Mylor Slate Formation

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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1989
Journal of the Geological Society (1989) 146 (5): 739–742.
... 1984; Barnes & Andrews 1986; Holder & Leveridge 1986). Palynology. A suite of 14 samples was collected from the parautochthonous Mylor Slate Formation and allochthonous Portscatho Formation (Holder & Leveridge 1986), on the west coast of the Lizard Peninsula (Fig. 1). Palynomorphs were...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 December 2012
Geosphere (2012) 8 (6): 1467–1504.
.... There is evidence for stoping of the country rocks by an outward-migrated sill and dyke network, and uplift and doming of the host rocks can be partially attributed to laccolith inflation. Host meta-siltstones of the Devonian Mylor Slate Formation formed a contact aureole of cordierite + biotite + chlorite...
FIGURES | View All (31)
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1991
Journal of the Geological Society (1991) 148 (4): 731–736.
... from the lithologically homogeneous Mylor Slate Formation next to the Tregonning Granite, an offshoot of the Cornubian batholith. The depletions are due to an H 2 O-CO 2 -N 2 (-CH 4 ) fluid formed during contact metamorphic devolatilization of the pelitic country rocks. Fluids of this type have been...
(A) West-east profile across the Tregonning granite, from Praa Sands, Rinse...
Published: 04 April 2024
Figure 8. (A) West-east profile across the Tregonning granite, from Praa Sands, Rinsey Cove, and Megiliggar rocks of SW England. (B) The three horizontal leucogranites and aplite-pegmatite sills intruding into the contact metamorphosed Mylor Slate Formation, along the eastern margin
(A) Engine houses at the Crowns, Botallack, mine of SW England built on ska...
Published: 04 April 2024
Figure 5. (A) Engine houses at the Crowns, Botallack, mine of SW England built on skarns and hornfels around the margin of the Land's End granite. (B) Outward dipping granite contact at Porth Ledden, Cape Cornwall, showing hornfels in the Mylor Slate Formation country rock. (C) Roof complex
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 125–134.
... and young to the south. The succession (Fig. 2) spans most of the Devonian from the Dartmouth Beds of Siegenian (see House & Selwood 1964), and possibly the uppermost Gedinnian, age (House 1975), up to the Mylor Slate Formation which has yielded Famennian palynomorphs (Turner et al. 1979). The Dartmouth...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 04 April 2024
GSA Bulletin (2024) 136 (9-10): 4301–4320.
...Figure 8. (A) West-east profile across the Tregonning granite, from Praa Sands, Rinsey Cove, and Megiliggar rocks of SW England. (B) The three horizontal leucogranites and aplite-pegmatite sills intruding into the contact metamorphosed Mylor Slate Formation, along the eastern margin...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1994
Journal of the Geological Society (1994) 151 (5): 795–802.
...). The metasedimentary samples were considered representative of the Devonian Mylor, Ports- catho, Porthtowan, Meadfoot and Kate Brook Slate Formations which constitute the principal country rocks for the Hercynian granites. Data for the intercalated Middle and Lower Devonian calc-alkaline and alkaline volcanic rocks...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (1): 87–95.
.... E. Taylor R. G. Goode A. J. J. Owens B. Palynological evidence for the age of the Mylor slates, Mount Wellington, Cornwall Proc Ussher Soc 1979 4 274 83 Turner, R. G. 1969. The influence of granite emplacement on structure in South-West England. Thesis, PhD, Univ...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1973
Journal of the Geological Society (1973) 129 (5): 527–536.
... is part of this complex. Zone 9 is developed in the Gramscatho and Mylor Beds which are now thought to be mainly of Middle Devonian age (Hendriks et al. I97 I) and, therefore, are equivalent, in part, to the slate sequence of north Cornwall. Sanderson (197 I) has suggested that there is a slide contact...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1987
Journal of the Geological Society (1987) 144 (4): 531–542.
... of greywacke sandstone and siltstone. It is in sequence between the Meadfoot Group, which in its northern outcrop is Lower Devonian (House & Selwood 1964), and the Mylor Slate Formation which is largely Upper Devonian (Turner et al. 1979). The Portscatho, Pendower and Came Formations constitute the Group...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 117–124.
... Turner R. E. Taylor R. T. Goode A. J. J. Owens B. Palynological evidence for the age of the Mylor Slates, Mount Wellington, Cornwall Proceedings of the Ussher Society 1979 4 274 83 Wadge G. Burke K. Neogene Caribbean plate rotation and associated Central American...
Journal Article
Published: 20 February 2023
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2023) 56 (2): qjegh2022-051.
... intruded into the Upper Devonian Mylor Slate Formation of the Gramscatho Group ( Fig. 2a ). It forms the most westerly mainland exposure of the Cornubian Batholith and provides consistent exposure of the granite and its margins in coastal outcrop. The present-day shape of the pluton is unusual compared...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1988
Journal of the Geological Society (1988) 145 (5): 777–787.
... (SXO93910) where it lies in thrust contact above rocks of the Trambley Cove Formation, Tintagel Volcanic Formation and Barras Nose Formation which in turn overlie grey slates of the so-called Transition Group (Freshney et al. 1972 fig. 1). From Western Blackapit southward to Tregardock Beach, there Fig. 4...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1973
Journal of the Geological Society (1973) 129 (5): 533–536.
...-west England. Proc. Ussher Soc. 2~ 115-2 I. x97I. Some aspects of the tectonic evolution of south-west England. Proc. Geol. Ass. 8x~ 483-9 2 DOBSON, M. H. & REx, D. C. 197 x . Potassium-argon ages of slates and phyllites from south-west England. Q. Jl geol. So¢. Lond. x26, 465-99. t-IADLEY, J. B...
Journal Article
Journal: Clay Minerals
Published: 01 March 2006
Clay Minerals (2006) 41 (1): 433–471.
... the hanging wall of the Carrick Thrust ( Leveridge & Holder, 1985 ), is in marked contrast with the absence or very small Na/K mica and paragonite contents in the Upper Devonian Mylor Slate Formation forming the footwall of the thrust. The occurrence of pyrophyllite in Devonian rocks appears...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2000
Journal of the Geological Society (2000) 157 (3): 589–600.
... precipitation. The main study area is situated on the west coast of the Lizard Peninsula in southwest Cornwall ( Fig. 3). The Devonian metasediments in this region have been divided into two lithofacies ( Holder & Leveridge 1986): the Porthscatho Formation and the Late Devonian Mylor Slate Formation...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1977
Journal of the Geological Society (1977) 133 (4): 401–411.
... Pyroclastic Formation of central Snowdonia, and the Middle Crafnant Volcanic Formation of eastern Snowdonia, and showed that, whilst synchronous, two very different volcanic facies derived their material from different sources––the Bedded Pyroclastics from the Snowdon area and the Middle Crafnants from...
Journal Article
Published: 17 April 2013
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (2013) 13 (2): 145–157.
... (dominantly slates) belonging to the Mylor Slate Formation, of Upper Devonian (Famennian) age, known locally as ‘Killas’ ( Bristow et al . 1998 ; Le Boutillier et al . 2001 ). At depths of c. 250–300 m below surface, these sediments give way to granite of the Carn Brea stock that was contacted in many...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 141–147.
... M. H. Rex D. C. Potassium-Argon ages of slates and phyllites from south-west England Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 1971 126 465 99 Edwards R. A. Freshney E. C. Geology of the Country around Southampton Memoirs of the British Geological Survev...