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GeoRef Subject
all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Antarctica (1)
Far East
Liaoning China (1)
Canada (1)
Central America
Guatemala (1)
Coast Ranges (1)
Western Europe
Reykjanes Peninsula (1)
Chiapas Mexico
El Chichon (1)
Jalisco Mexico
Colima (1)
Mexico state
Nevado de Toluca (1)
Michoacan Mexico (1)
Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field (1)
Pico de Orizaba (1)
Popocatepetl (1)
Trans-Mexican volcanic belt (3)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (1)
San Andreas Fault (1)
United States
San Bernardino County California (1)
San Luis Obispo County California
Carrizo Plain (1)
Great Basin (1)
Snake River plain (1)
Mojave Desert (1)
Nevada (1)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (4)
Cl-36 (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (4)
Cl-36 (1)
Ostracoda (1)
Gastropoda (2)
microfossils (1)
pollen (1)
diatoms (1)
thallophytes (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (2)
exposure age (1)
infrared stimulated luminescence (1)
optically stimulated luminescence (1)
racemization (1)
uranium disequilibrium (1)
geologic age
upper Holocene (2)
Lake Lahontan (1)
upper Pleistocene (2)
upper Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
Lake Bonneville (1)
Lower Cretaceous (1)
Jurassic (1)
MIS 2 (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
basalts (1)
ignimbrite (1)
tuff (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (6)
Antarctica (1)
Far East
Liaoning China (1)
Canada (1)
C-14 (4)
upper Holocene (2)
Lake Lahontan (1)
upper Pleistocene (2)
upper Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
Central America
Guatemala (1)
crust (1)
earthquakes (2)
Western Europe
Reykjanes Peninsula (1)
faults (2)
geochemistry (1)
geophysical methods (3)
ground water (1)
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
basalts (1)
ignimbrite (1)
tuff (1)
Ostracoda (1)
Gastropoda (2)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (4)
Cl-36 (1)
land use (1)
lava (1)
magmas (1)
mantle (1)
Lower Cretaceous (1)
Jurassic (1)
Chiapas Mexico
El Chichon (1)
Jalisco Mexico
Colima (1)
Mexico state
Nevado de Toluca (1)
Michoacan Mexico (1)
Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field (1)
Pico de Orizaba (1)
Popocatepetl (1)
Trans-Mexican volcanic belt (3)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (1)
paleobotany (1)
paleoclimatology (4)
paleoecology (1)
paleontology (1)
pollen (1)
diatoms (1)
plate tectonics (1)
sedimentary rocks (2)
sedimentation (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
gyttja (1)
shorelines (2)
soils (2)
tectonics (2)
thallophytes (1)
United States
San Bernardino County California (1)
San Luis Obispo County California
Carrizo Plain (1)
Great Basin (1)
Snake River plain (1)
Mojave Desert (1)
Nevada (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks (2)
volcaniclastics (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
gyttja (1)
volcaniclastics (1)
soils (2)
Lake Patzcuaro
Quantification of soil erosion rates related to ancient Maya deforestation
Radiometric dating ( 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and 14 C), compositions, and erupted volumes of volcanoes of the Valle de Santiago area (Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, Mexico)
The control of preexisting faults on the distribution, morphology, and volume of monogenetic volcanism in the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field
Chronology, sedimentology, and microfauna of groundwater discharge deposits in the central Mojave Desert, Valley Wells, California
Structure and Holocene Rupture of the Morelia Fault, Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt, and Their Significance for Seismic‐Hazard Assessment
A global database of Mars-relevant hydrovolcanic environments on Earth with potential biosignature preservation
A New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar Analysis Method of Volcanoclastic Strata to Determine Eruption Periods—Example of Xintaimen, China
Holocene paleo-earthquakes recorded at the transfer zone of two major faults: The Pastores and Venta de Bravo faults (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt)
Geomorphic and sedimentologic evidence for pluvial Lake Carrizo, San Luis Obispo County, California
