Incahuasi Field

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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2018
DOI: 10.1306/13622138M1173782
EISBN: 9781629812809
... is a case history of the multi-TCF (trillion cubic feet) Incahuasi discovery and how an integrated, multidisciplinary approach allows a progressive improvement in the understanding of the trap geometry, reducing the uncertainty during exploration and field appraisal. While-drilling structural...
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.1306/13572005M1133684
EISBN: 9781629812762
.... The successful testing of the Incahuasi-X1 exploration well in 2004 led to a multi-tcf discovery currently under development. Located more than 120 km (75 mi) north of the existing Devonian gas fields, it opened a new exploration domain. It also highlights the benefit of a multidisciplinary and innovative...
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(A) Coarse gravel megaripple bedform in the Salar de <span class="search-highlight">Incahuasi</span> <span class="search-highlight">field</span>. Inset...
Published: 01 November 2013
Figure 3. (A) Coarse gravel megaripple bedform in the Salar de Incahuasi field. Inset shows detail of the gravel on the ripple crest with 2 cm washer and nail for scale. (B) Dark gravel bedforms of the Laguna Purulla field. Typical amplitudes vary from 10 cm to 1 m and wavelengths up to 10 m
Location and areal footprint of the gravel megaripple <span class="search-highlight">fields</span> in the Puna of...
Published: 01 November 2013
Figure 1. Location and areal footprint of the gravel megaripple fields in the Puna of Argentina. CPP—Campo Piedra Pomez; LP—Laguna Purulla field; CP—Campo Purulla field; SI—Salar de Incahuasi field; WB—White Barchan field. Base image was extracted from Google Earth. Inset map shows regional
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 July 2021
Geology (2021) 49 (7): e526.
... between volumes. However, seismic ages of mafic monogenetic volcanoes of the Peinado and Incahuasi fields, imaging of submarine volcanoes in the South China Sea implies that southernmost Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes: Journal of Volcanology edifices are 3 50% of total erupted products (Sun et al...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 2020
Economic Geology (2020) 115 (5): 1079–1096.
... = Cauchari, 5 = Jama, 6 = Pastos Grandes, 7 = Pozuelos, 8 = Centenario, 9 = Ratones, 10 = Diablillos, 11 = Hombre Muerto, 12 = Incahuasi, 13 = Antofalla-Botijuelas, 14 = Río Grande, 15 = Arizaro, 16 = Pocitos-Quirón, and 17 = Rincón. This paper reports the outcome of a large effort to obtain data from...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (3): 511–519.
...-unit named after its type locality E of Ica, (3) the Linga Super-unit named after the mapping of Stewart (1968, in Garcia) in the Arequipa region of southern Peru, (4) the Incahuasi Super-unit named after the type locality in the Mala region N of the Rio Pisco, and (5) the Tiabaya Super-unit named...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 November 2013
GSA Bulletin (2013) 125 (11-12): 1912–1929.
...Figure 3. (A) Coarse gravel megaripple bedform in the Salar de Incahuasi field. Inset shows detail of the gravel on the ripple crest with 2 cm washer and nail for scale. (B) Dark gravel bedforms of the Laguna Purulla field. Typical amplitudes vary from 10 cm to 1 m and wavelengths up to 10 m...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 November 2003
Economic Geology (2003) 98 (7): 1501–1502.
... Geológica de Chile no. 66 , 89 p. Henríquez , F. , Naslund , H.R. , Nyström , J.O. , Vivallo , W. , Aguirre , R. , Dobbs , F.M. , and Lledó , H. , 2003 , New field evidence bearing on the origin of the El Laco magnetite deposit, northern Chile—a discussion : Economic...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 November 2003
Economic Geology (2003) 98 (7): 1497–1500.
... in apatite which texturally appears to be formed at a late stage ( Broman et al., 1999 ). No independent measurements of magnetite crystallization temperatures have been reported. F ig . 1. Field relationships at El Laco. a. Sharp contact between a large xenolith block and massive magnetite ore...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2002
The Journal of Geology (2002) 110 (2): 211–226.
