Hordaland Group

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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2003
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.216.01.10
EISBN: 9781862394643
... Abstract During a regional seismic interpretation study of leakage anomalies in the northern North Sea, mounds and zones with a highly chaotic seismic reflection pattern in the Tertiary Hordaland Group were repeatedly observed located above gas chimneys in the Cretaceous succession. The chaotic...
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Map of Top <span class="search-highlight">Hordaland</span> <span class="search-highlight">Group</span> Unconformity in the northern North Sea (time); c...
Published: 27 October 2015
Fig. 1. Map of Top Hordaland Group Unconformity in the northern North Sea (time); contour interval 25 ms. Yellow line connects wells in log correlation ( Fig. 6 ).
Seismic section through mound at the Top <span class="search-highlight">Hordaland</span> <span class="search-highlight">Group</span> Unconformity in th...
Published: 27 October 2015
Fig. 8. Seismic section through mound at the Top Hordaland Group Unconformity in the Visund area. Top of Oligocene sand is interpreted at high reflective seismic interval c . 180 ms below the unconformity. The wing-like reflections at the margin of the sand should be noted. Map to the right
An oblique view of the top <span class="search-highlight">Hordaland</span> <span class="search-highlight">Group</span> unconformity seen from SE (blue ...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 5. An oblique view of the top Hordaland Group unconformity seen from SE (blue colours indicate deep areas; red colours shallow areas). Exact positions, depths (in ms) and horizontal scale are given in the inset map. The yellow line shows the position of the escarpment and the dots
( a ,  b ) Detailed perspective map of the top <span class="search-highlight">Hordaland</span> <span class="search-highlight">Group</span> unconformity...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 6. ( a , b ) Detailed perspective map of the top Hordaland Group unconformity above the Snorre Field. The mounds are up to 100 ms high and the escarpment is 40–80 ms high. Both the escarpment and small circular depressions (red arrows), which are interpreted as palaeo-pockmarks, are clearly
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 24 June 2021
DOI: 10.1144/SP493-2018-35
EISBN: 9781786209887
... sediments above the Utsira High and analyses of regional distribution of mounds at the top Hordaland Group surface in the northern North Sea. We make the observations that (1) the uplift of jack-up folds is in most cases larger than the sand thickness within the mounds, (2) onlap to mounds is present...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2013
Journal of the Geological Society (2013) 170 (1): 133–145.
...Fig. 5. An oblique view of the top Hordaland Group unconformity seen from SE (blue colours indicate deep areas; red colours shallow areas). Exact positions, depths (in ms) and horizontal scale are given in the inset map. The yellow line shows the position of the escarpment and the dots...
FIGURES | View All (16)
NW–SE-striking seismic section crossing the high mound at the top <span class="search-highlight">Hordaland</span>...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 8. NW–SE-striking seismic section crossing the high mound at the top Hordaland Group unconformity (THGU) above the Visund Field and underlying sand injectites (yellow overlay) (location shown in Fig. 5 ). Irregular zigzag-shaped peak and trough reflections are c . 200 ms below the top
( a ) NW–SE-striking seismic section showing the escarpment at the top Hord...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 7. ( a ) NW–SE-striking seismic section showing the escarpment at the top Hordaland Group unconformity (THGU) just south of well 34/8-3A and an underlying sand injectite (yellow overlay) (location in Fig. 5 ). Zigzag-shaped peak and trough reflections, which tie to the top and base of sands
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2015
DOI: 10.1144/SP403.4
EISBN: 9781862396791
... of the Sele and Balder formations and Hordaland Group to create an ‘intrusive trap’. The Volund Field consists of a deeper central unit of stacked sandstone sills, surrounded by shallower, steeper-dipping injected sandstone dykes, which make excellent reservoirs with consistently high porosity...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 29 December 2014
Geophysics (2015) 80 (1): D89–D98.
... a new equation for S-wave velocity prediction for ooze-rich claystones with average densities between 1.7 and 1.85 g / cm 3 . The V P / V S ratios increase with depth in the Lower Oligocene and Eocene claystones of the Hordaland Group, and we interpreted this to reflect a downward increase in the amount...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 May 2012
Geology (2012) 40 (5): 467–470.
... to medium-grained, sub-rounded to rounded grains. We compare the distribution of the sand with the results of scaled physical experiments. In our interpretation, high fluid pressure fractured the regional Hordaland Group seal in the study area, so that fluidized sand moved rapidly to the seafloor through...
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( a ) Regional north–south line showing gentle (0.3°) northward tilting of ...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 10. ( a ) Regional north–south line showing gentle (0.3°) northward tilting of the top Hordaland Group unconformity (green line) in the northern North Sea (location shown in Fig. 1 ). ( b ) was flattened on the yellow line in ( a ) to remove the regional tilt. The incision and erosion
East–west-striking seismic section crossing the high flat area at the top H...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 9. East–west-striking seismic section crossing the high flat area at the top Hordaland Group unconformity (THGU) in the northern part of the study area (location shown in Fig. 5 ). Reflections below the top Hordaland Group unconformity are not folded. The escarpments (black arrows
East–west seismic section through wells 34/7-4 and 34/7-9 illustrating the ...
Published: 27 October 2015
Fig. 4. East–west seismic section through wells 34/7-4 and 34/7-9 illustrating the Cenozoic stratigraphy above the Snorre Field. The Oligocene sands, high-relief mounds at the Top Hordaland Group Unconformity and disrupted Pleistocene sand unit should be noted. Also noteworthy is the local
Seismic section through wells 34/7-4 and 34/7-9 showing intrusive (i) and e...
Published: 01 January 2013
Fig. 12. Seismic section through wells 34/7-4 and 34/7-9 showing intrusive (i) and extrusive (e) sands, expressed as low gamma-ray readings (red curve), above the Snorre Field (location in Fig. 6 ). The deep V-shaped bright anomalies in the lower part of the Hordaland Group are partly carbonate
North–south seismic section illustrating Pleistocene sand unit. Location of...
Published: 27 October 2015
Fig. 5. North–south seismic section illustrating Pleistocene sand unit. Location of profile is shown on the inset map (10 ms contour interval) of the Top Hordaland Group Unconformity and also in Figure 2 .
A: Map of upper surface of sand. White square shows locations of B–D. Color...
Published: 01 May 2012
Group. Color key is for depth (in ms). Mounds (m) result from forced folding over sand injectites. D: Map of upper surface of sand. Color key is for amplitude reflection strength. Map combines B, colored with top of sand reflection amplitudes, and mounds at top of Hordaland Group (from C, but in blue
Structural attribute derived from the reflection seismic image overlaid on ...
Published: 01 April 2022
Figure 3. Structural attribute derived from the reflection seismic image overlaid on top of the envelope attribute derived from the diffraction image as time slice within (a) the Hordaland Group shales and (b) the Balder shales and vertical section along a horizontal well. The wells are shown
Journal Article
Published: 27 October 2015
Journal of the Geological Society (2016) 173 (2): 384–393.
...Fig. 1. Map of Top Hordaland Group Unconformity in the northern North Sea (time); contour interval 25 ms. Yellow line connects wells in log correlation ( Fig. 6 ). ...
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