Kohmori Mine

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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1975
American Mineralogist (1975) 60 (3-4): 240–248.
... single crystal methods. Pyrrhotite crystals from the Kishu mine are mixtures of three 4 C , 4.88 C , and 5 C types. The 5 C type is orthorhombic and has the cell dimensions a = 6.8848(14), b = 11.936(6), c = 28.6760(15), and diffraction aspect C*ca . In the Kohmori mine, various orthorhombic pyrrhotites...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 July 1975
Economic Geology (1975) 70 (4): 824–833.
.... Only in the Kohmori mine different nC pyrrhotites with n-values ranging from 5.36 to 5.80 have been found together with 4C and 2C.The 4C and 2C types are stable at low temperature because of abundant and wide occurrence, constant and stoichiometric composition, and ordered crystal structures. Because...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 2010
Economic Geology (2010) 105 (5): 1025–1037.
... pyrrhotite types. Morimoto et al. (1975b) described pyrrhotite crystals from the Kishu mine in Japan that were mixtures of 4C, 4.88C, and 5C pyrrhotite types. Morimoto et al. (1975b) also described pyrrhotite crystals from the Kohmori mine that were mixtures of NC and 2C pyrrhotite with n varying...
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