Gramscatho Group

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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1989
Journal of the Geological Society (1989) 146 (5): 739–742.
... sediments classically assigned to the Gramscatho Group and generally regarded as pre-Famennian indicate a late Famennian age. A reinterpretation of the section is proposed which emphasizes the importance of imbricate thrusting and local facies variations. Interpretations of the Devonian geology of south...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (1): 79–85.
...R. P. Barnes Abstract The Lizard Complex rests tectonically on the Meneage Formation within the top of the flysch dominated Gramscatho Group of sediments. The Meneage Formation is a Middle to Upper Devonian sedimentary mélange sequence with interbedded rudites. The possibility that one or both...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1987
Journal of the Geological Society (1987) 144 (4): 531–542.
...P. A. FLOYD; B. E. LEVERIDGE Abstract The Portscatho Formation, within the allochthonous unit of the Middle and Upper Devonian Gramscatho Group, is a thick sequence of deep-water sandstones and interbedded slates deposited by southerly-derived turbidity currents into the Gramscatho basin of south...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2000
Journal of the Geological Society (2000) 157 (6): 1227–1242.
... compositions comparable to those of the Devonian Gramscatho Group of South Cornwall. The mafic component of the gneiss includes members (group 1) which are weakly enriched in light REE, have minor negative Ta, Nb, P and Ti anomalies in extended trace element plots, and display primitive, time-corrected 143 Nd...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1987
Journal of the Geological Society (1987) 144 (2): 353–354.
... can be regarded as a westward extension of the Ardennes Massif of N France, and that this belt acted as a source for the Hangman Sandstone Group in N Devon. On the basis that this assumption is valid, they develop the proposal that the Gramscatho Group of S Cornwall represents part of a continuous...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (1): 37–39.
...R. P. Barnes; J. R. Andrews Abstract Regional prograde pumpellyite actinolite facies metamorphism (Ml) has affected the Gramscatho Group sediments and volcanics structurally underlying the Lizard Complex. Metamorphism took place synchronously with the main penetrative deformation (Dl...
Plot of  143 Nd/ 144 Nd versus  87 Sr/ 86 Sr ( T =375 Ma) for 10 samples (l...
Published: 01 November 2000
Fig. 11. Plot of 143 Nd/ 144 Nd versus 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ( T =375 Ma) for 10 samples (labelled L93-A–J but without their L93 prefix) of Kennack Gneiss from a single sheet at Kennack Sands. Shown for comparison are data for sedimentary rocks of the Devonian Gramscatho Group ( Floyd et al. 1991
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 125–134.
... Annals of Botany 1929 43 663 83 Lefort J. P. Possible 'Caledonian' subduction under the Domnonean domain, North Armorica area Geology 1977 5 523 6 Le Gall B. Le Hérissé A. Deunff J. New palynological data from the Gramscatho Group at the Lizard front (Cornwall...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1998
Journal of the Geological Society (1998) 155 (4): 595–598.
...). In the last case, the Lizard Complex would be sensibly coeval with the thick, largely flyschoid sequence of the Middle Upper Devonian Gramscatho Group with which it is now juxtaposed across the Lizard Boundary Fault, and which is envisaged to have accumulated in a leaky-transform situation (Barnes & Andrews...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2002
Geological Magazine (2002) 139 (1): 27–45.
... of mainland southwest England ( Holder & Leveridge, 1986 ). To the south, the Lizard Complex structurally overlies Cambro-Ordovician metamorphic basement rocks ( c. 500 Ma) whilst to the north, it overlies mid-Devonian, very low-grade metasedimentary units of the Gramscatho Group (Fig. 1 ). All units...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 117–124.
... the Lizard ophiolite and underlying Meneage Formation, modified after BGS 1 : 50,000 sheets 352,353 and 359. because of the constraints provided by the isotopic data (Styles & Rundle 1984), and is discussed below. Gramscatho Group The sedimentary sequence structurally underlying the Lizard Complex...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1989
Journal of the Geological Society (1989) 146 (3): 419–421.
...) and the more highly metamorphosed pelites and metavolcanics of the Start Complex (Fig. 1). The age of the latter is uncertain. In Cornwall (Fig. l), the SPL is associated with the stratigraphic boundary between Lower Devonian shales, and flysch deposits of Middle to Upper Devonian age (Gramscatho Group...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 141–147.
... périphériques La Chaine Varisque D'Europe Moyenne et Occidentale 1977 243 Rennes Colloque interne CNRS 415 22 Le Gall B. Le Hérissé A. Deunff J. New palynological data from the Gramscatho Group at the Lizard Front (Cornwall): palaeogeographical and geodynamical implications...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1973
Journal of the Geological Society (1973) 129 (5): 527–536.
... recognized three groups of ages: 365 to 345 my in the Dodman and Gramscatho slates which they attribute to an early phase of Variscan folding with a minimum age corresponding to the Upper Devonian or Lower Carboniferous. 34 ° to 32o my in the Devonian slate belt of the Newquay to Padstow area on the north...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (1): 87–95.
.... A. The Lizard complex as an ophiolite Nature, London 1979 282 58 61 Lambert J. L. M. Cross-folding in the Gramscatho Beds at Helford River, Cornwall Geol Mag 1959 96 489 96 Matthews S. C. The Variscan fold belt in Southwest England Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Abhandlungen...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1986
Journal of the Geological Society (1986) 143 (1): 41–43.
...T. J. CHAPMAN Abstract The Department of Geological Sciences at Plymouth Polytechnic hosted a two day meeting of the Tectonic Studies Group on October 27 and 28, 1984. On the first day of the meeting 17 papers were presented on tectonic aspects of the Variscan orogen in SW England and related areas...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1984
Journal of the Geological Society (1984) 141 (1): 15–19.
... age recording the time of emplacement of the Lizard Complex. This emplacement in late Devonian times was part of an early phase of the Hercynian Orogeny which also affected the Gramscatho 'Series' of S Cornwall. The Kennack Gneiss is the most varied and enigmatic rock group of the Lizard Complex...
Journal Article
Published: 26 June 2015
Journal of the Geological Society (2015) 172 (5): 566–575.
... and basaltic lavas that occur near the base of Early Permian red bed successions of the Exeter Group in the east of the massif. Lamprophyre dykes intrude Variscan-deformed Devonian and Carboniferous successions throughout the massif, and have been the subject of several geochronological studies ( Table 1...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2000
Journal of the Geological Society (2000) 157 (5): 1049–1064.
...; Holder & Leveridge 1986). The Lizard Peninsula can be divided into three geologically distinct units ( Fig. 2c). These are: (1) Ordovician basement; (2) Devonian rocks of the Lizard Complex; (3) Devonian sediments and volcanic rocks of the Gramscatho Group. These different units were...
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Journal Article
Published: 20 February 2023
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2023) 56 (2): qjegh2022-051.
... intruded into the Upper Devonian Mylor Slate Formation of the Gramscatho Group ( Fig. 2a ). It forms the most westerly mainland exposure of the Cornubian Batholith and provides consistent exposure of the granite and its margins in coastal outcrop. The present-day shape of the pluton is unusual compared...
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