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Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 September 2010
The Leading Edge (2010) 29 (9): 1122–1137.
...Lee Hunt; Scott Reynolds; Tyson Brown; Scott Hadley; Jon Downton; Satinder Chopra Abstract We investigated the accuracy of surface seismic attributes in predicting fracture density variations within the Nordegg Formation in west central Alberta. We know from core, drill samples, well-log...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2004
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2004) 52 (3): 201–214.
... introduces a new member, the Gordondale Member, for highly radioactive, fine-grained strata previously referred to as either the lower Fernie Formation, the Lower Fernie shelf limestone and clastics, the Nordegg Member, or the “Nordegg Member”. A new occurrence of a late Toarcian ammonite, which constrains...
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Journal Article
Published: 02 January 1995
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1995) 65 (1a): 112–126.
...Cynthia L. Riediger; John D. Block Abstract Petrographic, mineralogical, and bulk-geochemical (XRD, XRF, and Rock-Eval) data indicate that depositional and early diagenetic processes were the principal controls on the organic and inorganic characteristics of the Lower Jurassic "Nordegg Member...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1994
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1994) 42 (1): 63–73.
...C.L. Riediger ABSTRACT Geological and organic geochemical data show that the organic-rich Lower Jurassic “Nordegg Member” could not have been a major source for the 269.4×10 9 m 3 oil in place in the Lower Cretaceous tar sands/heavy oil deposits in eastern Alberta. Stratigraphic reconstructions...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1992
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1992) 40 (4): 381–394.
...C.L. Riediger; M. Coniglio ABSTRACT Displacive calcite in the organic-rich, fine-grained carbonates of the “Nordegg Member” (Lower Jurassic, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin) is characterized by textures, mineralogy and stable carbon isotopic compositions [δ 13 C from -3.5 to -26.9‰ (PDB)] which...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1991
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1991) 39 (2): 209.
...F.M. Dawson; W.D. Kalkreuth; K. Burchard Lower Cretaceous Luscar Group strata containing coal resources of low- to medium-volatile bituminous rank represent a prime exploration target for coalbed methane in the Alberta Foothills. The Nordegg region is presently the focus of a coalbed methane...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1991
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1991) 39 (2): 222.
...C.L. Riediger; M.G. Fowler; L.R. Snowdon The “Nordegg Member” of northwestern Alberta and northeastern B.C. (WCSB), is an organic-rich, highly radioactive, micritic limestone of Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) age. This unit has been used as a marker horizon by petroleum personnel for many years...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1990
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1990) 38A (1): 236–249.
...C.L. Riediger; M.G. Fowler; L.R. Snowdon; F. Goodarzi; P.W. Brooks ABSTRACT The “Nordegg Member” comprises dark grey to black, variably phosphatic limestone and calcareous mudstone, and is easily identified in the subsurface of Alberta and British Columbia by a high gamma-ray log response. Rock...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1968
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1968) 16 (2): 211.
...D. M. Cruden A geologic map of part of the Brazeau Range Anticline in the Rocky Mountain Foothills near Nordegg, Alberta has been made on the scale of 4 in to 1 m. The results of the mapping are presented as structure-contour maps of the tops of the Alexo, Palliser and Banff Formations...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1966
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1966) 14 (2): 266–272.
...D. M. Cruden; H. A. K. Charlesworth ABSTRACT Bedding on either side of the Mississippian-Jurassic unconformity near Nordegg is almost parallel. Determining the angular relations between such sub-parallel surfaces is difficult. The recognition of significant, small angular discordances is made...
a) The <span class="search-highlight">Nordegg</span> Member exposure near the Shunda Creek bridge east of <span class="search-highlight">Nordegg</span>...
Published: 01 September 2018
Figure 6. a) The Nordegg Member exposure near the Shunda Creek bridge east of Nordegg, south side of Alberta highway 11 (UTM 567737 E; 5816876N); bedding orientation 220°/75°. Geologist at the shaley interval that produced Amaltheus sp. aff. Gibbosus; b) Nordegg Member with 5 bentonite beds
Overturned Upper Palliser through to Exshaw Formation at <span class="search-highlight">Nordegg</span>, Alberta (...
Published: 01 December 2010
Fig. 17. Overturned Upper Palliser through to Exshaw Formation at Nordegg, Alberta (Locality N in Fig. 2 ). Triangles show lower and upper contacts of lower black shale member of the Exshaw Formation.
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1990
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1990) 38A (1): 159–175.
... britannique, est communément mais incorrectement nommée membre Nordegg (formation Fernie). Le membre Nordegg à proprement parler est un faciès composé de chert noir rubané et de calcaire formé loin au sud, dans le centre-ouest de l’Alberta. Les couches Fernie inférieur situées au nord on été déposées sur la...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1991
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1991) 39 (2): 213.
...M.E. Hashemi The application of very high resolution stratigraphic controls to the study of the post-Montney/pre-Nordegg sequence in the Peace River area has made it possible to analyze its stratigraphy and facies at the reservoir scale. This high resolution control is based on differentiation...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1990
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1990) 38A (1): 218–235.
... mature 1A oils, and have their source in the “Phosphate Zone”. Group 2 oils have as their source the Lower Jurassic “Nordegg Member”, based on the comparison of the biomarker compositions of the Group 2 oils with “Nordegg” extracts. RÉSUMÉ Les formations Montney et Doig, et les unités d’affleurements...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1969
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1969) 17 (2): 133–153.
...R. E. Deere; P. Bayliss ABSTRACT The Lower Jurassic in the Rocky Mountain House area of central Alberta includes the lower part of the Fernie Formation, which may be subdivided into two distinct lithologic units: the Nordegg Member, and the Poker Chip Shale Member. These units were studied by power...
—Schematic west-east cross section through the study area. A major unconfor...
Published: 11 November 1999
Figure 2 —Schematic west-east cross section through the study area. A major unconformity is present between the Shunda (Mississippian) and Nordegg (Sinemurian) formations; however, the deepest incisions occurred at an unconformity representing a much shorter time duration in the Early Jurassic
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2002
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2002) 50 (2): 263–276.
... to Middle Jurassic strata from the outcrop belt to the subsurface of west-central Alberta. New ammonite identifications from the middle and upper units of the “Nordegg Member” (north of Twp. 60) indicate that these strata are of Early Toarcian age. The middle and upper units of the subsurface “Nordegg...
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—Cross sections showing the lithology of Mississippian formations in the Me...
Published: 11 November 1999
Figure 5 —Cross sections showing the lithology of Mississippian formations in the Medicine River field. Location of cross sections is given in Figure 3 . Major unconformities occur between Mississippian (Banff-Pekisko-Shunda) and Lower Jurassic (Nordegg) formations, and between Nordegg
Depiction of wells A and B. (a) Illustrates a stratigraphic cross section o...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 1. Depiction of wells A and B. (a) Illustrates a stratigraphic cross section of the Nordegg in local wells. Log displays include gamma ray, and density porosity curves. The horizontal well A is depicted as if it intersects a nearby vertical well. (b) Schematic illustrating the relative