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GeoRef Subject
all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Irish Sea (2)
North Sea
East Shetland Basin (1)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Lancashire England (1)
Pennines (1)
Moray Firth (1)
Wales (1)
Lake District (1)
Midlands (1)
oil and gas fields (2)
natural gas
shale gas (1)
geologic age
Upper Triassic
Mercia Mudstone (2)
Lower Carboniferous (1)
Mississippian (1)
Upper Pennsylvanian (1)
Permian (2)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
Primary terms
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Irish Sea (2)
North Sea
East Shetland Basin (1)
crust (1)
deformation (2)
diagenesis (1)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Lancashire England (1)
Pennines (1)
Moray Firth (1)
Wales (1)
faults (3)
folds (1)
geophysical methods (2)
glacial geology (1)
heat flow (1)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
Upper Triassic
Mercia Mudstone (2)
oil and gas fields (2)
orogeny (1)
Lower Carboniferous (1)
Mississippian (1)
Upper Pennsylvanian (1)
Permian (2)
natural gas
shale gas (1)
rock mechanics (1)
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
conglomerate (1)
mudstone (1)
sandstone (3)
shale (1)
siltstone (1)
sedimentation (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
loess (1)
till (1)
peat (1)
stratigraphy (1)
tectonics (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
conglomerate (1)
mudstone (1)
sandstone (3)
shale (1)
siltstone (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
loess (1)
till (1)
peat (1)
Fylde Peninsula
The Elswick Field, Bowland Basin, UK Onshore
Abstract The Elswick Field is located within Exploration Licence EXL 269a (Cuadrilla Resources Ltd is the operator) on the Fylde peninsula, West Lancashire, UK. It is the first producing onshore gas field to be developed by hydraulic fracture stimulation in the region. Production from the single well field started in 1996 and has produced over 0.5 bcf for onsite electricity generation. Geologically, the field lies within a Tertiary domal structure within the Elswick Graben, Bowland Basin. The reservoir is the Permian Collyhurst Sandstone Formation: tight, low-porosity fluvial desert sandstones, alluvial fan conglomerates and argillaceous sandstones. The reservoir quality is primarily controlled by depositional processes further reduced by diagenesis. Depth to the reservoir is 3331 ft TVDSS with the gas–water contact at 3400 ft TVDSS and with a net pay thickness of 38 ft.
Structural constraints on Lower Carboniferous shale gas exploration in the Craven Basin, NW England
Abstract There is increasing evidence that groundwater flow in many parts of the major Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers of NW England is influenced strongly by predominantly N–S-trending faults. These structural controls on groundwater flow may only become apparent when the aquifers are subject to abstraction stress. A series of case examples are presented, from the Fylde Sandstone aquifer north of Preston, and from the sandstone aquifers of the Lower Mersey Basin, Manchester and Wirral areas. In these studies the ‘compartmentalization’ of the aquifers by faults has been recognized in field investigations and also in numerical modelling studies related to groundwater resources development on both local and aquifer-wide scales.
High‐Resolution Imaging of the M L 2.9 August 2019 Earthquake in Lancashire, United Kingdom, Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing during Preston New Road PNR‐2 Operations
3D seismic interpretation and fault slip potential analysis from hydraulic fracturing in the Bowland Shale, UK
The thermal properties of the Mercia Mudstone Group
The Môn–Deemster–Ribblesdale fold–thrust belt, central UK: a concealed Variscan inversion belt located on weak Caledonian crust
Abstract The Ribblesdale fold belt, representing the Variscan inversion of the Bowland Basin, is a well-known geological feature of northern England. It represents a crustal strain discontinuity between the granite-underpinned basement highs of the northern Pennines and Lake District in the north, and the Central Lancashire High/southern Pennines, in the south. Recent seismic interpretation and mapping have demonstrated that the Ribblesdale fold belt continues offshore towards Anglesey via the Deemster Platform, beneath the Permo-Triassic sedimentary cover of the southern part of the East Irish Sea Basin. The Môn–Deemster fold–thrust belt (FTB) affects strata of Mississippian to late Pennsylvanian age. Variscan thrusts extend down into the pre-Carboniferous basement but apparently terminate at a low-angle detachment deeper in the crust, here correlated with the strongly sheared Penmynydd Zone exposed in the adjacent onshore. Up to 15% shortening is observed on seismic sections across the FTB offshore, but is greater in the strongly inverted onshore segment. Pre-Carboniferous thrusting post-dates formation of the Penmynydd Zone, and is probably of Acadian age, when basement structures such as the southward-vergent Carmel Head Thrust formed. Extensional reactivation of the Acadian structures in early Mississippian time defined the northern edge of the offshore Bowland Basin. The relatively late brittle structures of the Menai Strait fault system locally exhume the Penmynydd Zone and define the southern edge of the basin. The longer seismic records from the offshore provide insights to the tectonic evolution of the more poorly imaged FTB onshore.
