Geyik Dagi Parautochthon

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Journal Article
Published: 31 January 2021
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2021) 51 (1): 14–31.
...) , and the Neotethyan sutures are from Okay & Tüysüz (1999) . Locations of measured stratigraphic sections - Antalya Nappes: 1. Olimpus; 2. Kesmeboğazi; 3. Çürükdağ; 4. Koçular-Barak; 5. Demirtaş; 6. Gazipaşa. Aladağ Nappe: 7. Hadim; 8. Taşkent; 9. Aygörmez Daği. Geyik Daği Parautochthon/Autochthon: 10. Köserelik...
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Journal Article
Published: 07 November 2018
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2019) 56 (11): 1262–1283.
... the late Early Permian. The presence of a nondepositional area represented by a structural high (Beyşehir – Akseki – Hadim High), probably reactivated during the Late Paleozoic, areas of incomplete Late Paleozoic sedimentation in the Geyik Dağı Autochthon/Parautochthon, Bolkar Dağı, and Antalya nappes...
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