ABSTRACT The Carrizo Plain, the only closed basin in California’s Southern Coast Ranges, preserves landforms and deposits that record both climate change and tectonic activity. An extensive system of clay dunes documents the elevations of late Pleistocene and Holocene pans. Clay dune elevations, drowned shorelines, eroded anticlinal ridges, and zones of perturbed soil chemistry provide evidence of two lake levels higher than today’s (currently 581 m above sea level [masl]), one at ~591 masl at ca. 20 ka and another at ~585 masl that existed at ca. 10 ka, based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on clay dune sediment. Two cores from the abandoned floor of the lake provide additional evidence of a long-lived lake in the Carrizo Plain during the late Pleistocene. The longer of the two cores (~42 m) was sampled for palynology, environmental magnetism, and scanning electron microscope–petrography. The magnetic susceptibility signal contains two notable features corresponding to sedimentary materials consistent with reducing conditions. The higher of these features occurs near the surface, and the lower occurs at ~18 m depth. A 14 C date on charcoal from the upper reduced zone places the top of this zone at no older than 22.6–20.9 cal ka. This date is consistent with the OSL date on geomorphic features associated with a highstand above ~591 masl. Assuming that reducing conditions correspond to at least a few meters’ depth of relatively fresh water, the new 14 C date suggests that the upper reduced zone represents a marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 pluvial maximum lake in the Carrizo Plain. Pollen and ostracodes from the reduced sediments indicate a wetter and cooler climate than today. These conditions would have been capable of sustaining a lake with water much less saline than that of the modern lake. The timing of the oldest documented highstand (no later than 20 ka) is consistent with a modified jet stream migration model and is not consistent with a tropical incursion model. Northeast-to-southwest asymmetry across the lake floor may be consistent with southwestward tilting driven by Coast Range shortening normal to the San Andreas fault, as is seen throughout the region.
Middle and late Pleistocene pluvial history of Newark Valley, central Nevada, USA
ABSTRACT Newark Valley lies between the two largest pluvial lake systems in the Great Basin, Lake Lahontan and Lake Bonneville. Soils and geomorphology, stratigraphic interpretations, radiocarbon ages, and amino acid racemization geochronology analyses were employed to interpret the relative and numerical ages of lacustrine deposits in the valley. The marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 2 beach barriers are characterized by well-preserved morphology and deposits with youthful soil development, with Bwk horizons and maximum stage I+ carbonate morphology. Radiocarbon ages of gastropods and tufas within these MIS 2–age deposits permit construction of a latest Pleistocene lake-level curve for Newark Valley, including a maximum limiting age of 13,780 ± 50 14 C yr B.P. for the most recent highstand, and they provide a calibration point for soil development in lacustrine deposits in the central Great Basin. The MIS 8–age to MIS 4–age beach barriers are higher in elevation and represent a larger lake than existed during MIS 2. The beach barriers have subdued morphology, are only preserved in short segments, and have stronger soil development, with Bkm and/or Bkmt horizons and maximum stage III+ to IV carbonate morphology. Newark Lake reached elevations higher than the MIS 2 highstand during at least two additional pluvial periods, MIS 16 and MIS 12, 10, or 8. These oldest lacustrine deposits do not have preserved shoreline features and are represented only by gravel lags, buried deposits, and buried soils with similar strong soil development. This sequence of middle and latest Pleistocene shorelines records a long-term pluvial history in this basin that remained internally drained for the last four or more pluvial cycles. Obtaining numerical ages from material within lacustrine deposits in the Great Basin can be challenging. Amino acid D/L values from gastropod shells and mollusk valves proved to be a valuable tool to correlate lacustrine deposits within Newark Valley. Comparison of soils and geomorphology results to independent 36 Cl cosmogenic nuclide ages from a different study indicated unexpected changes in rates of soil development during the past ~200,000 yr and suggested that common stratigraphic changes in lake stratigraphy could obscure incremental changes in soil development and/or complicate 36 Cl cosmogenic nuclide age estimates.
