Mn-Al piemontite

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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1979
American Mineralogist (1979) 64 (3-4): 317–328.
...M. Keskinen; J. G. Liou Abstract Stability relations for the MnAl piemontite bulk composition Ca 2 MnAl 2 Si 3 O 12 (OH) were investigated at 1 and 2 kbar and temperatures between 200° and 750°C, using cold-seal pressure apparatus and solid oxygen buffer techniques. Pure piemontite, with average...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2010
American Mineralogist (2010) 95 (8-9): 1237–1246.
...Mariko Nagashima; Masahide Akasaka Abstract Fe 3+ and Mn 3+ distributions on octahedral M1, M2, and M3 sites in synthetic epidote/piemontite from Ca 2 Al 2 Fe 3+ q Mn 3+ 1− q Si 3 O 12.5 starting material and their effects on the crystal structure were investigated using X-ray Rietveld and 57 Fe...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2004
American Mineralogist (2004) 89 (7): 1119–1129.
...Mariko Nagashima; Masahide Akasaka Abstract Mn 3+ distribution at octahedral M1, M2, and M3 sites of piemontite and its effect on structural changes were investigated by X-ray Rietveld analysis of synthetic Ca 2 Al 3- p Mn 3+ p Si 3 O 12 (OH) piemontites. The material studied was synthesized from...
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Published: 01 January 2013
EISBN: 9780903056434
... Abstract The structure of piemontite is similar to that of epidote and other monoclinic members of the epidote group. The Mn is located mainly in M 3 sites; an increase in the b and c cell parameters is associated with increasing substitution of Mn 3+ + Fe 3+ for Al. Manganese-bearing...
Isobaric (P fluid  = 2 kbar) log  f  O 2   –  T  relationships for <span class="search-highlight">Mn</span>-<span class="search-highlight">Al</span> pi...
Published: 02 January 2004
Figure 19. Isobaric (P fluid = 2 kbar) log f O 2 – T relationships for Mn-Al piemontite ( Keskinen and Liou 1979 ), Fe bearing piemontite ( Keskinen and Liou 1987 ), and Al-Fe epidote (solid line: Liou 1973 ; dashed line: Holdaway 1966 ). Modified from Keskinen and Liou (1987) .
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Variation of  A 1–O9 distance and δ[( A 1–O5)–( A 1–O6)] ( Å) as a function...
Published: 01 August 2013
) and manganiandrosite-(Ce) ( Cenki-Tok et al ., 2006 ), : uedaite-(Ce) ( Miyawaki et al ., 2008 ), ○: Mn 2+ -, Sr-rich and REE -bearing piemontite ( Nagashima et al ., 2010 ), : piemontite ( Dollase, 1969 ), ▵: piemontite-(Sr) (SRPM from Bonazzi et al ., 1990 ), ◇: REE -bearing piemontite ( Bonazzi et al
Parameters of the A1 polyhedron as a function of the <span class="search-highlight">Mn</span> 2+  content in A1 a...
Published: 02 January 2004
Figure 6. Parameters of the A1 polyhedron as a function of the Mn 2+ content in A1 along the piemontite-androsite-(La) solid solution. a) The difference between the seventh (A1-O6) and the sixth longest (A1-O5) distances is designed δ 7–6 ; the equation of the regression line is δ 7–6 = 0.321
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1990
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1990) 36 (4): 403–412.
... abundance of braunite have a direct relationship with Al/Mn, Mn/Al+Si and Si/Al) ratios in the bulk composition of the assemblages. In the present situation the Al-Mn 3+ -Fe 3+ distribution coefficients amongst equilibrating piemontite-garnet pairs show strong dependence on the bulk chemical composition...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2001
American Mineralogist (2001) 86 (3): 205–214.
...) and strontiopiemontite (Sr > Ca). Strontium, Ba and Pb contents of the strontiopiemontite reach 0.71, 0.26 and 0.20 apfu (O = 12.5), respectively, suggesting the existence of two possible new end-members for epidote-group minerals: “Ba-piemontite [BaCa(Mn 3+ , Fe 3+ , Al) 3 Si 3 O 12 (OH)]” and “Pb-piemontite [PbCa...
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<span class="search-highlight">Mn</span> 3+  occupancy at the M1 site vs. <span class="search-highlight">Mn</span> 3+  occupancy at the M3 site [ K  D ...
Published: 01 July 2004
F igure 3. Mn 3+ occupancy at the M1 site vs. Mn 3+ occupancy at the M3 site [ K D = (Mn 3+ /Al) in M1 / (Mn 3+ /Al) in M3]. Ideal fractionation K D values of 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, and 0.14 are shown. Closed diamonds and triangles denote synthetic piemontites at 200
a) Mean octahedral M3-O distance plotted vs. the M 3+  (= <span class="search-highlight">Mn</span> 3+  + Fe 3+ ) ...
Published: 02 January 2004
+ ) content in the M1 site (pfu): Data fi t the equation (solid regression line) <M1-O> = 1.910(1) + 0.101(3) M 3+ M1 ( r = 0.989). Symbols: solid circle = piemontite, type locality ( Dollase 1969 ); solid downward triangles = piemontite, type locality ( Catti et al. 1989 ); open diamond = piemontite
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2008
European Journal of Mineralogy (2008) 20 (1): 95–100.
... [M1 2 (OH) 2 (SiO 4 ) 2 ] 4− that alternates with intersheets, randomly occurring in a ratio ideally 1:1, of type 1 [(Ca, Mn 2+ ) 2 SiO 2 ] 4+ and of type 2 (Ca, Mn 2+ ) 2 M2 2 (OH) 2 O 2 ] 4+ , where Fe 3+ and Mn 3+ populate 3/4 of the M1 site and Al the remaining 1/4, while V 3+ , Mg and Al occupy...
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Variations of the ∑(Fe 3+ +<span class="search-highlight">Mn</span> 3+ ) occupancies of the M1 and M3 sites again...
Published: 01 August 2010
of Mn 3+ occupancies at M3 and M1 of synthetic Al-Mn 3+ series piemontite determined by Nagashima and Akasaka (2004) . All symbols are larger than 1σ error bars.
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2017
European Journal of Mineralogy (2017) 29 (3): 473–489.
... in a piemontite-bearing micaschist from Sparone (Orco) in the Locana Valley, province Torino, Piemont ( Barresi et al. , 2007 ). Associated minerals are piemontite, quartz and hematite. The formula of the average composition is given as [Mn 2+ 3.221 Ca 0.774 Na 0.006 ][Al 4.456 Mg 1.127 Fe 3+ 0.210 Mn 3...
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