Lifou Island

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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 October 2010
PALAIOS (2010) 25 (10): 656–670.
...ROYAL H. MAPES; DANIEL I. HEMBREE; BART A. RASOR; ALYCIA STIGALL; CLAIRE GOIRAND; BERTRAND RICHER DE FORGES Abstract Thirty-two samples of submerged Nautilus macromphalus shells were recovered in 2008 from Lifou, Loyalty Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Specimens were collected from carbonate...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 July 2014
PALAIOS (2014) 29 (7): 348–362.
...DANIEL I. HEMBREE; ROYAL H. MAPES; CLAIRE GOIRAN Abstract Shells of the cephalopod Nautilus macromphalus were collected in 2011 from three bays on the island of Lifou in the South Pacific six months after a tropical cyclone passed over the island. All three bays were on the east side of the island...
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Regional topography, bathymetry, and     M  w   >  7    earthquakes. Top...
Published: 03 October 2023
are: AU, Australia; DER, d’Entrecasteaux Ridge; GT, Grande Terre; IP, Isle of Pines; LHR, Lord Howe Rise; LI, Lifou Island; LR, Loyalty Ridge; MH, Matthew‐Hunter fracture zone; MI, Mare Island; NB, Norfolk Basin; NC, New Caledonia; NFB, North Fiji Basin; VSZ, Vanuatu subduction zone; NLB, North Loyalty
Study area.  A ) New Caledonia and the Loyalty <span class="search-highlight">Islands</span> located 1300 km east...
Published: 01 July 2014
Fig. 1.— Study area. A ) New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands located 1300 km east-northeast of Australia in the South Pacific. Lifou (at arrow and shaded) is 80 km northeast of New Caledonia. B ) The shallow bays are located along the eastern shoreline of Lifou. Bays 1 and 2
Series: Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Published: 16 June 2020
DOI: 10.1144/M51-2017-24
EISBN: 9781786204820
... Abstract The Loyalty Ridge lies to the east and NE of the Norfolk Ridge. The three main Loyalty Islands (Maré, Lifou and Ouvéa) emerge from the ridge at the same latitude as Grande Terre. The islands are uniformly composed of carbonate deposits, except for Maré, where Middle Miocene intra-plate...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2008
Seismological Research Letters (2008) 79 (4): 498–503.
... were installed in the framework of the Cavascope project ( figure 2 ): two stations in New Caledonia, Koumac (KOU) and Lifou (LIF, Loyalty Islands); and two in Vanuatu, Santo (SAN, island of Espiritu Santo) and Tanna (TAN, island of Tanna). In 1994, another broadband station, with the Geoscope label...
Figure 1. Study area. A) New Caledonia and the Loyalty <span class="search-highlight">Islands</span> located in t...
Published: 01 October 2010
Figure 1. Study area. A) New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands located in the South Pacific, 1300 km east-northeast of Australia. B) Southeast portion of Lifou contains two, semicircular protected bays facing the open ocean. C) Bay 2, located to the north, contained the majority of the subtidal
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 July 2015
PALAIOS (2015) 30 (7): 503–513.
... collected on the island of Lifou (Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia) (20° 55′ 00″ S/167° 20′ 00″ E) from the beaches of two bays along the southeast coast of the island ( Fig. 1 ). Lifou is an inactive volcano that was capped by Pleistocene reef limestone ( Marshall and Launay 1978 ; Liu and Cotillon 1989...
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Geographical setting of the sampling sites of the backshore collected and d...
Published: 01 July 2015
) of the specimens: backshore samples (AMNH 97753–97756) derive from two bays on Lifou, Loyalty Islands; deep-water dredged sample AMNH 55916 was collected between Grand Terre and the Isles of Pines (395 m water depth) and AMNH 55920 west off Lansdowne Bank (589 m water depth).
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1983
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1983) 73 (6A): 1921–1928.
... and intermediate-depth earthquakes located along the southern Vanuatu (New Hebrides) island arc and recorded at short-period, vertical-component, seismic stations on the Loyalty Islands of Lifou and Mare. Most of these earthquakes are part of the east-northeasterly dipping Benioff zone located beneath the Vanuatu...
