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Figure  2 —Type Cincinnatian stratigraphy, graptolite, and conodont biostra...
Published: 01 May 2003
associations are included (far right). Sketches of the first left and right maxillae (MI) of key polychaetaspid species, characteristic to each association, are included; A, Oenonites cf. curvidens Hinde; B, Oenonites sp. A; C, Oenonites sp. B; D, Oenonites aff. tuberosus (Eller); E, Oenonites
Scanning electron microscope photos of selected scolecodonts. Scale bars 0....
Published: 18 February 2016
246; (G) Pistoprion transitans , left MI, GIT 714-7, sample 410; (H) Pistoprion transitans , right MII, GIT 714-8, sample 410; (I) Xanioprion sp. A, left MII, GIT 714-9, sample 410; (J) Xanioprion sp. A, right MI, GIT 714-10, sample 410; (K) Oenonites aff. wyszogrodensis , left MI, GIT 714-11
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2003
Journal of Paleontology (2003) 77 (3): 509–523.
... associations are included (far right). Sketches of the first left and right maxillae (MI) of key polychaetaspid species, characteristic to each association, are included; A, Oenonites cf. curvidens Hinde; B, Oenonites sp. A; C, Oenonites sp. B; D, Oenonites aff. tuberosus (Eller); E, Oenonites...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 19 February 2009
Geological Magazine (2009) 146 (3): 451–462.
... has no less than 27 species belonging to 12 genera, of which Oenonites , Mochtyella and Pistoprion are the most abundant. The assemblage has a characteristic Baltic signature and is similar in taxonomic composition to coeval ones from other areas of the Baltoscandian palaeobasin...
Journal Article
Published: 18 February 2016
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2016) 53 (7): 731–738.
... 246; (G) Pistoprion transitans , left MI, GIT 714-7, sample 410; (H) Pistoprion transitans , right MII, GIT 714-8, sample 410; (I) Xanioprion sp. A, left MII, GIT 714-9, sample 410; (J) Xanioprion sp. A, right MI, GIT 714-10, sample 410; (K) Oenonites aff. wyszogrodensis , left MI, GIT 714-11...
Journal Article
Published: 04 August 2010
Geological Magazine (2011) 148 (2): 269–287.
... of that of the Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Oenonites , Vistulella , Mochtyella and the enigmatic ‘ Xanioprion ’ represent the most common genera, whereas Pteropelta , Protarabellites ?, Atraktoprion and Xanioprion are considerably more rare. The assemblage differs from coeval ones particularly in its poorly...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1971
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1971) 19 (1): 251–293.
... there . For similar reasons a variety of forms had been assigned to such genera as Arabellites , Ildraites, Oenonites, and Staurocephalites ; again little regard was given to the morphology of the type species of these genera . Among the new genera proposed in this paper are new names for such generic concepts...
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 03 April 2019
Palynology (2019) 43 (2): 321–332.
... families are examined and documented from the Devonian of Faghour-1X borehole. The identified families are Paulinitidae, Kielanoprionidae, Polychaetaspidae and Mochtyellidae. Four genera are identified: Kettnerites , Oblongiprion , Oenonites and Mochtyella . The scolecodont associations are compared...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 30 April 2015
Journal of Paleontology (2015) 89 (2): 222–235.
... outside of Baltoscandia. Bedding-plane material from Wiarton, Ontario, reveals a more diverse fauna of seven to nine additional polychaete taxa, most belonging to Kettnerites and Oenonites . Strata at Wiarton are interpreted as having been deposited in environments with good water circulation and open...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1998
Journal of Paleontology (1998) 72 (3): 477–485.
...Mats G. Eriksson; Claes F. Bergman Abstract Hadoprion cervicornis (Hinde, 1879) from the Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian (Cincinnatian to Medinian) replaces four generic and eight specific names: Arabellites cervicornis, A. aciculatus, Oenonites acinaces, Ildraites horridus, I. laeohorridus, I...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2005
Journal of Paleontology (2005) 79 (3): 486–496.
