Melides Lagoon

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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2007
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2007) 37 (2): 125–135.
...Alejandro Cearreta; María Alday; Maria da Conceição Freitas; César Andrade Abstract The foraminiferal assemblages recorded in the modern environment and sedimentary successions of two boreholes drilled in the Melides lagoon have been analyzed and their paleoenvironmental interpretation suggests...
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Sand and silt + clay contents of the bottom sediments of <span class="search-highlight">Melides</span> <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span>.
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 14. Sand and silt + clay contents of the bottom sediments of Melides lagoon.
Ostracod species found in <span class="search-highlight">Melides</span> <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span>, together with  Cyprideis torosa ....
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 15. Ostracod species found in Melides lagoon, together with Cyprideis torosa . 1. Ind. Gen. sp., C, left view, j; MEL6 wint.. 2. Loxoconcha elliptica Brady, RV, external, f; MEL12 wint.. 3. Heterocypris salina (Brady), RV, external; MEL6 wint.. 4. Cypria cf. subsalsa Redeke, C
Cyprideis torosa  ( Jones, 1850 ) in Sado estuary (1–7) and <span class="search-highlight">Melides</span> <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span> ...
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 17. Cyprideis torosa ( Jones, 1850 ) in Sado estuary (1–7) and Melides lagoon (8–15). 1, 2. Cyprideis torosa , LV, external, m; punctated valve; Sado estuary, CAR-P1 spr.; (2) showing round sieve pore. 3–5. Cyprideis torosa , RV, external, f; reticulated valve; Sado estuary, CAR-P1 spr
Geographical location of the <span class="search-highlight">Melides</span> <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span> on the southwestern Portuguese ...
Published: 01 April 2007
F igure 1. Geographical location of the Melides lagoon on the southwestern Portuguese coast, showing the position of modern surface samples, Boreholes MIGM and MB and other coastal localities mentioned in the text.
Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the <span class="search-highlight">Melides</span> <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span> boreholes based on ...
Published: 01 April 2007
F igure 4. Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Melides lagoon boreholes based on foraminiferal assemblages. Environmental Stages (A–D), lithology of both boreholes, isochrons drawn from calibrated radiocarbon dates, and foraminiferal assemblage zones (1–5) are also shown. Depth
Journal Article
Published: 15 August 2016
Journal of Micropalaeontology (2017) 36 (1): 94–112.
...Fig. 14. Sand and silt + clay contents of the bottom sediments of Melides lagoon. ...
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Location map of the Holocene boreholes: Pederneira <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span> (S3 and S2); Siza...
Published: 01 July 2013
Fig. 3. Location map of the Holocene boreholes: Pederneira lagoon (S3 and S2); Sizandro river (RS06_1); Tejo estuary (PC and DWK2); Melides lagoon (MB and MIGM); Santo André lagoon (LSA).
Location map of the studied Holocene boreholes: (A) Pederneira <span class="search-highlight">lagoon</span> (S1–S...
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 3. Location map of the studied Holocene boreholes: (A) Pederneira lagoon (S1–S3); (B) Sizandro river (RS06_1); (C) Tejo estuary (PC); (D) Melides lagoon (MB and MIGM) and Santo André lagoon (LSA).
Location map of the studied sites (surface samples) and of the main channel...
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 2. Location map of the studied sites (surface samples) and of the main channel on Melides lagoon.
Distribution (%) of  Cyprideis torosa  (carapaces, valves, adults, juvenile...
Published: 15 August 2016
Fig. 13. Distribution (%) of Cyprideis torosa (carapaces, valves, adults, juveniles, dead, alive) and other ostracod species in Melides lagoon in winter. Pie charts show number of individuals.
Main foraminiferal species found in modern samples and boreholes of the Mel...
Published: 01 April 2007
PLATE 1 Main foraminiferal species found in modern samples and boreholes of the Melides lagoon. Scale bar indicates 0.1 mm. 1 Ammonia tepida (Cushman, 1926), Borehole MIGM-Z3; 2 Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg, 1840), sample 3-June 2003; 3 Cribroelphidium oceanensis (d’Orbigny, 1826
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2013
Journal of Micropalaeontology (2013) 32 (2): 135–159.
...Fig. 3. Location map of the Holocene boreholes: Pederneira lagoon (S3 and S2); Sizandro river (RS06_1); Tejo estuary (PC and DWK2); Melides lagoon (MB and MIGM); Santo André lagoon (LSA). ...
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