Gonave Microplate

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A: Plate tectonic setting of Hispaniola (Hisp) showing <span class="search-highlight">Gonave</span> <span class="search-highlight">microplate</span> bo...
Published: 01 August 2011
Figure 1. A: Plate tectonic setting of Hispaniola (Hisp) showing Gonave microplate bounded by left-lateral Septentrional fault (SF), Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault (EPGF), and Hispaniola fault (HF). Box delineates study area in Haiti. PR—Puerto Rico. (Modified from http://web.ics.purdue.edu
Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 01 February 2015
Lithosphere (2015) 7 (1): 21–39.
...B. Benford; B. Tikoff; C. DeMets Abstract Jamaica is located on a restraining bend on the E-trending, left-lateral plate boundary between the Gônave microplate and Caribbean plate. Deformation in southern Jamaica occurs on two reactivated and simultaneously active fault sets: NNW-striking reverse...
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(A) Tectonic features of the Western Caribbean. A solid thick black line de...
Published: 19 October 2017
Figure 1. (A) Tectonic features of the Western Caribbean. A solid thick black line delineates the boundaries of the Gonâve microplate. Dashed black lines represent other (micro)plate boundaries, including those of the Puerto Rico (P.R.)–Virgin Islands (PRVI) and South Jamaica (Ja.) microplates
(a) Location of the island of Hispaniola (inside the blue box) in the north...
Published: 15 February 2016
Figure 1. (a) Location of the island of Hispaniola (inside the blue box) in the northern Caribbean. (b) Active, left-lateral strike-slip faults shown in red in the Hispaniola region separating the Gonâve microplate from the larger North America Plate to the north and Caribbean Plate to the south
Comparison of two kinematic block models. Numbers are predicted velocities ...
Published: 28 December 2022
are not sensitive to the geometry of the eastern border of the Gonâve microplate; the gray dashed lines show two of the configurations we tested. (b) Fault geometry allowing for shortening along the JM reverse fault system, which predicts pure strike‐slip on the Southern Peninsula fault, consistent with geological
Historical earthquakes beneath Hispaniola and the surface projection of the...
Published: 01 August 2013
, NoAm; South American plate, SoAm; Gonave microplate, GM ); orientation and rate of relative motion between Carb and NoAm, arrows.
Map of the island of Jamaica showing faults and crustal velocity vectors (b...
Published: 01 April 2013
, inset map shows regional setting of Jamaica along the southern edge of the Gonave microplate. BMRB, Blue Mountain restraining bend; CF, Cavaliers fault; CR‐RMF, Crawle river–Rio Minho fault; EPGFZ , Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone; F, Frankfield; K, Kingston; MCSC, Mid Cayman spreading center
Geologic history of Jamaica. (A) During the Cretaceous, subduction occurred...
Published: 01 February 2015
boundary began in the Middle Miocene. E- and NNW-striking faults are reactivated across the island, and reactivate the fault arrays as a contractional feature. (E) Gônave microplate forms at ∼5 Ma and deformation localizes in southern Jamaica.
Geography and present‐day tectonic setting of the Caribbean region. Bold no...
Published: 18 April 2023
centers where new crustal materials are been formed. APASS, Anegada passage; BF, Bocono fault; CF, Camaguey fault; CT, Cayman trough; EPGF, Enriquillo Plantain garden fault; GMP, Gonave microplate; HB, Hispaniola block; LMT, Los Muertos Trench; MAT, Middle American trench; MCSC, Mid‐Cayman Spreading
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2013
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2013) 103 (2A): 971–983.
..., inset map shows regional setting of Jamaica along the southern edge of the Gonave microplate. BMRB, Blue Mountain restraining bend; CF, Cavaliers fault; CR‐RMF, Crawle river–Rio Minho fault; EPGFZ , Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone; F, Frankfield; K, Kingston; MCSC, Mid Cayman spreading center...
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Journal Article
Published: 28 December 2022
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2023) 113 (1): 131–142.
