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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2004
Mineralogical Magazine (2004) 68 (1): 191–198.
... of the sinters can still be recognized. Finely disseminated cinnabar, acicular stibnite, pyrite framboids and minor livingstonite are distributed through both massive sinter and stromatolitic fabrics with sulphide mineralization extending from fractured rocks about former spring vents into less disturbed sinter...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1970
American Mineralogist (1970) 55 (5-6): 919–924.
...James R. Craig Abstract Systematic silica tube experiments have confirmed the composition of livingstonite as HgSb 4 S 8 and established its maximum thermal stability as 451 ± 3°C. The approximate free energy of formation of livingstonite at 300° and 400°C are calculated from knowledge...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1951
American Mineralogist (1951) 36 (5-6): 480–483.
...D. H. Gorman Abstract Livingstonite from Guerrero, Mexico is triclinic, with probable space group P1. The unit cell with a = 7.65, b =10.82, c = 3.99 kX, α=99°12 1 2 ′, β=102°01′, γ = 73°48′, contains HgSb 4 S 7 . Specific gravity 4.88 calculated, 5,00 measured. Cleavage (010), (100) perfect, (001...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1936
American Mineralogist (1936) 21 (11): 719–720.
...Wallace E. Richmond Abstract Crystallographic measurements on livingstonite from Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico—the first to be made on this species—give the following data: Monoclinic; prismatic—2/ m; a : b : c = 3.7572 : 1 : 5.3660; β = 104°10′. Elongated [010], Forms: c {001} perfect cleavage...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1938
American Mineralogist (1938) 23 (11): 790–798.
...C. W. Wolfe Abstract Cannizzarite was described from the deeper parts of fumaroles on Vulcano, Lipari Islands, by Zambonini, De Fiore, and Carobbi (1925), who pointed out the similarity between their chemical formula for the new mineral (Pb Bi 4 S 7 and that of livingstonite (Hg Sb 4 S 7...
Published: 01 June 2005
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2003
The Canadian Mineralogist (2003) 41 (3): 721–725.
... are quartz, goethite, dickite and cinnabar; other minerals reported from the locality include barite, calcite, calomel, eglestonite, fluorapatite, galena, livingstonite, native mercury, metacinnabar, montroydite, perhamite, pyrite, siderite, stibiconite, stibnite and terlinguaite. Artsmithite is a secondary...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1963
American Mineralogist (1963) 48 (9-10): 1070–1079.
.... The first five can be recognized as optically negative; famatinite and hollandite are optically positive. Manganite, livingstonite, ferberite, arsenopyrite, stromeyerite, enargite and stibnite can be recognized as minerals of lower symmetry, and the first six of these can be classified as optically positive...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2002
European Journal of Mineralogy (2002) 14 (3): 599–606.
..., c . One of the two constitutive rod-layers of livingstonite, with (S 2 ) pair; larger atoms are Sb. Full black and grey atoms have y close to 0 and 0.5, respectively. There exists a series of synthetic sulfides with a crystal structure very close to that of moëloite, but differing...
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The massive habits of some primary mercury minerals, including ( a ) colora...
Published: 01 July 2012
Figure 2 The massive habits of some primary mercury minerals, including ( a ) coloradoite (HgTe), RRUFF 070326, from the Herald mine, Sugarloaf, Boulder County, Colorado, U.S.A.; and ( b ) livingstonite (HgSb 4 S 8 ), RRUFF 050453, from Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico; contrast with euhedral crystals
a . The rod-layer of moëloite. Full and empty circles:  y  close to 0 and ...
Published: 01 May 2002
), (La ∼0.5 ,Bi ∼0.5 ), Bi and S. Full black and grey atoms have y equal to 0.25 and 0.75, respectively, c . One of the two constitutive rod-layers of livingstonite, with (S 2 ) pair; larger atoms are Sb. Full black and grey atoms have y close to 0 and 0.5, respectively.
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2007
The Canadian Mineralogist (2007) 45 (6): 1529–1533.
... , routhierite CuHg 2 TlAs 2 S 6 , vaughanite HgTlSb 4 S 7 , livingstonite HgSb 4 S 8 , aktashite Cu 6 Hg 3 As 4 S 12 , gruzdevite Cu 6 Hg 3 Sb 4 S 12 , vrbaite Hg 3 Tl 4 As 8 Sb 2 S 20 , and fettelite Ag 24 HgAs 5 S 20 . Tvalchrelidzeite was first discovered in the Gomi deposit, Caucasus Mountains, Georgia...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2009
Mineralogical Magazine (2009) 73 (5): 871–881.
... that the S excess of daliranite probably corresponds to S-S bonding. Such bonding is known in two natural sulphosalts, as (S 2 ) 2- in livingstonite, HgSb 4 S 6 (S 2 ) ( Niizeki and Buerger, 1957 ; Srikrishnan and Nowacki, 1975 ), or as (S 3 ) 2- in moëloite, Pb 6 Sb 6 S 13 (S 3 ) ( Orlandi et al...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2013
European Journal of Mineralogy (2013) 25 (6): 1005–1016.
... are generally between ~ 2–2.06 Å, as in livingstonite ( Niizeki & Buerger, 1957 ; Srikrishnan & Nowacki, 1975 ) andmoëloite ( Orlandi et al. , 2002 ). The S–S bond distance is ~ 2.15 Å in pyrite ( Bayliss, 1977 ) and ~ 2.2 Å in marcasite ( Buerger, 1937 ). In disulfodadsonite the observed distance...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2005
The Canadian Mineralogist (2005) 43 (3): 919–933.
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2013
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2013) 54 (11): 1385–1391.
....). The hypogene Hg-bearing and mercury sulfosalts and sulfides include Hg-gray copper ore, aktashite, galkhaite, livingstonite, Hg-sphalerite, metacinnabarite, cinnabar, etc. The common succession of the crystallization of these minerals in other Sb–Hg localities is also observed here: Metacinnabarite...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2001
The Canadian Mineralogist (2001) 39 (3): 819–830.
... the quality of the data, livingstonite, HgSb 4 S 8 , a stoichiometric mineral containing approximately the same ratio of Hg:S as observed in Hg-rich tetrahedrite ss , was chosen as a new Sb and Hg standard. Formulas of the Steens–Pueblo tetrahedrite ss used in the following evaluations were...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2012
American Mineralogist (2012) 97 (7): 1013–1042.
...Figure 2 The massive habits of some primary mercury minerals, including ( a ) coloradoite (HgTe), RRUFF 070326, from the Herald mine, Sugarloaf, Boulder County, Colorado, U.S.A.; and ( b ) livingstonite (HgSb 4 S 8 ), RRUFF 050453, from Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico; contrast with euhedral crystals...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 July 2017
SEG Discovery (2017) (110): 1–18.
..., stibnite, and fluorite with lesser amounts of hematite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, orpiment, realgar, getchellite, livingstonite, famatinite, tetrahedrite, tennantite, gold, dickite, barite, and native mercury ( Fig. 3 ). Sericitization is typical for the ores containing fluorite and cinnabar. The main...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2014
Mineralogical Magazine (2014) 78 (1): 101–117.
.... Nowacki W. ( 1975 ) A redetermination of the crystal structure of livingstonite, HgSb 4 S 8 . Zeitschrift für Kristallographie , 141 , 174 – 192 . Strunz H. Nickel E.H. ( 2001 ) Strunz Mineralogical Tables. Chemical-Structural Mineral Classification System ( 9th ed...
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