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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2009
Vadose Zone Journal (2009) 8 (4): 1064–1079.
...Bruno Cheviron; Yves Coquet Abstract A sensitivity analysis of the HYDRUS-1D model was performed based on scenarios that represented the fate of a nonvolatile pesticide in three soils. We used the latest dual-porosity, transient mobile–immobile (MIM) version of HYDRUS-1D that includes water...
FIGURES | View All (9)
(A) <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> model setup showing distribution of materials M1 to M4, grid ...
Published: 01 March 2014
Fig. 9. (A) HYDRUS-1D model setup showing distribution of materials M1 to M4, grid discretization, and locations of tensiometer (AT) and moisture measurement nodes; (B) initial model tension (ψ) and moisture (θ) profiles and initial observed ψ data (circles) prior to test.
<span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> parameters obtained for the training period after the optimizatio...
Published: 01 November 2013
Table 2. HYDRUS-1D parameters obtained for the training period after the optimization. Soil depth Parameter θ r θ S α n K s l ω cm m −1 m d −1 d −1 5 0.052 0.360 3.68 1.84 0.67 0.52 0.035 0.160 0.92 10 0.051 0.360 3.24 1.82
<span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> parameters obtained for the training period after the optimizatio...
Published: 01 November 2013
Table 2. HYDRUS-1D parameters obtained for the training period after the optimization. Soil depth Parameter θ r θ S α n K s l ω cm m −1 m d −1 d −1 5 0.052 0.360 3.68 1.84 0.67 0.52 0.035 0.160 0.92 10 0.051 0.360 3.24 1.82
Water content profiles obtained by <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> and the coupled model. The rig...
Published: 01 May 2013
Fig. 4. Water content profiles obtained by HYDRUS-1D and the coupled model. The right-hand side plots are simulations for silty soil, and the left-hand side plots correspond to the results obtained for sandy soil. The profiles obtained by the analytical approach are shown by dashed lines.
Evolution of the sink-term profiles simulated by <span class="search-highlight">Hydrus</span> <span class="search-highlight">1D</span> program (bold so...
Published: 01 August 2012
Fig. 13. Evolution of the sink-term profiles simulated by Hydrus 1D program (bold solid lines) for periods 6 to 9 (see period number in the upper right corner of the subplots) for irrigated plants. Potential root water uptake profile is represented by the dashed line. Water content changes
Evolution of the sink-term profiles simulated by <span class="search-highlight">Hydrus</span> <span class="search-highlight">1D</span> program (bold so...
Published: 01 August 2012
Fig. 14. Evolution of the sink-term profiles simulated by Hydrus 1D program (bold solid lines) for periods 6 to 9 (see period number in the upper right corner of the subplots) for non-irrigated plants. Potential root water uptake profile is represented by the dashed line. Water content changes
Pressure head predictions of the five-layer <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> model for the calibra...
Published: 01 November 2009
F ig . 3. Pressure head predictions of the five-layer HYDRUS-1D model for the calibration period: (a) daily rainfall, and the simulated pressure heads at the (b) 0.4-, (c) 1.0-, (d) 2.6-, and (e) 4.2-m depths. Also shown are the simulated pressure heads of the HYDRUS-3D model of the Spydia site.
Pressure head predictions of the five-layer <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> model for the evaluat...
Published: 01 November 2009
F ig . 4. Pressure head predictions of the five-layer HYDRUS-1D model for the evaluation period: (a) daily rainfall, and the simulated pressure heads at the (b) 0.4-, (c) 1.0-, (d) 2.6-, and (e) 4.2-m depths. Also shown are the simulated pressure heads of the HYDRUS-3D model of the Spydia site.
Scheme of the SENSAN–<span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> coupling. Automation was made possible with ...
Published: 01 November 2009
F ig . 3. Scheme of the SENSAN–HYDRUS-1D coupling. Automation was made possible with batch files and post-treatment involved additional FORTRAN programs. Represented here is the run series testing the 11 predefined values in Group 1 (Layers 1–2) of the second hydraulic parameter ( n vG
Synthetic production data generated with forward simulations in <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> m...
Published: 01 August 2009
F ig . 9. Synthetic production data generated with forward simulations in HYDRUS-1D modified for centrifugal force fields, simulating a 24-h single-rate transient centrifuge experiment with and without ramp-up of the centrifuge rotor.
The Rosetta Lite dialog window from the <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> software package.
Published: 01 May 2008
F ig . 6. The Rosetta Lite dialog window from the HYDRUS-1D software package.
Main window of the <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> software package. The preprocessing part is on...
Published: 01 May 2008
F ig . 2. Main window of the HYDRUS-1D software package. The preprocessing part is on the left and post-processing part on the right. Individual input and output commands are accessible either using menus or directly from the main window.
Experimental data and inverse <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> simulation results for the infiltra...
Published: 01 January 2006
Fig. 2. Experimental data and inverse HYDRUS-1D simulation results for the infiltration into the medium-sand (left) and coarse-sand (right) columns: (a, b) cumulative infiltration and outflow, (c, d) pressure heads at 10-, 20-, and 30-cm depths, (e, f) water contents at the 10- and 30-cm depths.
Experimental data and inverse <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> simulation results for the loam col...
Published: 01 January 2006
Fig. 1. Experimental data and inverse HYDRUS-1D simulation results for the loam column, infiltration (left) and drainage (right): (a, b) cumulative infiltration and outflow, (c, d) pressure heads at the 10-, 20-, and 30-cm depths, and (e, f) water contents at the 10- and 30-cm depths.
Cumulative rain, modeled drainage (<span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span>), and measured drainage and st...
Published: 01 November 2005
Fig. 8. Cumulative rain, modeled drainage (HYDRUS-1D), and measured drainage and standard deviations for replicate nonsuction water flux meters (Z-WFM 1 and 2) and suction WFMs (T-WFM 2 and C-WFM 1 and 2).
Measured and <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> modeled water flux at 100 cm. Measurements are shown...
Published: 01 November 2005
Fig. 7. Measured and HYDRUS-1D modeled water flux at 100 cm. Measurements are shown of a nonsuction water flux meter (Z-WFM 2) and a suction tipping-bucket water flux meter (T-WFM 2).
(A–B) Outflow prediction uncertainty ranges of the <span class="search-highlight">HYDRUS</span>-<span class="search-highlight">1D</span> model associat...
Published: 01 February 2003
Fig. 9. (A–B) Outflow prediction uncertainty ranges of the HYDRUS-1D model associated with the uncertainty in the model (blue) and parameter estimates for Scenarios I (purple) and II (red) of the Mualem–van Genuchten and Kosugi parametric models for the multistep (0–125–250–375–500 mbar) outflow
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2013
Vadose Zone Journal (2013) 12 (3): vzj2012.0040.
... and soil surface roughness. To analyze the ability of the data assimilation approach to track the temporal evolution of these parameters, scenario analyses were performed with increasing complexity. First, the HYDRUS-1D code was used to generate soil moisture and soil temperature time series. On the basis...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2010
Vadose Zone Journal (2010) 9 (2): 238–251.
... on precipitation redistribution on the soil surface. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the precipitation redistribution (stemflow and throughfall) under a beech tree ( Fagus sylvatica L.) on the water regime and Al transport within the one- and two-dimensional soil profiles using the HYDRUS-1D...
FIGURES | View All (15)