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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 19 December 2024
PALAIOS (2024) 39 (12): 444–461.
... frequently undercharacterized, component of many of these assemblages. Gaojiashania cyclus is an enigmatic tubular fossil and candidate index fossil found in upper Ediacaran strata globally and is best known from the Gaojiashan Lagerstätte of South China. Here we describe a recently discovered assemblage...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2011
Geological Magazine (2011) 148 (2): 329–333.
...Yaoping Cai; Hong Hua; Andrey Yu. Zhuravlev; José Antonio Gámez Vintaned; Andrey Yu. Ivantsov Abstract Y. Cai & H. Hua comment: Zhuravlev, Gámez Vintaned & Ivantsov (2009) reported the problematic Ediacaran fossil Gaojiashania annulucosta in Siberia and they considered...
Journal Article
Published: 02 July 2009
Geological Magazine (2009) 146 (5): 775–780.
...ANDREY YU. ZHURAVLEV; JOSÉ ANTONIO GÁMEZ VINTANED; ANDREY YU. IVANTSOV Abstract We describe the first occurrence of the problematic fossil Gaojiashania outside China, in the Ediacaran Yudoma Group of the Siberian Platform. In both areas, Gaojiashania characterizes the lower upper Ediacaran strata...
Images of  <span class="search-highlight">Gaojiashania</span>  hand samples.  A ,  B ) USNM-PAL-794720, specimen ...
Published: 19 December 2024
Fig. 3. Images of Gaojiashania hand samples. A , B ) USNM-PAL-794720, specimen of Gaojiashania in fine-grained sandstone, and inset of specimen shown in A, respectively. Black arrows indicate examples of rings on the tubular body with morphology characteristic of Gaojiashania . C ) Sample
Schematic depicting reconstructed pathways of sedimentary diagenesis and fo...
Published: 19 December 2024
Fig. 9. Schematic depicting reconstructed pathways of sedimentary diagenesis and fossilization of the Dunfee Gaojiashania . A ) Living Gaojiashania lying prone on the seafloor. B , B1 ) The transport of detrital material (indicated by yellow circles and ellipses) associated with the burial
Morphometric observations and cluster analyses of the Dunfee  <span class="search-highlight">Gaojiashania</span> ...
Published: 19 December 2024
Fig. 4. Morphometric observations and cluster analyses of the Dunfee Gaojiashania specimens. A ) Histogram of mean diameters (in cm) of Gaojiashania specimens (n = 30) and their frequency. B ) BIC cluster analysis graph using mean diameters of Gaojiashania specimens (n = 30). Key: E
Figure 4. Reflected light photomicrographs (except K, M, N) of representati...
Published: 01 August 2010
(E) and strongly (F) flattened specimens. Gold color is pyrite and dark color is calcite precipitate. Scale bars 5 mm. G) Pyritized Gaojiashania tube. H) Flattened Gaojiashania specimen preserved as carbonaceous compression. I) Glauconitized Gaojiashania . Note Gaojiashania rings in dark green
Figure 10. Representative fossils from taphofacies B in the middle Gaojiash...
Published: 01 August 2010
are not preserved, and fragments are irregularly pyritized, although tube lumen ( = arrows) is still recognizable. C) A partly disarticulated Gaojiashania specimen. Rings are disarticulated on the left side but more or less intact on the right side of the specimen. D) Gaojiashania specimen showing moderate
Ediacaran macrofossils of Yudoma Group (Russia). A:  <span class="search-highlight">Gaojiashania</span>,  Aim For...
Published: 01 January 2017
Figure 2. Ediacaran macrofossils of Yudoma Group (Russia). A: Gaojiashania, Aim Formation, Nuuchchalakh valley. B: Aspidella terranovica , Aim Formation, Yudoma River–Maya River confluence. C: Dolomitized, skeletal Suvorovella aldanica, Aim Formation, Yudoma-Maya confluence. D–F: Scanning
Photographs of fossils from the lower Dunfee Member of the Deep Spring Form...
