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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1937
Journal of Paleontology (1937) 11 (3): 212–230.
1 ,  3 ,  <span class="search-highlight">Fusulina</span> cylindrica  Moeller, 1878, axial sections:  1,  SUI 1307...
Published: 01 January 2013
Figure 5 1 , 3 , Fusulina cylindrica Moeller, 1878, axial sections: 1, SUI 130788, sample KA3/3-7, limestone N 1 1 ; 3, SUI 130789, sample KN2-22/1, limestone N 2 , Kalinovo section, ×20; 2 , 5 , 6 , Fusulina domodedovi Rauser-Chernousova, 1951, axial sections: 2, SUI 130793
1–8  <span class="search-highlight">Fusulina</span>  ( Quasifusulinoides ) aff.  Quasifusulina ?  eleganta  Shlyk...
Published: 01 July 2000
PLATE 7 1–8 Fusulina ( Quasifusulinoides ) aff. Quasifusulina ? eleganta Shlykova. 2, 6–8 axial sections. 1, 3, 4, 5 slightly oblique sections. 1 22/12. 2 22/18. 3 24/10. 4 24/19. 5 24/18. 6 26/14. 7 26/8. 8 26/9. 9–12 Quasifusulina sp. 9, 11–12 axial sections. 10
—<span class="search-highlight">Fusulina</span> aff. F. curta Thompson. From lower Robinson limestone in measured...
Published: 01 April 1971
Fig. 33. —Fusulina aff. F. curta Thompson. From lower Robinson limestone in measured section 11 at 69 ft. Identification by G. L. Verville.
—Abundant  <span class="search-highlight">Fusulina</span>  in partly recrystallized biomicrite. Close-packed occu...
Published: 01 April 1971
Fig. 34. —Abundant Fusulina in partly recrystallized biomicrite. Close-packed occurrence of Fusulina is limited to the phylloid algae facies. Note also preferred orientation suggesting current orientation. From middle (?) Robinson limestone east of measured section 4 on Ptarmigan Hill.
—Euhedral dolomite replacing <span class="search-highlight">Fusulina</span>. Dolomite preferentially replaced fos...
Published: 01 April 1971
Fig. 35. —Euhedral dolomite replacing Fusulina. Dolomite preferentially replaced fossil material. From middle Robinson limestone along Wearyman Creek.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1971
AAPG Bulletin (1971) 55 (4): 593–620.
...Fig. 33. —Fusulina aff. F. curta Thompson. From lower Robinson limestone in measured section 11 at 69 ft. Identification by G. L. Verville. ...
FIGURES | View All (44)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1963
AAPG Bulletin (1963) 47 (2): 356.
... the basal Atoka at Clarita, Oklahoma; and it is commonly believed that Fusulina is entirely a post-Atokan genus. However, “Fusulina” was already described from beds assigned an Atokan age (in New Mexico and Wyoming); and now prolific Fusulina was found about 400 feet below the Hartshorne northwest...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1965
Journal of Paleontology (1965) 39 (2): 173–209.
... Assemblage Zone, varying in thickness from about 100 to nearly 400 feet, is remarkably complete and has transitional species of Fusulinella Moller with Profusulinella Rauser-Chernoussova and Beljaev below and Fusulina Fischer de Waldheim above. The Fusulina Range Zone, reaching 600 feet in thickness, is well...
1–3  Beedeina  aff.  B. corisaensis  van Ginkel.  1  03/13.  2  03/1b.  3  ...
Published: 01 July 2000
PLATE 6 1–3 Beedeina aff. B. corisaensis van Ginkel. 1 03/13. 2 03/1b. 3 03/3d. All axial sections. 4 Fusulina sp., 12/1. Tangential section. 5–13 Fusulina ( Quasifusulinoides ) aff. Quasifusulina ? eleganta Shlykova. 6, 8–12 axial sections. 5, 7, 13 slightly oblique
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2013
Journal of Paleontology (2013) 87 (1): 44–68.