... are not sensitive to the geometry of the eastern border of the Gonâve microplate; the gray dashed lines show two of the configurations we tested. (b) Fault geometry allowing for shortening along the JM reverse fault system, which predicts pure strike‐slip on the Southern Peninsula fault, consistent with geological...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2012
Seismological Research Letters (2012) 83 (6): 1106–1107.
... http://peer.berkeley.edu/news/2012/07/ngawest2-nov15-wkshp/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PeerCtr+%28PEER+News%29 10–21 December. Conference and Advanced School on Quantification of Earthquake Hazards in the Caribbean: The Gonave Microplate, Santiago...
(A) Jamaica is located in a restraining bend on the left-lateral strike-sli...
Published: 01 February 2015
Figure 1. (A) Jamaica is located in a restraining bend on the left-lateral strike-slip oceanic plate boundary between the Caribbean plate and the Gônave microplate, modified from DeMets and Wiggins-Grandison (2007) ; 2 min seafloor bathymetry and land topography are from Sandwell and Smith
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2012
Seismological Research Letters (2012) 83 (5): 949–950.
... and Advanced School on Quantification of Earthquake Hazards in the Caribbean: The Gonave Microplate, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba http://agenda.ictp.it/smr.php?2380 16–20 December. First International Conference on Frontiers in Computational Physics: Modeling the Earth System, Boulder, Colorado...
<span class="search-highlight">Microplates</span> at the North American–Caribbean plates boundary. (1) <span class="search-highlight">Gonave</span>, (2...
Published: 06 December 2016
Figure 1. Microplates at the North American–Caribbean plates boundary. (1) Gonave, (2) Hispaniola, (3) Septentrional, (4) Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands, and (5) Jamaica. Geographic features: (a) Cayman Islands, (b) Virgin Islands, (c) Hispaniola, (d) Cuba, (e) Jamaica, and (f) Puerto Rico. (A) North
..., and the northern Virgin Islands, the Puerto Rico trench and the Muertos trough define the northern and southern limits of the plate boundary zone, respectively. Three microplates lie within the boundary zone: (1) the Gonave in the west; (2) the Hispaniola in the center; and (3) the Puerto Rico–northern Virgin...
Journal Article
Published: 12 February 2019
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2019) 109 (2): 716–731.
... of M  5.0 is used for hazard calculations because smaller events are not considered likely to produce ground motions with sufficient energy to damage well‐designed structures. The island of Jamaica is located on the southern edge of the Gonave microplate, which is an east–west elongated...
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Journal Article
Published: 06 December 2016
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2017) 107 (1): 229–239.
...Figure 1. Microplates at the North American–Caribbean plates boundary. (1) Gonave, (2) Hispaniola, (3) Septentrional, (4) Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands, and (5) Jamaica. Geographic features: (a) Cayman Islands, (b) Virgin Islands, (c) Hispaniola, (d) Cuba, (e) Jamaica, and (f) Puerto Rico. (A) North...
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Simplified tectonic map of the Caribbean. ( A ) Black lines: main fault sys...
Published: 01 November 2010
(AP: Anegada, MP: Mona, WP: Windward), islands (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico); microplates (GM: Gonave, H-PRM: Hispaniola-Puerto Rico); troughs (MT: Muertos, OT: Oriente, PRT: Puerto Rico); other structures (GRS: Gonave Rise, NR: Nicaragua Rise); SA: study area (rectangle with discontinuous
Simplified tectonic map of the Caribbean. ( a ) Heavy black arrows, sense o...
Published: 01 February 2010
; HE, Hess Escarpment; passages: MP, Mona; WP, Windward; islands: Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico; microplates: GM, Gonave; HPRM, Hispaniola-Puerto Rico; troughs: MT, Muertos; NT, Navassa; OT, Oriente; PRT, Puerto Rico. Other structures: CB, Colombia Basin; GR, Gonave Ridge; GRS, Gonave Rise; NR