Mualem method

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Comparison of the water pressure head ( h ) between the coarse-scale models...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 3. Comparison of the water pressure head ( h ) between the coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) and the fine-scale model for the one-dimensional ponded infiltration problem at time t = 1, 4, and 8 h using the Mualem–van
Comparison of the water pressure head ( h ) between the coarse-scale models...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 5. Comparison of the water pressure head ( h ) between the coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) and the fine-scale model for the one-dimensional upward evaporation problem at time t = 1, 4, and 8 h using the Mualem–van
Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction ...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 16. Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction derived from the fine-scale model and the two coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) at time t = 0.1, 1, and 5 h for the two-dimensional downward
Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction ...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 17. Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction derived from the fine-scale model and the two coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) at time t = 0.1, 1, and 5 h for the two-dimensional downward
Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction ...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 21. Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction derived from the fine-scale model and the two coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) at time t = 0.1, 1, and 5 h for the two-dimensional upward
Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction ...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 23. Comparison of the average pressure heads ( h ) in the horizontal direction derived from the fine-scale model and the two coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) at time t = 1, 10, and 50 h for the two-dimensional
Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) an...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 14. Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) and the coarse-scale model using the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) (right) at time t = 1, 2, and 5 h for the two-dimensional downward infiltration problem with the Mualem–van Genuchten model
Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) an...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 15. Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) and the coarse-scale model using the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) (right) at time t = 1, 2, and 5 h for the two-dimensional downward infiltration problem with the Mualem–van Genuchten model
Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) an...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 19. Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) and the coarse-scale model using the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) (right) at time t = 1, 2, and 5 h for the two-dimensional upward evaporation problem with the Mualem–van Genuchten model
Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) an...
Published: 01 July 2015
Fig. 22. Comparison of the water content derived from the fine-scale model (left) and the coarse-scale model using the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) (right) at time t = 1, 10, and 50 h for the two-dimensional infiltration problem with mixed boundary conditions with the Mualem–van
A plot of hydraulic conductivity ( K ) versus effective water saturation ( ...
Published: 01 August 2008
F ig . 10. A plot of hydraulic conductivity ( K ) versus effective water saturation ( S e ) for the sandy loam layer at −30 and −60 cm. The solid lines are simulated data from the Mualem–van Genuchten hydraulic model ( van Genuchten, 1980 ) based on undisturbed core data. The solid circles
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2015
Vadose Zone Journal (2015) 14 (7): vzj2014.12.0171.
...Fig. 3. Comparison of the water pressure head ( h ) between the coarse-scale models using the upscaling method (UM) and the upscaling method with pre-calculation (UM-p) and the fine-scale model for the one-dimensional ponded infiltration problem at time t = 1, 4, and 8 h using the Mualem–van...
FIGURES | View All (23)
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2004
Vadose Zone Journal (2004) 3 (3): 971–981.
... of the van Genuchten–Mualem and Brooks–Corey–Burdine models. For the polynomial functions we used quadratic B-splines and piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation. The method leads to local parameterizations that can also be hierarchic, depending on the invoked number of degrees of freedom. Since a suitable...
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Soil water retention, θ ( h ) (top) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity,...
Published: 01 August 2005
evaporation method (open diamond), a constant-head method (open square), and using pressure plates (open circle). Solid curves represent the fitted Mualem-van Genuchten functions. Measured values for K s were plotted on the left axes at log(− h ) = −2, where h is in cm (or hPa).
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 30 September 2010
Geophysics (2010) 75 (4): WA211–WA219.
... consistent with the results of numerical simulations performed using finite-difference time-domain modeling of GPR coupled with a 1D unsaturated flow model (HYDRUS-1D) for which the sand hydraulic properties were determined independently using core samples. Despite this agreement, few methods are available...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2015
Vadose Zone Journal (2015) 14 (3): vzj2014.07.0080.
...Ebrahim Babaeian; Mehdi Homaee; Carsten Montzka; Harry Vereecken; Ali Akbar Norouzi Abstract In this study, we developed spectrotransfer functions (STFs) that relate soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) to spectral reflectance values to estimate hydraulic parameters of the Mualem–van Genuchten (MvG...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2012
Vadose Zone Journal (2012) 11 (4): vzj2011.0171.
...Philip H. Stauffer; Zhiming Lu Abstract We have developed a new Monte Carlo sampling method for simulating flow and transport in unsaturated porous media, characterized by van Genuchten–Mualem constitutive relations. Instead of sampling each individual soil parameter from its probability space...
FIGURES | View All (15)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2006
Vadose Zone Journal (2006) 5 (2): 684–696.
..., complemented with initial or final soil water content data, is an increasingly popular approach for estimating the hydraulic curves. In this study, we compared Mualem–van Genuchten (MVG) soil hydraulic parameters obtained from direct laboratory and in situ unsaturated hydraulic conductivity measurements...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2002
Vadose Zone Journal (2002) 1 (1): 137–149.
...Zhiming Lu; Dongxiao Zhang Abstract In this study, on the basis of the van Genuchten–Mualem constitutive relationship, we develop a general nonstationary stochastic model for transient, variably saturated flow in randomly heterogeneous media with the method of moment equations. We first derive...
FIGURES | View All (10)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2017
Vadose Zone Journal (2017) 16 (5): 1–9.
... having relatively narrow particle-size distributions as reflected by the van Genuchten–Mualem (VGM) hydraulic parameter n . Values of the VGM parameter n for some of the sands we used were as high as 15. We also measured the hydraulic properties using the HYPROP evaporation method. The MSF and HWC...
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