...Figure 5 1 , 3 , Fusulina cylindrica Moeller, 1878, axial sections: 1, SUI 130788, sample KA3/3-7, limestone N 1 1 ; 3, SUI 130789, sample KN2-22/1, limestone N 2 , Kalinovo section, ×20; 2 , 5 , 6 , Fusulina domodedovi Rauser-Chernousova, 1951, axial sections: 2, SUI 130793...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1964
AAPG Bulletin (1964) 48 (4): 544.
...Charles A. Ross; Floyd F. Sabins, Jr. The lower 1,000 feet of the Horquilla limestone of southeast Arizona contain abundant early and middle Pennsylvanian fusulinids. Unconformities lie at the base of the Horquilla and at the top of the zone of Fusulina about 1,000 feet above the base...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1940
AAPG Bulletin (1940) 24 (1): 173–179.
...C. E. Needham ABSTRACT A typical section of Pennsylvanian rocks in central New Mexico is 1,500-1,800 feet thick. The lowest beds lie below the zone of Fusulina and contain Chaetetes milleporaceous, Spirifer rockymontanus, Spirifer occidentalis, Cleiothyridina orbicularis , and Mesolobus mesolobus...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 30 June 1924
GSA Bulletin (1924) 35 (2): 321–328.
..., in the cap rock of the Rock Island, or No. 1 (Pottsville), coal, of a Fusulina which has been considered an index fossil for the basal bed of the McLeansboro formation, the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Illinois field. Two queries immediately presented themselves for consideration: Is the Fusulina, Girtyina...
Stratigraphy, facies, and fossils in the lower Permian Shan 2  2  submember...
Published: 01 May 2024
); and Fusulina fossil (yellow arrow) (G). Fm. = Formation.
— A. Fossils recovered from rotary cuttings. (Natural size.) B. Microphotog...
Published: 01 January 1928
Fig. 3. — A. Fossils recovered from rotary cuttings. (Natural size.) B. Microphotograph of Fusulinae shown in A, indicating degree of preservation. (Enlarge approximately × 9.) C. Microphotograph of Bryozoa shown in A, indicating degree of preservation. (Enlarged approximately × 9.)
1 ,  Fusulinella  (?) sp. cf.  F. kumpani  Putrja, paraxial section  18,  S...
Published: 01 January 2013
tectorium, ×100; 2 , Fusulina sosninae n. sp., SUI 130801, sample KA3/11-5, axial section, limestone N 2 1 , Kalinovo section, ×20; 2a , three-layered wall structure of the outer and inner volutions, comprises of dark gray tectum, gray both diaphanotheca and outer tectorium, ×100; 3 , Fusulina
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1954
AAPG Bulletin (1954) 38 (9): 2045–2048.
... by the difficulty of deciding whether an eccentric fragment that resembles an Atoka species of Fusulinella may not actually be the microspheric generation of Fusulina , a younger fusulinid. For this reason, the first occurrence of certain genera of fusulinids is not with certainty a safe criterion for age...
Fusulinids from the Baldy block. 1–6,  Beedeina  from sample 13LB01 (1,3,5,...
Published: 01 July 2020
Figure 10. Fusulinids from the Baldy block. 1–6, Beedeina from sample 13LB01 (1,3,5, axial; 2,4 sagittal; 6 tangential); 7–8, Wedekindellina from KNC-060707-1 (7, tangential; 8, axial), and 9–10, Fusulina from KNC-052906-9 (9, axial; 10, tangential); 11, close-up of Beedeina from sample
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1999
AAPG Bulletin (1999) 83 (3): 527–528.
... soon befriended a junior engineering student by the name of John Skinner. Close friends and roommates at A&M, Lon convinced Skinner to re-orient his curricula to geology. Skinner, (who later became a famous paleontologist) in 1931, forever memorialized Lon by naming a fossil Fusulina turki in honor...