Horseshoe Atoll

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Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 September 2010
The Leading Edge (2010) 29 (9): 1108–1115.
... horizons from previous work plus access to dipole sonic logs and well tops provided an abundance of information to better calibrate the interpretation of the reef and its geomorphology. The Horseshoe Atoll is an arcuate chain of reef mounds of mixed types of bioclastic debris that accumulated...
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Series: AAPG Studies in Geology
Published: 01 January 1996
DOI: 10.1306/St42605C17
EISBN: 9781629810829
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1993
DOI: 10.1306/M57579C8
EISBN: 9781629810980
... Abstract Upper Pennsylvanian carbonate platform, bank, and reef-mound complexes of the Horseshoe atoll constitute major oil reservoirs within the northern Midland basin of west Texas. Analyses of over 200 mi of seismic data, constrained by fusulinid biostratigraphy, allow seismic sequences...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1984
AAPG Bulletin (1984) 68 (1): 115–116.
...G. Allan Crawford; George E. Moore; W. Simpson ABSTRACT Reinecke field is one of a series of fields in the Horseshoe atoll (Midland basin, west Texas) that produce from Pennsylvanian phylloid algal buildups. Examination of cores from the Reinecke field indicates that porosity in the field...
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1970
DOI: 10.1306/M14368C8
EISBN: 9781629812250
... Abstract The Horseshoe atoll is an arcuate chain of reef mounds, composed of mixed types of bioclastic debris, that accumulated in the interior part of the developing intracratonic Midland basin during late Paleozoic time. The atoll is 175 mi (282 km) long and locally is almost 3,000 ft (914 m...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1968
AAPG Bulletin (1968) 52 (3): 553.
...E. L. Vest ABSTRACT The Horseshoe atoll is composed of bedded bioclastic limestone and limestone detritus that accumulated in the interior part of a developing intracratonic basin during late Paleozoic time. The reef environment was established early in the basin history and retained because...
GEOCHEMICAL DATA FOR <span class="search-highlight">HORSESHOE</span> <span class="search-highlight">ATOLL</span> MUDROCK (DUST) SAMPLES
Published: 01 December 2015
Maps showing the location of the Reinecke field on the <span class="search-highlight">Horseshoe</span> <span class="search-highlight">atoll</span> in w...
Published: 01 October 2011
Figure 1 Maps showing the location of the Reinecke field on the Horseshoe atoll in west Texas and general late Pennsylvanian paleogeography.
A)  Location map of the Reinecke Field, <span class="search-highlight">Horseshoe</span> <span class="search-highlight">Atoll</span>, and Midland Basin....
Published: 01 December 2010
Figure 1 A) Location map of the Reinecke Field, Horseshoe Atoll, and Midland Basin. B) Chronostratigraphy of the late Paleozoic showing both global and regional stages (modified after Saller et al. 1994 ; Wilde 1990 ; Gradstein et al. 2004 ). C) Generalized stratigraphy of the Reinecke
Photographs of different stages of residues from the <span class="search-highlight">Horseshoe</span> <span class="search-highlight">Atoll</span> carbon...
Published: 01 August 2010
Figure 2 Photographs of different stages of residues from the Horseshoe Atoll carbonate. A) “Acid-insoluble residue”; the dark color is due to presence of organic matter. B) Residue after combustion at 500°C; note slight reddish color due to oxidation of pyrite. C) SMF after CBD. All
A)  Location map of the study area (Reinecke Field) in “<span class="search-highlight">Horseshoe</span> <span class="search-highlight">Atoll</span>” of...
Published: 01 August 2010
Figure 1 A) Location map of the study area (Reinecke Field) in “Horseshoe Atoll” of the Midland Basin (modified after Saller et al. 1999 ). B) Sketch of late Paleozoic paleogeographic elements of southwestern North America (modified after Rich 1977 , and Stevens and Stone 2007 ) indicating
Location of Reinecke field on the <span class="search-highlight">Horseshoe</span> <span class="search-highlight">Atoll</span>, west Texas, and the posi...
Published: 01 March 2006
Figure 1 Location of Reinecke field on the Horseshoe Atoll, west Texas, and the position of carbonate platforms and sedimentary basins during the Pennsylvanian.
Stratigraphic cross section AAʹ (basemap location provided in  Figure 1 ) s...
Published: 15 January 2021
Figure 11. Stratigraphic cross section AAʹ (basemap location provided in Figure 1 ) showing the occurrence of log-predicted petrofacies within each well and correlating the distribution of the Cline shale and contemporaneous shallow-marine carbonates of the Horseshoe atoll. Arrows schematically
A: Late Paleozoic Pangaea, showing (boxed) region of interest in western tr...
Published: 01 December 2015
regions, including Horseshoe atoll, were exposed during lowstand (glacial) conditions. Core location is depicted with black circle. TX—Texas. C: Chronostratigraphy of Horseshoe atoll study interval (Cisco unit; designated by black box). Penn.—Pennsylvanian. D: Facies log and dust content (in wt
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2006
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2006) 76 (3): 404–410.
...Figure 1 Location of Reinecke field on the Horseshoe Atoll, west Texas, and the position of carbonate platforms and sedimentary basins during the Pennsylvanian. ...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 2005
AAPG Bulletin (2005) 89 (5): 553–576.
... billion bbl; 6.31 × 10 8 m 3 ), the Leonard restricted platform carbonate play (3.3 billion bbl; 5.25 × 10 8 m 3 ), the Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Horseshoe atoll carbonate play (2.7 billion bbl; 4.29 × 10 8 m 3 ), and the San Andres platform carbonate play (2.2 billion bbl; 3.42 × 10 8 m 3...
FIGURES | View All (11)
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2004
DOI: 10.1306/M81928
EISBN: 9781629810058
... Abstract Reinecke field is an upper Pennsylvanian to lowest Permian carbonate buildup in the southern part of the Horseshoe Atoll, west Texas, United States. The field and surrounding areas have been imaged with three 3-D seismic surveys and penetrated by many wells. Although Reinecke...
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Series: SEPM Gulf Coast Section Publications
Published: 01 November 1999
DOI: 10.5724/gcs.99.14.0259
EISBN: 978-0-9836097-1-1
... Abstract Reinecke field is a carbonate buildup in the southern part of the Horseshoe Atoll. Since discovery in 1950, it has produced more than 82 million barrels of oil. The south dome of Reinecke field has been characterized with core, wireline logs, 3D seismic, crosswell tomography, and 3D...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1997
AAPG Bulletin (1997) 81 (6): 1042.
... was employed by Seaboard Oil Company that year in Midland, Texas; later he transferred to Roswell, New Mexico, and then returned to Midland. Dick's years with Seaboard covered the era of many successful ventures by the company in the boom years that spread development along the Horseshoe atoll. When Seaboard...
Series: SEPM Core Workshop Notes
Published: 01 January 1983
DOI: 10.2110/cor.83.01.0223
EISBN: 9781565762596
... Abstract The Sacroc Unit of the Kelly-Snyder field, located on the eastern portion of the Pennsylvanian Horseshoe Atoll, northern Midland Basin, has produced over a billion barrels of hydrocarbons since 1948. Cross sections based on core descriptions and supplemented by electric log...