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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2005
American Mineralogist (2005) 90 (11-12): 1871–1886.
...Jeffrey M. Schwartz; I. Stewart McCallum Abstract Thermal histories of non-cumulate eucrites, Pasamonte and Haraiya, were determined from Ca/(Ca + Fe + Mg) profiles of host/lamellae pyroxene pairs, from compositional profiles of pyroxene rims affected by metasomatism, and from lamellae thicknesses...
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Crustal isotherms between 4.56 Ga and 4.55 Ga based on the  Ghosh and McSwe...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 19. Crustal isotherms between 4.56 Ga and 4.55 Ga based on the Ghosh and McSween (1998) thermal model of Vesta. The locations of Pasamonte and Haraiya in the crust are based on the calculated cooling rates. Pasamonte cooled rapidly at the surface and was reburied in a shallow ejecta
<span class="search-highlight">Haraiya</span>: BSE image of augite lamellae in pigeonite showing a constant lamel...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 14. Haraiya: BSE image of augite lamellae in pigeonite showing a constant lamellar thickness to grain boundary.
<span class="search-highlight">Haraiya</span>: BSE image of a mosaic assemblage of recrystallized pyroxenes. Note...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 15. Haraiya: BSE image of a mosaic assemblage of recrystallized pyroxenes. Note the triple junctions, multiple orientations of exsolution, and epitaxial intergrowths of augite (dark) and pigeonite (light).
<span class="search-highlight">Haraiya</span>: Fine-grained subophitic clast type A (upper left) and coarse ophit...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 12. Haraiya: Fine-grained subophitic clast type A (upper left) and coarse ophitic clast type B (lower right). A thin selvage of glass separates the clasts. Note the relatively constant width of exsolution lamellae in pyroxenes in both clast types, the mild deformation of the lamellae
<span class="search-highlight">Haraiya</span>: BSE image of coarse-grained clast. Compact aggregate of fragmented...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 13. Haraiya: BSE image of coarse-grained clast. Compact aggregate of fragmented and subsequently annealed pyroxene grains adjacent to plagioclase showing preservation of original “magmatic” grain boundaries. Note variable thicknesses of augite lamellae in pigeonite, preserved Ca zoning
<span class="search-highlight">Haraiya</span>: Measured and deconvolved profile of (001) augite lamellae (crosses...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 16. Haraiya: Measured and deconvolved profile of (001) augite lamellae (crosses) with superimposed simulated profiles calculated using variable cooling rates and the diffusion data of Stimpfl et al. (2003) . TEM-EDS analyses of 1.5 μm augite lamellae and partially inverted pigeonite
Evolution of lamellar wavelengths as a function of time. Cooling rates cons...
Published: 01 November 2005
F igure 18. Evolution of lamellar wavelengths as a function of time. Cooling rates constrained by lamellar coarsening. Event 1: primary cooling of basalt ( Walker et al. 1978 ). Events 2–4: cooling of Pasamonte as a function of peak metamorphic temperature. Events 5–7: cooling of Haraiya
Solvus for pyroxenes based on the experiments of  Ross et al. (1971)  and p...
Published: 01 November 2005
intersection temperature for Haraiya bulk pigeonite is also plotted (open square). Pigeonite compositions were not used to calculate closure temperatures due to the steepness of the pigeonite limb.
( a ) Pyroxene quadrilateral showing TEM semi-quantitative EDS analyses (op...
Published: 01 November 2005
composition of pyroxene used in Nord and McCallister (1979) experiments, P5 = Pasamonte5 bulk (modally recombined = TEM-EDS analyses). ( b ) Pyroxene compositions in Haraiya used to calculate peak metamorphic temperature and closure temperature. Bulk augite and pigeonite = black squares; host lamellae pairs
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2008
American Mineralogist (2008) 93 (11-12): 1933–1936.
..., I.S. ( 2005 ) Comparative study of equilibrated and unequilibrated eucrites: Subsolidus thermal histories of Haraiya and Pasamonte. American Mineralogist , 90 , 1871 –1886. Takeda, H., Miyamoto, M., Ishii, T., and Lofgren, G.E. ( 1975 ) Relative cooling rates of mare basalts at the Apollo 12...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2010
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2010) 72 (1): 641–690.
... ( 1998 ) Magnesium self-diffusion in orthoenstatite . Contrib Mineral Petrol 130 : 390 – 396 Schwartz JM , McCallum IS ( 2005 ) Comparative study of equilibrated and unequilibrated eucrites: Subsolidus thermal histories of Haraiya and Pasamonte . Am Mineral 90 : 1871 – 1866...
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