Journal: Interpretation
Published: 23 April 2014
Interpretation (2014) 2 (2): SE125–SE135.
... fault system that extends southward from the Salton Sea. An interpretation of Wister Field geology was made using both P-P and P-SV seismic data. Two formation horizons, Canebrake/Olla/Diablo and Deguynos, were interpreted. Seismic time-structure maps were generated for each horizon. The objective...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Isotopic scheme showing ε Nd  and ε Sr  ratios for blocks of Las <span class="search-highlight">Ollas</span> comp...
Published: 01 September 2000
Fig. 5. Isotopic scheme showing ε Nd and ε Sr ratios for blocks of Las Ollas complex. Available data from the Zihuatanejo ( Freydier et al. 1993 ) and Huetamo ( Talavera 1993 ) suites are also ploted. Typical fields of MORB and primitive and mature island arcs are also shown for comparison
Figure 2. <span class="search-highlight">Field</span> examples of snake-like folds with stereoplots (Schmidt proj...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 2. Field examples of snake-like folds with stereoplots (Schmidt projection, lower hemisphere) showing their geometric elements. A and B: La Olla anticline (site 5 in Fig. 1A ). C and D: Decameter-scale folds in Upper Cretaceous limestones east of Aliaga (site 6 in Fig. 1A ). 1—axial plane
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2000
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2000) 37 (9): 1309–1320.
...Fig. 5. Isotopic scheme showing ε Nd and ε Sr ratios for blocks of Las Ollas complex. Available data from the Zihuatanejo ( Freydier et al. 1993 ) and Huetamo ( Talavera 1993 ) suites are also ploted. Typical fields of MORB and primitive and mature island arcs are also shown for comparison...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Coherency maps ( Bahorich and Farmer, 1995 ) at the bottom of the Canebrake...
Published: 22 April 2014
Figure 6. Coherency maps ( Bahorich and Farmer, 1995 ) at the bottom of the Canebrake/Olla/Diablo formation, a geothermal reservoir interval at Wister field. Section views of profiles A and B are shown in Figures  4 and 5 . (a) Coherency attribute extracted from P-P data. P-P coherency tends
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 December 2011
Geosphere (2011) 7 (6): 1469–1479.
... trench ( Solari et al., 2007 ). A detailed stratigraphic description of the Zihuatanejo area has been recently presented in Martini et al. (2010) . Here we present an upgrade of such stratigraphic framework, based on new field observations. The areal distribution and geometric relation between...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2010
GSA Bulletin (2010) 122 (7-8): 1248–1264.
... ( Warwick et al., 2008 ). In some areas, such as the Olla Field in La Salle Parish ( Fig. 4 ), CO 2 has been injected into the Wilcox oil reservoirs to enhance oil recovery. Figure 4. Location map of water and gas samples collected from coal-bed methane, oil, and gas wells completed in the Wilcox...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 June 2020
Economic Geology (2020) 115 (4): 771–791.
... is shown in the gray field. Note: Na is a low-proximal anomaly. Thick dashed line indicates El Teniente 0.5% Cu grade contour. Northing grid has 1-km spacing. Anomalous Mo (>2.1 ppm) is somewhat erratically distributed across the district. Consistently elevated values are observed close to El...
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Journal Article
Journal: Interpretation
Published: 22 April 2014
Interpretation (2014) 2 (2): SE117–SE123.
...Figure 6. Coherency maps ( Bahorich and Farmer, 1995 ) at the bottom of the Canebrake/Olla/Diablo formation, a geothermal reservoir interval at Wister field. Section views of profiles A and B are shown in Figures  4 and 5 . (a) Coherency attribute extracted from P-P data. P-P coherency tends...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 September 2007
GSA Bulletin (2007) 119 (9-10): 1052–1065.
... Jurassic Arteaga Complex at Tzitzio contains zircon clusters (ca. 202–247, ca. 424, ca. 600, ca. 971, and ca. 2877 Ma) consistent with an ultimate derivation from both North American and South American sources. The sample from the Las Ollas suite contains comparable zircon populations (ca. 376–475, ca. 575...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 July 2005
Geology (2005) 33 (7): 561–564.
...Figure 2. Field examples of snake-like folds with stereoplots (Schmidt projection, lower hemisphere) showing their geometric elements. A and B: La Olla anticline (site 5 in Fig. 1A ). C and D: Decameter-scale folds in Upper Cretaceous limestones east of Aliaga (site 6 in Fig. 1A ). 1—axial plane...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 November 2002
Economic Geology (2002) 97 (7): 1607–1608.
... Resources Canada, to the resolution of beneficiation problems. This volume provides an excellent review of those problems and their resolution through applied mineralogical techniques, based on first-hand experiences by a leader in the field. The first part (Chapters 1 and 2) discusses methods...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 January 2008
Economic Geology (2008) 103 (1): 117–140.
... defined for Guerrero terrane VMS deposits suggests that it may represent a different age or style of mineralization. Miranda-Gasca (1995) reported two analyses of galena from the Copper King deposit in the Las Ollas Complex. One analysis falls within the same field as the rest of the Guerrero VMS...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1941
AAPG Bulletin (1941) 25 (2): 324–326.
... be ascribed to surface geology alone, with surface indications aiding in the discovery of six others. Yet all could have been found by surface mapping. Of the remaining ten fields, one (Jena) was discovered by geophysics, for seven (Benson, Georgetown, Grogan, Olla, Spider, Sutherlin, and White Sulphur...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 2009
GSA Bulletin (2009) 121 (5-6): 663–687.
... of the originally more open antiformal corrugation ( B. Housen and G. Axen, 2006 , written commun.). The structural geometries of the West Salton detachment fault are complex, mostly beyond the scope of this paper, and the subject of ongoing research. Diablo Formation, Olla Formation, and Canebrake...
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