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 September 2010
PALAIOS (2010) 25 (9): 597–610.
... m depth during a submersible dive off the northeast coast of Lifou Island in the Loyalty Island Group in the Indo-Pacific. Interestingly, on the remainder of that dive and other submersible dives in the region, no other empty shells of Nautilus were observed on the seafloor, even though this genus...
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The Cavascope network is situated on the New Hebrides subduction zone. Only...
Published: 01 July 2008
/year above the vectors. Ten islands or archipelagos are noted in pink: Santa Cruz (Sc), Torres (To), Espiritu Santo (S), Mallicolo (M), Ambrym (A), Efate (E), Erromango (Er), Tanna (T), Lifou (L), and Maré (Ma).
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 March 2017
PALAIOS (2017) 32 (3): 135–152.
... in comparable environments. Dead shells of Nautilus macromphalus were sampled along the southeastern margin of New Caledonia (off Lifou Island, off Isle of Pines, and off Great Southern Reef), at Lansdowne Bank (located between New Caledonia and the Chesterfield Islands), and at the Antigonia...
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Journal Article
Published: 03 October 2023
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2024) 114 (2): 794–805.
... are: AU, Australia; DER, d’Entrecasteaux Ridge; GT, Grande Terre; IP, Isle of Pines; LHR, Lord Howe Rise; LI, Lifou Island; LR, Loyalty Ridge; MH, Matthew‐Hunter fracture zone; MI, Mare Island; NB, Norfolk Basin; NC, New Caledonia; NFB, North Fiji Basin; VSZ, Vanuatu subduction zone; NLB, North Loyalty...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1994
Earth Sciences History (1994) 13 (1): 21–34.
.... … It shows how risky it is to extend incomplete reports into new interpretations’ ( Hoffmeister and Ladd, 1935 , 657). Davis briefly visited these islands (Mare, Lifou, Uvea). He interprets Uvea (1928, 456) as an uplifted atoll, explained by sea-floor flexure. In other words, as in the case of the Lau...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1975
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1975) 23 (2): 187–200.
... which descend below sea-level are cut by marine terraces which ar e correlated with coastal terraces in eastern Australia . Bourrouilh-Le Jan F ., 1973, Les dolomies et leurs geneses : Bull . Centre Rech . Pau-SNPA, v . 7, p . 111-135 . A resume of personal research on Andros Island and on two Pacifi c...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1994
AAPG Bulletin (1994) 78 (4): 519–543.
... continental margin, back arc, foreland, strike slip, oceanic island arc, and oceanic interior sag basins. These basins were formed in response to tectonic collision between the Eurasian, Indian Ocean, Australian, Pacific, and Philippines Sea plates. Favorable substrates for widespread deposition of carbonate...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1975
AAPG Bulletin (1975) 59 (1): 60–68.
... recifale: Calcitisation et dolomitisation leur repartition horizontale dans un atoll souleve ile Lifou, Territoire de Nouvelle Caledonie : Paris, Office Recherche Sci. et Tech. Outre-Mer, Cah., ser. geol. , v. 4 , no. 2 , p. 121 – 148 . Cotecchia , V. , 1955 , Influenza dell’acqua marine...
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 December 2004
PALAIOS (2004) 19 (6): 598–609.
...PETER J. DAVIES; JUAN C. BRAGA; MICHELLE LUND; JODY M. WEBSTER Abstract Three cruises surveying the eastern Australian shelf revealed the occurrence of coralline algal buildups at depths between 80 and 120 m in tropical (Capricorn area) and subtropical (off Fraser Island) settings. The buildups...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 June 2012
PALAIOS (2012) 27 (6): 373–385.
... processes within a death assemblage from Grand Bahama Island. The δ 18 O values at the shell margin ( = last growth episode) were used as a proxy for temperature at the time closest to the organism's death. Temperature estimates suggest that most individuals died in warmer months, whereas mortality appeared...
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