Published: 01 November 2016
Figure 2. Photographs of fossils from the lower Dunfee Member of the Deep Spring Formation, Nevada, USA. A: Cast of Gaojiashania specimen preserved in siltstone. B: Gaojiashania specimen that preserves inner and outer fossil walls. C: Elongate, tapering, annulated fossils that we suggest
Literature compilation of geographic, stratigraphic, morphological and taph...
Published: 19 December 2024
Table 1. Literature compilation of geographic, stratigraphic, morphological and taphonomic data for Ediacaran tubular fossils broadly comparable to the Dunfee Member Gaojiashania assemblage described in this study.
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 2016
Geology (2016) 44 (11): 911–914.
...Figure 2. Photographs of fossils from the lower Dunfee Member of the Deep Spring Formation, Nevada, USA. A: Cast of Gaojiashania specimen preserved in siltstone. B: Gaojiashania specimen that preserves inner and outer fossil walls. C: Elongate, tapering, annulated fossils that we suggest...
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 August 2010
PALAIOS (2010) 25 (8): 487–506.
... (E) and strongly (F) flattened specimens. Gold color is pyrite and dark color is calcite precipitate. Scale bars 5 mm. G) Pyritized Gaojiashania tube. H) Flattened Gaojiashania specimen preserved as carbonaceous compression. I) Glauconitized Gaojiashania . Note Gaojiashania rings in dark green...
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Photographs of fossils from La Ciénega and Cerro Rajón Formations, northwes...
Published: 23 September 2020
identified as Gaojiashania sp. (B) Mold of specimen in A. (C) Annulated tubular body fossil with rings lightly replaced by iron oxides in micaceous siltstone of the La Ciénega Formation, tentatively identified as Gaojiashania sp. Arrows highlight rings. (D) Silicified Cloudina in dolostone of the La
Geographic and stratigraphic context of units included in this study.  A ) ...
Published: 19 December 2024
is the focus of this study. C ) Stratigraphic column of the Mount Dunfee section, including lithofacies, biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic (δ 13 C carbonate ) data. The red star indicates the occurrence of Gaojiashania . Adapted from Smith et al. (2016) and Tarhan et al. (2020) .
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 September 2013
Geology (2013) 41 (9): e299.
... with Rogov et al. in considering the Nenoxites-Gaojiashania group of meniscate trace fossils as bioturbation products, but not as bilaterian (animal) traces originating via ingestion and defecation. Rather, this ichnofabric pattern better fits the activity of mycetozoan plasmodia and slugs, which...
Detailed lithostratigraphy and fossil occurrences for the uppermost Reed Do...
Published: 19 December 2024
'). Horizons yielding the tubular fossils Gaojiashania and Wutubus as well as trace fossils are noted. Key: Sh = shale; Slst = siltstone; VFS = very fine-grained sandstone; FS = fine-grained sandstone; MS = medium-grained sandstone; CS = coarse-grained sandstone; FG = fine grainstone; CG = coarse
Figure 11. A schematic diagram showing the depositional setting of the midd...
Published: 01 August 2010
adapically on the upper surface (middle). Occasionally, partially buried Conotubus tubes can rejuvenate (after growth interruption) and self-right themselves (right). B) A procumbent Gaojiashania tube (left) is disarticulated and buried (right).
Petrographic thin-section photomicrographs illustrating different textural ...
Published: 19 December 2024
Fig. 5. Petrographic thin-section photomicrographs illustrating different textural and mineralogical characteristics of Gaojiashania -bearing samples. A ) Composition of siltstone sample USNM-PAL-794720 in plane-polarized light (PPL). B ) Spatial relationship of fossil-bearing area (upper
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 23 September 2020
Geology (2021) 49 (2): 115–119.
... identified as Gaojiashania sp. (B) Mold of specimen in A. (C) Annulated tubular body fossil with rings lightly replaced by iron oxides in micaceous siltstone of the La Ciénega Formation, tentatively identified as Gaojiashania sp. Arrows highlight rings. (D) Silicified Cloudina in dolostone of the La...
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