Karamay Formation

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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 2005
AAPG Bulletin (2005) 89 (4): 529–545.
...Jiao Yangquan; Yan Jiaxin; Li Sitian; Yang Ruiqi; Lang Fengjiang; Yang Shengke Abstract Reservoirs of the Karamay Formation occur as oil sandstones in outcrop in the Karamay oil field. Two types of high-quality reservoirs are present in this field: low-sinuosity channel sandstones and distributary...
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Reservoir characteristics of the Triassic <span class="search-highlight">Karamay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> and hydrocarbon...
Published: 01 July 2024
Figure 7. Reservoir characteristics of the Triassic Karamay Formation and hydrocarbon accumulation model in the northwestern Junggar Basin. (A) Sedimentary facies and fault system in the Triassic Karamay Formation at the front of the Zaire Mountains. (B) Cross section CC′ (location shown
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 06 February 2024
DOI: 10.1144/SP538-2022-210
EISBN: 9781862397095
... (Late Triassic). A review of previous records of the Fukangichthys Fauna indicates that this vertebrate fossil assemblage is stratigraphically located within the uppermost part of the Karamay Formation and is Middle Triassic in age. The revised dating of this and other faunas are further used...
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Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 23 October 2021
Lithosphere (2021) 2021 (Special 1): 5992165.
... sensitivity. To develop and protect oil and gas fields more scientifically and effectively and save development cost, we examine the water sensitivity of the low-permeability conglomerate reservoir of the Lower Karamay Formation in the 530-well area of District 8 of the Karamay oil field. Based on multiple...
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Stratigraphic column and combination of source, reservoir, and cap rocks ( ...
Published: 01 September 2008
= middle Permian lower Wuerhe Formation; P 3 w = Upper Permian upper Wuerhe Formation; T 1 b = Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k 1 = Middle Triassic lower Karamay Formation; T 2 k 2 = Middle Triassic upper Karamay Formation; T 3 b = Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation; J 1 b = Lower Jurassic
Sedimentary filling sequence and oil sandstone distribution pattern of Kara...
Published: 01 April 2005
Figure 2 Sedimentary filling sequence and oil sandstone distribution pattern of Karamay Formation in profile 42.
Schematic cross section showing the distribution of different types of oil ...
Published: 01 July 2024
= Karamay Formation; T 3 b = Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation.
Accumulation profile of Early Jurassic crude oil in the northeast Mahu area...
Published: 15 February 2021
Figure 25. Accumulation profile of Early Jurassic crude oil in the northeast Mahu area. Φ = porosity; T 1 b = Baikouquan Formation of the Lower Triassic; T 2 k = Karamay Formation of the Middle Triassic; T 3 b = Baijiantan Formation of the Upper Triassic.
Accumulation profile of Early Cretaceous crude oil in the northeast Mahu ar...
Published: 15 February 2021
Figure 26. Accumulation profile of Early Cretaceous crude oil in the northeast Mahu area. Φ = porosity; T 1 b = Baikouquan Formation of the Lower Triassic; T 2 k = Karamay Formation of the Middle Triassic; T 3 b = Baijiantan Formation of the Upper Triassic.
The second channel analyzed: outcrop section of delta-plain distributary ch...
Published: 01 April 2005
Figure 6 The second channel analyzed: outcrop section of delta-plain distributary channel in the expanding-lacustrine systems tract of the Karamay Formation in profile 35.
The third key channel analyzed: outcrop section of the delta-plain distribu...
Published: 01 April 2005
Figure 8 The third key channel analyzed: outcrop section of the delta-plain distributary channel in profile 31, expanding-lacustrine systems tract of the Karamay Formation.
Seismic profile showing the unconformity between the Permian Upper Wuerhe F...
Published: 01 July 2024
= Xiazijie Formation; P 3 w = Shangwuerhe Formation; T 1 b = Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k = Karamay Formation; T 3 b = Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation; TWT = two-way traveltime.
Architectural unit diagram of a sandy-gravelly distributary channel (lithof...
Published: 01 April 2005
Figure 7 Architectural unit diagram of a sandy-gravelly distributary channel (lithofacies symbols and connotations shown in Figure 2 ) in the expanding-lacustrine systems tract of the Karamay Formation in profile 35.
First channel analyzed: architectural unit framework of gravelly low-sinuos...
Published: 01 April 2005
Figure 4 First channel analyzed: architectural unit framework of gravelly low-sinuosity channel (lithofacies symbols and connotations shown in Figure 2 ), lowstand systems tract of the Karamay Formation in profile 42.
Fault systems in the Mahu sag. (A) Strike-slip fault system in the Mahu sag...
Published: 01 July 2024
is shown in green in (A). C = Cretaceous; J = Jurassic; P 1 f = Fengcheng Formation; P 2 w = Xiawuerhe Formation; P 2 x = Xiazijie Formation; T 1 b = Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k = Karamay Formation; T 3 b = Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation; TWT = two-way traveltime.
Lateral distribution of oil in sweet spots within the Baikouquan <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span>....
Published: 01 December 2021
) and absent in the uppermost third member (T 1 b 3 ). This implies that the oil charge came from below into the discontinuous lenses of reservoir rock to make the sweet spots. M = Ma; P 2 w = Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k = Middle Triassic Karamay Formation.
(a) Stratigraphic columns in the Zhongguai paleohigh; (b) composite stratig...
Published: 06 April 2018
= Permian Xiazijie Formation; P3w = Permian Upper Wuerhe Formation; T1b = Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T2k = Triassic Upper Karamay Formation; and T3b = Triassic Baijiantan Formation.
(A) Tectonic setting of the study area in the Mahu Sag, northwestern China....
Published: 22 April 2024
; P 2 x —Middle Permian Xiazijie Formation; P 2 w —Middle Permian Wuerhe Formation; T 1 b —Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k —Middle Triassic Karamay Formation; T 3 b —Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation; J—Jurassic; K—Cretaceous. (C) Analyzed wells with generalized stratigraphy
Dalongkou (DLK, Junggar terrane) section: (A) δ 13 C org ; (B) Hg; and (C) ...
Published: 25 September 2019
between the Shaofanggou and Karamay Formations. Note changes in vertical scale. Other details are as in Figure 2 . M.—Middle, U.—Upper; Olen.—Olenekian; An.-Lad.—Anisian-Ladinian, Carn.-Rh.—Carnian-Rhaetian; SFG—Shaofanggou; HSJ—Huangshanjie; HJG—Haojiagou.
Stratigraphic columns of the hanging wall in the Kebai fault zone and compo...
Published: 01 October 2016
; P 3 w = Permian Upper Wuerhe Formation; T 1 b = Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T 2 k = Triassic Upper Karamay Formation; T 3 b = Triassic Baijiantan Formation.