Nocona Formation

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Figure  1 —Lithostratigraphy and location of Lower Permian pygocephalomorph...
Published: 01 May 2002
Figure 1 —Lithostratigraphy and location of Lower Permian pygocephalomorph deposits in North-Central Texas. 1, Generalized stratigraphic column; Wichita Group formations abbreviated as NF, Nocona Formation, PF, Petrolia Formation, and WRF, Waggoner Ranch Formation; 2, generalized Petrolia
—Log/log cross plot of sandstone body width vs. thickness (modified after  ...
Published: 01 August 1997
= Brownstones formation ( Tunbridge, 1981 ); 20–21 = Salt Wash Sandstone Member, Morrison Formation ( Peterson, 1984 ); 22–24 = Willwood Formation ( Kraus and Middleton, 1987 ); 25 = Oakville Formation ( Galloway, 1981 ); 26–28 = Archer City and Nocona formations ( Sander, 1989 ); 29 = Beaufort formation
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1940
AAPG Bulletin (1940) 24 (10): 1836–1838.
... paleontological evidence is brought to light it will be possible to determine definitely the age of the Nocona formation. On June 30, 1940, 23 producing wells had been completed in the Rogers pool; 9 wells were producing from the 4,300-foot zone, one from the 4,500-foot zone, 4 from the 4,600-foot zone, and 9...
Geographic and maximal stratigraphic distribution of Bolosauridae.  Top : g...
Published: 01 December 2012
Arriba County, New Mexico; Red Tank Belebeyinae: Red Tanks Member, Bursum Formation, Valencia County, New Mexico. 2 , Bolosaurus striatus : Archer City Formation, Wichita County, Texas; Archer City, Petrolia, and Nocona formations, Archer County, Texas. Bolosaurus grandis : unnamed formation, Comanche
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (6): 844–859.
...J. J. Maucini ABSTRACT New developments and discoveries in north-central Texas during 1938 have materially increased the importance of the Strawn formations as major producing zones in the north-central district and have increased the scope of the Canyon and Cisco in the west-central. The most...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1940
AAPG Bulletin (1940) 24 (10): 1838–1839.
... of Bonita, in east-central Montague County, Texas, 8 miles southeast of the town of Nocona. The Sinclair Prairie Oil Company’s A. P. Howard No. 1, discovery well, is 1,480 feet from the south line and 420 feet from the east line of the Howard lease in the William Wallace Survey, Abst. 841, and the J. C...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1951
AAPG Bulletin (1951) 35 (6): 1274–1293.
... Pennsylvanian beds rest on truncated Ordovician, Cambrian and basement rocks. The Muenster arch extends northwestward from the northeast part of Denton County, across western Cooke County and through the old Nocona field of northern Montague County, thence northwestward across southern Oklahoma into one...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1932
AAPG Bulletin (1932) 16 (4): 413–416.
... in Wichita County, 8 in Montague County, and not more than 3 in any other county. Isothermal surfaces as located in these wells dip in the same general direction, but less steeply than do the sedimentary rocks except in two localities. One of these exceptions is found in the Nocona district, Montague County...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1941
AAPG Bulletin (1941) 25 (6): 1064–1080.
...NORTH TEXAS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ABSTRACT During the year 1940, the north and west-central Texas districts developed important new production in the following stratigraphic formations. Ellenburger limestone (Cambro-Ordovician) in the western part of the K.M.A. field in Wichita County. Chappel...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1946
AAPG Bulletin (1946) 30 (6): 963–971.
..., where prolific Bend conglomerates indicate a major northwest extension of the Hildreth field, and (3) Harrold area, Wilbarger County, in the Electra Arch province, where Canyon, Strawn, and Ellenburger limestones are productive in the National pool. The Ellenburger formation was accountable for 10...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2012
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2012) 183 (6): 495–508.
... Arriba County, New Mexico; Red Tank Belebeyinae: Red Tanks Member, Bursum Formation, Valencia County, New Mexico. 2 , Bolosaurus striatus : Archer City Formation, Wichita County, Texas; Archer City, Petrolia, and Nocona formations, Archer County, Texas. Bolosaurus grandis : unnamed formation, Comanche...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2002
Journal of Paleontology (2002) 76 (3): 486–494.
...Figure 1 —Lithostratigraphy and location of Lower Permian pygocephalomorph deposits in North-Central Texas. 1, Generalized stratigraphic column; Wichita Group formations abbreviated as NF, Nocona Formation, PF, Petrolia Formation, and WRF, Waggoner Ranch Formation; 2, generalized Petrolia...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.265.01.09
EISBN: 9781862395138
... to mid-Wolfcampian (Cutler Formation) of New Mexico ( Berman et al. 1987 ) and from the late Wolfcampian (basal Organ Rock Shale) of Utah ( Vaughn 1966 ). The next related species, S. baylorensis, is recorded from the late Wolfcampian (Nocona Formation, Admiral; Laurin 1996 ) or early Leonardian...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1943
AAPG Bulletin (1943) 27 (6): 771–781.
...: 8,696 feet in Ordovician dolomite Discovery method: Seismograph Sinclair Prairie’s J. M. Sanders No. 1, in Sec. 114, J. C. Mattison Survey, Abst. 471, 4 miles southwest of Nocona Producing formation: Bend conglomerate 5,962-5,972 feet Initial production: 375.3 bbls., 36.8° gravity oil...
Journal Article
Published: 30 May 2001
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2001) 38 (5): 803–812.
.... teutonis is most comparable to D. natalis from the Lower Permian Nocona Formation (ex Admiral Formation) of the Wichita Group of Texas (as revised by Hentz 1988 ), which is regarded as a primitive member of the genus ( Romer and Price 1940 ; Reisz 1986 ). Inasmuch as a Wolfcampian age is assigned...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1940
AAPG Bulletin (1940) 24 (6): 1044–1061.
... reservoirs. In this paper new discoveries, important extensions, and new pay zones are listed in tabular form, grouped by the age of the producing formation. The discussion will be limited to the significant geologic and economic deductions which can be drawn from these discoveries and from the important...
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 April 2002
PALAIOS (2002) 17 (2): 123–133.
... and Kansas has been correlated to the Admiral and Belle Plains Formations (lower Wichita Group) of northern Texas. Recent revisions of Texan stratigraphic nomenclature have placed the Admiral and Belle Plains Formations as part of the Nocona, Petrolia, and Waggoner Ranch Formations of the Wichita Group...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1945
AAPG Bulletin (1945) 29 (6): 757–765.
... DISCOVERED IN 1944 Index No. Country Field Operator Farm and Well No. Location Class Date Producing Formation Depth Top Prod. Form. (Feet) Total Depth (Feet) Depth Plugged Back (Feet) Initial Production (Barrels) Method of Exploration 1 Archer   H. Bolin...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2007
Journal of Paleontology (2007) 81 (5): 873–894.
... of the Pease River Group ( Olson and Vaughn, 1970 ; Parrish, 1978 ). Remains of T. insignis are most abundant in the Nocona and Petrolia Formations ( Romer, 1928 ; Olson, 1956 ). Olson (1956) considered that all specimens found in the Wichita Group belong to T. insignis ; whereas the other specimens...
FIGURES | View All (15)
Published: 01 January 2006
DOI: 10.1130/2006.2399(11)
... of Pedotype D and Pedotype G, Nocona Formation stratotype, Lower Permian. (D) Clastic dykes typical of Pedotype D and Pedotype G, Nocona Formation stratotype, Lower Permian. Paleosols are an important component of Virgilian through Leonardian strata of the Eastern Shelf. Pedotypes A through D occur...
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