Gracias Honduras

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1941
GSA Bulletin (1941) 52 (8): 1219–1244.
...EVERETT CLAIRE OLSON; PAUL O. MCGREW Abstract A small but interesting mammalian fauna has been obtained from the Mejocote Valley in the vicinity of Gracias, Honduras, from a series of beds of sand, clay, and volcanic ash, a formation to which the name Gracias is given. The fauna, which consists...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1916
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1916) 6 (1): 47–51.
... and S. Sebastian, all of them near Gracias, were also demolished. But few lives were lost, however. Shocks continued at S. Salvador, on the 3oth, but they. were less severe. The following acount has been received from our colleague, Dr. V. F. Marsters, who wrote from San Jacinto, Honduras, under date...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1934
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1934) 24 (4): 428–436.
... Genoa, Italy 421 Gilroy, California 136 Gisborne, New Zealand 420 Gracias, Honduras 331 Granada, Spain 419 G r o v e r , M i s s o u r i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Guatemala 331 Guayaquil, Ecuador 74 Gunning, Australia 326 t-Iassankale, Turkey 72...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1967
AAPG Bulletin (1967) 51 (9): 1711–1786.
... as suggested by Roberts and Irving’s geologic map (1957, Pl. 1) which shows broad areas of Precambrian (?) metamorphic rocks cropping out in eastern Honduras. The writers have observed Mesozoic sediments in a large part of northern Olancho, eastern Colón, and northern Gracias a Dios Departments. Southern...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1934
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1934) 24 (3): 326–333.
... and Roussas on the afternoon of May 16th. SDGU GraciAs, Honduras, May 17, 1934A slight earthquake was felt in Gracias on the night of May 17th, according to press reports. Guatemala, May 19, 1934An earthquake occurring at 10~1 47'v8 G.C.T. on May 19th had its epicenter at longitude 90 ° west, latitude 16...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 2002
Geology (2002) 30 (11): 1031–1034.
... meanders in western Honduras commenced after 10.5 Ma ( Gordon and Muehlberger, 1994 ). Significant topography had developed by the latest Miocene, as shown by the valley-fill deposition of the 300-m-thick Gracias Formation in the rift valleys. These deposits contain abundant mammalian fauna of early...
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Previously reported occurrences of  Borophagus  in North America. Data deri...
Published: 01 November 2022
Reservoir Merhten CA Hemphillian-4 B . secundus Mount Eden — River Side, CA Hemphillian-4 B . secundus Corinto Unnamed 88,959 & 13,45 Hemphillian-1 B . secundus Gracias Gracias Honduras Hemphillian-1 B . secundus Turtle Locality Ogallala NE Hemphillian-3 B
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2003
Earth Sciences History (2003) 22 (1): 79–89.
... of Strasburg University. After a brief rest in the capital city of San Salvador and a brief reconnaissance of the Tertiary volcanic rocks north of the Quaternary volcanoes, he set out on a long traverse that would take him across Central America to the Caribbean coast of Honduras. This was one...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2015
Journal of Paleontology (2015) 89 (2): 360–365.
.... Gomphotheres have been described from classic late Miocene localities in Honduras (Frick 1933 ) and from the early Hemphillian Gracias Formation (Webb and Perrigo 1984 ). Two specimens from Honduras can be compared with the m3 of Gomphotherium from Panama...
Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 November 2005
The Leading Edge (2005) 24 (11): 1149–1151.
... trabalhos para esta edição. De acordo com o Conselho Mundial de Energia, a América Latina é formada pela Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Equador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, México, Paraguai, Panamá, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela. A região como um todo é um...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1933
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1933) 23 (4): 172–177.
...- sity I I I was felt at places a r o u n d Cook Strait at 15h 30m 30s G . M . T . on June 7th. Takaka, South Island, New Zealand, June 28, 1933The region of T a k a k a experienced an earthquake at 23~ 19m 14~ G.M.T. on June 28th. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, July 8, 1933A strong earth tremor was felt...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2022
Journal of Paleontology (2022) 96 (6): 1379–1389.
... Reservoir Merhten CA Hemphillian-4 B . secundus Mount Eden — River Side, CA Hemphillian-4 B . secundus Corinto Unnamed 88,959 & 13,45 Hemphillian-1 B . secundus Gracias Gracias Honduras Hemphillian-1 B . secundus Turtle Locality Ogallala NE Hemphillian-3 B...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1962
AAPG Bulletin (1962) 46 (7): 1077–1140.
... in 1961 McCord assigned rights over his concession to the Central American Mining and Oil Company, Inc., and on July 14, 1961, Pure Oil Company of Honduras acquired a concession of approximately 10,200,000 acres from the latter company. The Pure Oil concession lies in the Department of Gracias a Dios...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1961
AAPG Bulletin (1961) 45 (7): 1045–1089.
... with interests in Honduras remain as in 1959. Petroleos Hondurenos S. A. still holds 11,000,000 acres in the Department of Santa Barbara and Olancho. The operator for this firm is NAFCO Oil and Gas. Compañía Petrolera Hondurena has 51,000,000 acres in concessions in the Department of Gracias de Dios, Comayagua...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1935
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1935) 25 (1): 96–111.
..., Honduras, December 3, 1934An earth- quake.which occurred at 2h 38m6 G.C.T. on December 3d did great dam- age to several towns and cities in western Honduras, among them: San Jorge, La Encarnacion, San Fernando, Santa Rita, La Esperanza, Gracias, Naranjito, Ilama, and Comayagua. The epicenter has been lo2...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1960
AAPG Bulletin (1960) 44 (7): 1014–1057.
... 1959. Fig. 14. SOUTHERN LIMON PROVINCE COSTA RICA P anama , N icaragua , E l Salvador, And Honduras By H enk W ories , Union Oil Company of California San José, Costa Rica Drafting of the proposed petroleum law was not completed and the Compania Petrolera de Costa Rica...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1964
AAPG Bulletin (1964) 48 (8): 1242–1298.
.... —Honduras. (By KENNETH T. SMITH, The Pure Oil Co., Houston) During the early part of 1963, The Pure Oil Company completed its geophysical program ( Table XLV ) and on July 9 spudded its Mosquitia No. 1 wildcat near Puerto Lempira on Caratasca Lagoon in the Department of Gracias a Dios. Seismic...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1959
AAPG Bulletin (1959) 43 (7): 1518–1580.
... to 48,000,000 acres in the departments of Comayagua, Colon, Atlantida, Gracias a Dios, The Bay Island, continental shelf tidelands and adjoining waters. In January, 1958, Honduras passed a new oil law superseding the 1954 law. The new law made no provisions for existing concessions. In March, 1958, the new...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1963
AAPG Bulletin (1963) 47 (7): 1237–1293.
..., Fla. B olivia P. H. Baadsgaard, Bolivian Gulf Oil Company, Santa Cruz B razil Pedro de Moura, Petroleo Brasileira S.A. Rio de Janeiro B ritish guiana P. H. A. Martin-Kaye, Director, Geological Survey, Georgetown B ritish honduras O. D. Thomas & C. D. Davidson, Phillips...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1965
AAPG Bulletin (1965) 49 (8): 1112–1175.
.... Known changes in concession status during 1964 include a partial relinquishment by The Pure Oil Company of Honduras. In the Mosquitia area of eastern Honduras, Department of Gracias a Díos, The Pure Oil Company surrendered, in June, 1964, 305,276 hectares onshore and 724,370 hectares offshore, thereby...
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