... Ojos de Salado 68.53°W 27.10°S 6885 5500 Y X C Nevado Tres Cruces 68.47°W 27.05°S 6330 5500 Y E B Ojo de las Losas 68.30°W 27.03°S 6620 5500 Y E B Laguna Blanca 67.05°W 26.37°S 6200 5000 Y E B Cerro Incahuasi 66.75°W 25.50°S 5167 4800 Y E A Sierra...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 1996
SEG Discovery (1996) (25): 1–14.
... 12 Incahuasi 13 Río Blanco 14 Cerro Atajo 15 Bajo Del Durazno 16 Agua Tapada 17 Farallón Negro (Alto de La Blenda) 18 Bajo de La Alumbrera 19 Agua Rica 20 Capillitas 21 Laguna Verde 22 San Nicolás 23 King Tut 24 Famatina 25 Helvecia...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1987
Journal of the Geological Society (1987) 144 (1): 85–96.
... (6330 m), El Muertito (5970 m), El Fraile and at the eastern end of the chain, Incahuasi (6610 m). There is another small group of Pleistocene centres situated on the western slopes of San Francisco Volcano including several small dacite domes. The location of the principal volcanic centres is shown...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1999
Journal of the Geological Society (1999) 156 (6): 1057–1060.
... Searle M.P. Crawford M.B. Rex A.J. Field relations, geochemistry, origin and emplacement of the Baltoro granite, Central Karakoram Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh 1992 83 519 538 Shaw H.R. Obsidian-H 2 O viscosities at 1000 and 2000 bars in the temperature range...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 2002
Economic Geology (2002) 97 (5): 1101–1109.
... to 60 percent Fe. F ig . 1. Geologic map of magnetite deposits and associated hydrothermal alteration, El Laco, northern Chile (latitude, 23°50'29.6"; longitude, 67°29'24.6"). Taken from Vivallo et al. (1991) . This preliminary communication presents new field observations, made in July...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2004
Geological Magazine (2004) 141 (3): 287–299.
..., and the submarine ramp of the Obispo Formation developed, characterized by laminated mudstones and turbidite lobes. The Obispo Formation is widely distibuted in the study area and crops out in the localities Rio Palomita, Pilar Punta Loma, Mal Paso, Abra Negra, Cieneguillas, Culpina and Incahuasi. Its base...
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Book Chapter

Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2018
EISBN: 9781629812809
... in the Chaco sub-Andean zone of Bolivia (5.3 BBOE), followed by the Camisea area of Peru (2.1 million BOE). However, the latest significant discoveries in Bolivia took place in 2004 (Incahuasi) and in 2008–2009 in Peru (Kinteroni and Urubamba, respectively). Activity has diminished considerably in the area...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 02 January 2020
DOI: 10.1144/SP487.7
EISBN: 9781786204721
... and faults (modified from a photograph by Price & Cosgrove 1990 ). ( e ) Evolution of stress–strain relationships during buckling, using the deformation history outlined by Casey & Butler (2004) . Fig. 8. A reinterpretation of the Incahuasi structure as a buckle-folded multilayer...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 February 2019
Economic Geology (2019) 114 (1): 35–46.
... detailed field and petrographic observations with studies of melt inclusions and mineral geochemistry, we propose a new two-step integrated genetic model, i.e., the massive ores resulted from complete solidification of an iron-rich mush with crystallized magnetite wetted by the interstitial immiscible Fe-P...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/SP385.11
EISBN: 9781862396494
..., reflecting formation over an evolving slab, a crust thickening to 65–75 km and a frontal arc that migrated c. 45 km eastward at 8–3 Ma. Andesites at 28–26.8°S have the most variable and extreme heavy rare earth element (REE), high field strength element (HFSE) and Ba/La ratios and wt% Na 2 O...
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