..., right MII, LO 9443; 16, MIII (single left jaw), LO 9444; 13, Leptoprion ? sp., left MI, LO 9445; 14, Protarabellites sp., left MI, LO 9446; 15, Oenonites sp., left MI, LO 9447; 17, Atraktoprion sp. C, right MI, LO 9448; 18, 19, Atraktoprion ? sp. B; 18, left MI, LO 9449; 19, right MI...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Figure  5 —Selected SEM micrographs of representative and characteristic sc...
Published: 01 May 2003
Gate Hill; 29–32, from sample US PMBWH TSH U, “Trilobite shale,” Waynesville Fm, Bon Well Hill. 1–3, 25, 26, previously figured by Bergman (1998) ; 21–23, previously figured by Eriksson and Bergman (1998) . 1–9, Family Polychaetaspidae; 1–3, Oenonites sp. B.; 1, Left MI, OSU 48452; 2
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2008
Journal of Paleontology (2008) 82 (3): 628–633.
... and Atraktoprion will be discussed in detail elsewhere. Similarly as with his other genera ( Oenonites Hinde, 1879 , Glycerites Hinde, 1879 , and Staurocephalites Hinde, 1879 ) Hinde did not designate a type species for Arabellites (nor did he select any holotypes for his species). During the late 19th...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1936
AAPG Bulletin (1936) 20 (10): 1329–1341.
... Lumbriconereites speciosus Stauffer Lumbriconereites webbi Stauffer Nothrites gratus Stauffer Oenonites dignus Stauffer Oenonites inornatus Stauffer Oenonites scelestus Stauffer Protarabellites concavus Stauffer Protarabellites delectus Stauffer Protarabellites glenwoodensis...
Journal Article
Published: 09 March 2016
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2016) 53 (7): 739–747.
... Kettnerites is by far the most common, followed by Mochtyella and Oenonites . Other taxa are represented by fewer specimens, and some ( Xanioprion , Pteropelta ) can only be identified tentatively. Two finds may have stratigraphic importance: the collection contains few posterior maxillae...
Light microscope photographs of scolecodonts and jaw apparatuses preserved ...
Published: 30 April 2015
) Oenonites cf. O. hibbardi ; ( 1 ) right MI in ventral view, ROM 59864a; ( 2 ) right MI in lateral view, ROM 59866a; ( 3 ) right MI in dorsal view, ROM 59865a; ( 4 ) Left MI in dorsal view, ROM 59864b; ( 5 ) Right MI in dorsal view, ROM
Figure  7 —SEM micrographs of selected scolecodonts from the Sylvan Shale. ...
Published: 01 May 2005
; 16, MIII (single left jaw), LO 9444; 13, Leptoprion ? sp., left MI, LO 9445; 14, Protarabellites sp., left MI, LO 9446; 15, Oenonites sp., left MI, LO 9447; 17, Atraktoprion sp. C, right MI, LO 9448; 18, 19, Atraktoprion ? sp. B; 18, left MI, LO 9449; 19, right MI, LO 9450; 20, 21
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2006
Journal of Paleontology (2006) 80 (2): 396–399.
..., Arabellites , Oenonites , and Glycerites , based (primarily) on the Toronto-area material. The nomenclatural status of these names has been and still is being debated (e.g., Kielan-Jaworowska, 1966 ; Jansonius and Craig, 1971 ; Eriksson et al., 2004 , and references therein). During studies...
Series: Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/M38.18
EISBN: 9781862396425
... polychaete annelids greatly diversified (Fig. 18.3 ; Hints et al. 2004 ; Hints & Eriksson 2007 a ). Members of Oenonites and Mochtyella are first recorded at the beginning of the Middle Ordovician and these genera commonly dominate the assemblages in younger Ordovician, as well as Silurian...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2001
Journal of Paleontology (2001) 75 (5): 993–1015.
... jaws have been described under various generic names, e.g., Lumbriconereites Ehlers, 1868a ; Eunicites Ehlers, 1868b ; Nereidavus Grinnell, 1877 ; Oenonites Hinde, 1879 ; Protarabellites Stauffer, 1933 ; Leodicites Eller, 1940 ; Paleoenonites Eller, 1942 ; Ramphoprion Kielan-Jaworowska...
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