Hemiscolopendra marginata

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Quantitative measurements of the  <span class="search-highlight">Hemiscolopendra</span> <span class="search-highlight">marginata</span>  burrows. Speci...
Published: 17 October 2019
Table 4.— Quantitative measurements of the Hemiscolopendra marginata burrows. Specimens HM31, HM40, and HM86 were not sufficient for measurement and are not included. All measurements in cm or degrees (slope only); W/H ratio, complexity, and tortuosity are unitless. HM# = Hemiscolopendra
<span class="search-highlight">Hemiscolopendra</span> <span class="search-highlight">marginata</span>  ichnofabric.  A ) Short, isolated, horizontal tu...
Published: 17 October 2019
Fig. 10.— Hemiscolopendra marginata ichnofabric. A ) Short, isolated, horizontal tunnel. B ) Two linked U-shaped burrows. C ) Series of linked J-shaped and three U-shaped burrows with an elongate horizontal tunnel. D ) Series of three, linked, U-shaped burrows in layered sediment experiment
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 17 October 2019
PALAIOS (2019) 34 (10): 468–489.
...Table 4.— Quantitative measurements of the Hemiscolopendra marginata burrows. Specimens HM31, HM40, and HM86 were not sufficient for measurement and are not included. All measurements in cm or degrees (slope only); W/H ratio, complexity, and tortuosity are unitless. HM# = Hemiscolopendra...
FIGURES | View All (13)
Centipede species investigated in this study.  A )  <span class="search-highlight">Hemiscolopendra</span> margina...
Published: 17 October 2019
Fig. 2.— Centipede species investigated in this study. A ) Hemiscolopendra marginata . B) Scolopendra polymorpha .
Statistical comparison of quantitative properties of all burrows produced b...
Published: 17 October 2019
Table 5.— Statistical comparison of quantitative properties of all burrows produced by Scolopendra polymorpha and Hemiscolopendra marginata.
Centipede burrowing techniques.  A )  Scolopendra polymorpha  initiating bu...
Published: 17 October 2019
by excavation. D ) Scolopendra backfilling a portion of an existing tunnel. E ) Hemiscolopendra marginata burrowing at the surface through intrusion and compression. F ) Hemiscolopendra burrowing below the surface through compression.