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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2002
American Mineralogist (2002) 87 (11-12): 1692–1698.
...R.A. Jones; H. Wayne Nesbitt Abstract This first X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) study of loellingite (FeAs 2 ) reveals a strong Fe 2 p 3/2 singlet peak at 707.0 eV signifying that fully coordinated Fe of the bulk phase has the same oxidation state of bulk Fe in marcasite, arsenopyrite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2002
American Mineralogist (2002) 87 (7): 1000–1004.
...H.W. Nesbitt; I. Uhlig; R. Szargan Abstract Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (SRXPS) and conventional X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) of pristine (unreacted) loellingite fracture surfaces reveal two distinct contributions to the As 3 d spectrum. One is derived from...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1968
American Mineralogist (1968) 53 (11-12): 1856–1881.
... and natural Co-Fe diarsenides and the effect of Ni is described. The X-ray data for Berry and Thompson s (1962) safflorite I, II, III, IV, V, and loellingite, are correlated with chemical composition. Synthetic CoAs 2 and two natural specimens of high-cobalt safflorite have a measurable monoclinic lattice...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1962
The Canadian Mineralogist (1962) 7 (2): 306–311.
...Lloyd A. Clark Abstract By use of the 210 and 111 or 120 and 101 d spacings, the S and Co contents of loellingite can be determined within + or - 0.2 and + or - 0.5 weight percent, respectively. Synthetic loellingites with 0 to 3.1 weight percent S were used together with synthetic loellingite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1946
American Mineralogist (1946) 31 (7-8): 406–408.
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 January 1942
Economic Geology (1942) 37 (1): 69–75.
...Joseph Murdoch; Dion L. Gardner Abstract "The rare mineral loellingite has been identified as the principal metallic gangue mineral of an important part of the ore in the San Mauricio mine, Paracale mining district, Philippine islands. Its relationship to the other ore minerals is described and its...
Photomicrographs and backscattered electron images showing typical mineral ...
Published: 01 September 2024
. (B) Sample 5180: botryoidal (bottom) and fragmented (upper right) uraninites related to quartz-calcite-uraninite (U1) or dolomite-uraninite-fluorite (U2) and overgrown by younger safflorite-loellingite intergrown with uraninite (U3) inclusions. (C) Sample 5180: bismuth-skutterudite-safflorite subtype
Au-Bi-Te plots. (A). Cobaltite, <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span>, and Au inclusion-rich arsenopy...
Published: 01 March 2015
Fig. 10 Au-Bi-Te plots. (A). Cobaltite, loellingite, and Au inclusion-rich arsenopyrite have highest gold contents (>1–91 ppm). Structurally bound gold commonly is <1 ppm. (B). Despite analogous trends displayed in Au-rich traverses between Au and Bi, these two elements lack correlation.
(A) Electron microprobe backscatter image of zoned <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span> core (dark g...
Published: 01 January 2004
Plate 2. (A) Electron microprobe backscatter image of zoned loellingite core (dark gray) surrounded by arsenopyrite (black). Note occurrence of native gold at arsenopyrite–loellingite boundary. (B) Similar to (A). Note widespread occurrence of native gold at loellingite–arsenopyrite boundary. (C
Fe 2 p  3&#x2F;2  spectrum of <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span> fractured in the vacuum of the XPS ana...
Published: 01 November 2002
F igure 1. Fe 2 p 3/2 spectrum of loellingite fractured in the vacuum of the XPS analytical chamber. ( a ) A fit to the Fe 2 p spectrum which includes a Shirley background and a singlet Fe peak at 707.0 representing the photoelectron signal from bulk Fe atoms. ( b ) The residuals of the fit
As 3 d  and O 1 s  spectra of <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span> fractured in the vacuum of the XP...
