Huronian veins

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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1986
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1986) 23 (10): 1519–1550.
... derived principally from the Huronian sedimentary reservoir.Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite of both mineralized and barren veins in the Cobalt and Gowganda mining camps and environs show five different types type I (L), type II (L + halite), type III (L + V), type IV (L + V + H), and type V (V...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2010
The Canadian Mineralogist (2010) 48 (2): 391–414.
... their morphological characteristics, ore and gangue mineralogy, paragenetic sequence, and spatial association with regional faults rooted in the Archean basement. The polymetallic veins are typically hosted in Nipissing Diabase, a regionally distributed suite of mafic sills and dykes, which intruded the Huronian...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1986
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1986) 23 (10): 1480–1506.
...A. J. Andrews; L. Owsiacki; R. Kerrich; D. F. Strong Abstract The Ag–sulpharsenide vein deposits of northeastern Ontario occur along the north and northeastern margins of the Cobalt Embayment, a large irregular domain of Huronian-age clastic sediments intruded by Nipissing diabase sills...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 June 2019
Economic Geology (2019) 114 (4): 599–612.
...Torben Wüstemann; Paul Göllner; Peter C. Lightfoot; Ulrich Riller Abstract High-grade Ni-Cu-Co and precious metal mineralization forms footwall veins in close proximity (<~750 m) to the base of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. Successful exploration for these economically significant sulfide ore...
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Journal Article
Published: 10 July 2020
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2020) 57 (12): 1447–1462.
... the McAra deposit is cobalt-rich relative to those veins, and subsequent implications for exploration in the Huronian basin. Rocks in the study area are metamorphosed, so for simplicity the prefix “meta” is excluded from the paper. The McAra deposit is near the southern margin of the Superior...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 September 2009
Economic Geology (2009) 104 (6): 869–879.
... geology of the Cobalt Embayment. Mineralized vein occurrences selected for lead isotope analysis in this study are identified by the bold font ( n = 11). Samples from the historical Cobalt Ag vein systems include Beaver-Temiskaming, Silverfields, and Brady Lake Mines. The Huronian sedimentary...
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Journal Article
Published: 12 September 2011
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2011) 48 (10): 1369–1385.
...Eva S. Schandl; Michael P. Gorton; Colin J. Bray Abstract The Lac Panache (Nipissing) gabbro intrudes Huronian metasediments ca. 40 km southwest of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. The gabbro contains disseminated sulfides and is in contact with a chalcopyrite-rich quartz vein that crystallized from...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2000
Exploration and Mining Geology (2000) 9 (2): 81–90.
... and sulfosalts in near-vertical carbonate veins cutting the Huronian sedimentary rocks of the Gowganda Formation, the Archean metavolcanics and/or the Nipissing diabase. All major deposits have been found within a few hundred meters of the unconformity between the Archean and Huronian rocks in general proximity...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 April 1996
Economic Geology (1996) 91 (2): 322–342.
...T. W. Vennemann; S. E. Kesler; G. C. Frederickson; W. E. L. Minter; R. R. Heine Abstract The relation between Au and U content and provenance has been evaluated for a number of quartz-pebble conglomerates from the Archean Witwatersrand and Early Proterozoic Huronian Supergroups, through analysis...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 May 1994
Economic Geology (1994) 89 (3): 647–655.
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1972
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1972) 9 (11): 1568–1572.
...V. S. Papezik Abstract The lowest member of the Late Precambrian Signal Hill Formation (a massive, gray, lithic sandstone), exposed at the eastern extremity of the Avalon Peninsula near St. John's, Newfoundland, is cut by a system of thin veins containing quartz, calcite, and whitish prehnite...
Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of calcite from all the polymetallic...
Published: 01 April 2010
F ig . 7. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of calcite from all the polymetallic vein systems plotted with reference to the reported isotopic ranges of the major lithological units in the Cobalt Embayment and of the Huronian organic matter.
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 03 January 2023
DOI: 10.1144/SP516-2020-111
EISBN: 9781786205858
... that the True North deposit was clearly post-orogenic, similar to vein gold deposits elsewhere, and was likely produced by the emplacement of the Huronian Supergroup and the thermal effects of the Matachewan large igneous province, which has the same ages. It is suggested that the True North deposit may belong...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2004
The Canadian Mineralogist (2004) 42 (5): 1541–1562.
...Eva S. Schandl Abstract Pyrite-rich quartz veins that cut Huronian sediments at Cobalt Hill, Mackelcan Township, Ontario, ca . 20 km northeast of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), crystallized from saline hydrothermal fluids. The coarse-grained pyrite in the quartz veins contains minute inclusions...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 September 1992
Geology (1992) 20 (9): 837–840.
...Torsten W. Vennemann; Stephen E. Kesler; James R. O'Neil Abstract Oxygen isotope compositions of pebbles from late Archean to paleo-Proterozoic gold- and/or uranium-bearing oligomictic quartz pebble conglomerates of the Witwatersrand district, South Africa, and Huronian Supergroup, Canada, were...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 June 1960
Economic Geology (1960) 55 (4): 659–694.
... sediments laid down in a beach and delta environment by a northward transgressing sea. The Huronian rocks are cut by basic dikes and by quartz veins, both of which have been dated. The ore conglomerates are older than 1,200 m.y. and probably older than 1,700 m.y. The U minerals, brannerite, uraninite...
Sulfur isotopic composition of the major ore minerals in the polymetallic v...
Published: 01 April 2010
F ig . 11. Sulfur isotopic composition of the major ore minerals in the polymetallic vein systems plotted with reference to the historical Cobalt silver vein systems and the major lithological reservoirs present in the Cobalt Embayment. In terms of basin-wide reservoirs, only the Upper Huronian
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 December 2022
Economic Geology (2022) 117 (8): 1791–1807.
... disseminated to semimassive mineralization in an inclusion‐rich sublayer, semimassive to fragmental mineralization in the underlying anatectic footwall breccia, and veins and disseminations in the underlying pseudotachylitic Sudbury breccia, and (2) disseminated to semimassive mineralization in the inclusion...
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Lead isotope compositions of sulfides from the <span class="search-highlight">vein</span> systems in the Cobalt E...
Published: 01 September 2009
F ig . 9. Lead isotope compositions of sulfides from the vein systems in the Cobalt Embayment in reference to the whole-rock Pb isotope compositions of the upper Huronian sedimentary rocks (Gowganda and Gordon Lake Formations) from McLennan et al. (2000) . Error ellipses (representative of two
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 March 2014
Economic Geology (2014) 109 (2): 367–386.
... tabular ore zone (#600 orebody). The orebody generally occurs as 0.5- to 3-m-wide vein-like tabular bodies containing fragments of Huronian rocks in a matrix of massive sulfides ( Fig. 6b ). The tabular bodies plunge parallel to the mineral lineation and they are commonly bounded by sheared wall...
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