SEG Newsletter 81 (April)
Material properties and geohazards
Abstract In engineering terms, all materials deposited as a result of glacial and periglacial processes are transported soils. Many of these deposits have engineering characteristics that differ from those of water-lain sediments. In the UK, the most extensive glacial and periglacial deposits are tills. Previously, engineering geologists have classified them geotechnically as lodgement, melt-out, flow and deformation tills, or as variants of these. However, in this book tills have been reclassified as: subglacial traction till, glaciotectonite and supraglacial mass-flow diamicton/glaciogenic debris-flow deposits (see Chapter 4 , Sections 4.1 – 4.3 ). Because this classification is new, it is not possible to relate geotechnical properties and characteristics to the subdivisions of the new classification. Consequently, the domain/stratigraphic classification, recently developed by the British Geological Survey and others, has been used and their geotechnical properties and characteristics are discussed on this basis. The geotechnical properties and characteristics of the other main glacial and periglacial deposits are also discussed. For some of these (e.g. glaciolacustrine deposits, quick clays and loess), geohazards relating to the lithology and/or fabric of the deposit are discussed along with their properties. Other geohazards that do not relate to lithology and/or fabric are discussed separately as either local or regional geohazards. In some cases (e.g. glaciofluvial sands and gravels), the geotechnical properties and behaviour are similar to sediments deposited under different climatic conditions; these deposits are therefore not discussed at length. Similarly, some of the local geohazards that are found associated with glacial and periglacial deposits relate to current climatic conditions and are not discussed here. Examples include land-sliding and highly compressible organic soils (peats).
Abstract The UK oN–Shore Permo-Triassic sandstones are fluvial and aeolian red beds showing a nested cyclic architecture on scales from millimetres to 100s of metres. They are typical of many continental sandstone sequences throughout the world. Groundwater flows through both matrix and fractures, with natural flow rates generally of less than 200 m year −1 . At less than 30 m horizontal distances, below important minimum representative volumes for both matrix and fracture network permeability, breakthroughs are likely to be multimodal, especially close to wells, with proportionately large apparent dispersivities. ‘Antifractures’ — discontinuities with permeability much less than that of the host rock — may have a dominating effect. Where present, low-permeability matrix (e.g. mudstones) will significantly affect vertical flow, but will rarely prevent eventual breakthrough. Quantitative prediction of breakthrough is associated with large uncertainty. At scales of 30 to a few 100s of metres, multimodal breakthroughs from a single source become less common, although very rapid fracture flow has been recorded. At distances of hundreds of metres to a few kilometres, there is evidence that breakthroughs are unimodal, and may be more immediately amenable to quantitative prediction, even in some cases for reacting solutes. At this and greater scales, regional fault structures (both slip surfaces and granulation seams) can have major effects on sub-horizontal solute movement, and mudstones and cemented units will discourage vertical penetration. The aquifer has limited oxidizing capacity despite the almost ubiquitous presence of oxides, limited reductive capacity and limited organic sorption capacity. It has a moderate cation-exchange capacity, and frequently contains carbonate. Mn oxides are important for sorption and oxidation, but are present in limited quantity. Relationships between hydraulic and chemical properties are largely unknown. ‘Hard’ evidence for the solute transport conceptual model presented above is relatively limited. To be able to predict to a reasonably estimated degree of uncertainty requires knowledge of: the geological, and thence the hydraulic and geo-chemical, structure of the complex sandstone architecture (including the correlations between these properties); the development of suitable investigation techniques (especially geophysical) for mapping the structures; and the development of modelling tools incorporating matrix, fractures, ‘antimatrix’ and antifracture elements, each with associated hydraulic and possibly geochemical properties. In common with solute movement studies in most aquifer types, much more geological characterization needs to be undertaken. Although new investigation and modelling tools are being developed specifically for (shallow) hydrogeological applications with some considerable success, much greater advantage could be taken of importing techniques from other disciplines, and in particular from oil exploration and development.