Microbiotic signatures of the Anthropocene in marginal marine and freshwater palaeoenvironments
Abstract The term ‘Anthropocene’ has been proposed to indicate a geological interval characterized by global anthropogenic environmental change. This paper attempts to recognize a method by which the Anthropocene can be defined micropalaeontologically. In order to do this, microfloras and microfaunas (diatoms, macrophytes, dinoflagellate cysts, foraminifera and ostracods) from nearshore waters through to paralic and freshwater aquatic milieux are considered, and biotic variability with an anthropogenic causation identified. Microbiotic change can be related to anthropogenically induced extinctions, pollution-related mutation, environmentally influenced assemblage variability, geochemistry of carapaces/tests, floral change related to lacustrine acidification, faunal and floral correlation to industrial and agricultural signatures and introduction of exotic species via shipping. The influence of humanity on a local scale can be recognized in assemblages as far back as 5000 years BP. However, widespread anthropogenic change took place in Europe and America, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, although in Asia (e.g. Japan) it cannot be observed prior to the twentieth century. Profound and global biotic change began in the mid-twentieth century and, if the Anthropocene is to be defined in this way, then the period 1940–1945 might encompass the biotic base of the interval.
Geology and eruptive history of some active volcanoes of México
Most of the largest volcanoes in México are located at the frontal part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and in other isolated areas. This chapter considers some of these volcanoes: Colima, Nevado de Toluca, Popocatépetl, Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltépetl), and Tacaná. El Chichón volcano is also considered within this group because of its catastrophic eruption in 1982. The volcanic edifice of these volcanoes, or part of it, was constructed during the late Pleistocene or even during the Holocene: Colima 2500 yr ago, Pico de Orizaba (16,000 yr), Popocatépetl (23,000 yr), Tacaná (∼26,000 yr), and Nevado de Toluca (>45,000). The modern cones of Colima, Popocatépetl, Pico de Orizaba, and Tacaná are built inside or beside the remains of older caldera structures left by the collapse of ancestral cones. Colima, Popocatépetl, and Pico de Orizaba represent the youngest volcanoes of nearly N-S volcanic chains. Despite the repetitive history of cone collapse of these volcanoes, only Pico de Orizaba has been subjected to hydrothermal alteration and slope stability studies crucial to understand future potential events of this nature. The magmas that feed these volcanoes have a general chemical composition that varies from andesitic (Colima and Tacaná), andesitic-dacitic (Nevado de Toluca, Popocatépetl, and Pico de Orizaba) to trachyandesitic (Chichón). These magmas are the result of several magmatic processes that include partial melting of the mantle, crustal assimilation, magma mixing, and fractional crystallization. So far, we know very little about the deep processes that occurred between the upper mantle source and the lower crust. However, new data have been acquired on shallower processes between the upper crust and the surface. There is clear evidence that most of these magmas stagnated at shallow magma reservoirs prior to eruption; these depths vary from 3 to 4 km at Colima volcano, 4.5–6 km at Nevado de Toluca, and ∼6–8 km at Chichón volcano. Over the past 15 years, there has been a surge of studies dealing with the volcanic stratigraphy and eruptive history of these volcanoes. Up to the present, no efforts have achieved integration of the geological, geophysical, chemical, and petro logical information to produce conceptual models of these volcanoes. Therefore, we still have to assume the size and location of the magma chambers, magma ascent paths, and time intervals prior to an eruption. Today, only Colima and Popocatépetl have permanent monitoring networks, while Pico de Orizaba, Tacaná, and Chichón have a few seismic stations. Of these, Popocatépetl, Colima, and Pico de Orizaba have volcanic hazard maps that provide the basic information needed by the civil defense authorities to establish information programs for the population as well as evacuation plans in case of a future eruption.