Published: 01 November 2002
F igure 2. As 3 d and O 1 s spectra of loellingite fractured in the vacuum of the XPS analytical chamber. ( a ) A fit to the As 3 d spectrum which includes a Shirley background and a doublet As contribution at 41.1 eV. The contribution represents the photoelectron signal from bulk As atoms
The unit cell of <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span>. Large circles represent As atoms and small ci...
Published: 01 July 2002
F igure 1. The unit cell of loellingite. Large circles represent As atoms and small circles Fe. Arsenic atoms are represented by large heavily shaded spheres whereas Fe atoms are smaller and lightly shaded. Bulk Fe atoms are sixfold-coordinated as for the body-centered Fe atom and bulk As atoms
( a ) SRXPS spectrum of fractured <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span> surface collected at 100 eV p...
Published: 01 July 2002
F igure 2. ( a ) SRXPS spectrum of fractured loellingite surface collected at 100 eV photon energy. The background, two As (doublet) contributions and fit to the data are shown. ( b ) SRXPS spectrum of precisely the same surface (and same orientation) collected at 250 eV photon energy. The same
( a ) Unit cell of <span class="search-highlight">loellingite</span> with As tetramers accentuated by heavy, conc...
Published: 01 July 2002
F igure 3. ( a ) Unit cell of loellingite with As tetramers accentuated by heavy, concentric shading on the (100) and (010) faces. As atoms of the tetramer on (100) are numbered. Other As atoms are lightly shaded whereas Fe atoms are smaller and very lightly shaded. ( b ) Illustrates Fe and S
Photomicrographs of representative ore textures related to the native metal...
Published: 01 December 2021
-clinosafflorite (Sfl-Csfl), and dolomite-ankerite (Dol-Ank). Proustite (Prou) can be observed as late-stage cavity infill. C. RL air image of euhedral skutterudite (Sk), showing oscillatory zoning encapsulated by quartz (Qz), which hosts euhedral safflorite-loellingite (Sfl/Loel) crystals (often star-like
Trace element laser ablation profiles. (A). Spectrum of Au and Bi showing e...
Published: 01 March 2015
Fig. 9 Trace element laser ablation profiles. (A). Spectrum of Au and Bi showing evidence that these elements occur as inclusions within arsenopyrite (apy) II and as structurally bound and invisible inclusions in loellingite (lol). Highest counts per second are recorded at the boundary between
Backscattered secondary electron images of   a  . arsenopyrite with loellin...
Published: 01 July 2010
Fig. 12 Backscattered secondary electron images of a . arsenopyrite with loellingite core, b . intergrowth of loellingite and gold within arsenopyrite; both images from sample 05TK006. Abbreviations: Aspy = arsenopyrite; Au° = gold; Loell = loellingite.
SEM images of Au–Bi–Te mineralization in sulfarsenides from dolerites: hedl...
Published: 01 February 2023
Fig. 12. SEM images of Au–Bi–Te mineralization in sulfarsenides from dolerites: hedleyite and native bismuth are along the rim of loellingite and arsenopyrite ( a ); in arsenopyrite, a fine inclusion of loellingite with a rim of pilsenite and maldonite. Nearby there is a micron-sized inclusion
Photographs of typical hand specimens showing the mineralogical and textura...
Published: 01 September 2024
Fig. 3. Photographs of typical hand specimens showing the mineralogical and textural diversity of the native metal-arsenide (NMA) subtypes: bismuth-skutterudite-safflorite (A-B), silver-rammelsbergite-skutterudite (C-D), arsenic-silver-loellingite (E), and loellingite (F). (A) Sample 6664
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 May 1998
Economic Geology (1998) 93 (3): 271–291.
..., and zoisite replaced prograde hydrothermal alteration minerals and exhibit generally postkinematic fabrics. The dominant sulfide assemblages in the hydrothermal alteration zones at Transvaal are pyrrhotite-loellingite, pyrrhotite-arsenopyrite 1, and loellingite-arsenopyrite 1. Other assemblages include...