Escuminac formation

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... In a revision of Devonian stratigraphy in the Escuminac Bay area, Quebec, Canada, the Escuminac and Fleurant Formations are retained within the Upper Devonian; the Pirate Cove Formation is regarded as Lower or Middle Devonian, which is based on its conformity with the underlying beds of known...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1982
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1982) 19 (11): 2214–2217.
...Marius Arsenault Abstract A specimen of Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves containing the acanthodian Homalacanthus concinnus (Whiteaves) was discovered in the Escuminac Formation (Frasnian). It represents the first specimen that demonstrates that E . foordi was carnivorous. On a découvert dans...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1970
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1970) 7 (1): 29–45.
...Wayne W. Brideaux; Norman W. Radforth Abstract Miospores of early Frasnian age are described from the third unit of the Escuminac Formation in eastern Québec, Canada. The assemblage comprises 34 species, including 8 species proposed as new, 2 new combinations, and 12 sparsely represented forms...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1991
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1991) 28 (10): 1572–1582.
...Barry G. Warner; Kimmo Tolonen; Mirjami Tolonen Abstract Radiocarbon dating and analyses of fossils contained in peat cliffs establish the history of peatland formation and development at the northern edge of Point Escuminac, New Brunswick. A 532 cm radiocarbon-dated mineral sediment and peat...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1991
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1991) 28 (2): 225–230.
...Daniel Vézina Abstract The comparison of certain genera representative of the ichthyofauna of the Escuminac Formation (Quebec, Canada) with those coming from contemporaneous deposits (Upper Devonian, Frasnian) located in the Baltic countries (U.S.S.R.), Western Australia, Nevada (U.S.A...
Journal Article
Published: 09 November 2020
Scottish Journal of Geology (2021) 57 (1): sjg2020-009.
... have a wide longitudinal ridge on each side below the groove separating the leading edge from the side of the spine. The taxon is most similar to Homalacanthus concinnus (Whiteaves) from the younger (Frasnian) Escuminac Formation in Quebec, Canada. The unique specimen of Markacanthus costulatus is from...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1968
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1968) 5 (4): 945–953.
... Devonian age for the La Garde Formation is apparent and a strong unconformity is noted at the base of this unit. The Pirate Cove Formation (Middle Devonian) is subdivided into five lithological units. The Fleurant and Escuminac Formations, of Late Devonian age, are included in the newly proposed Miguasha...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1990
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1990) 27 (5): 677–683.
...Daniel Vézina Abstract The study of Plourdosteus canadensis (Brachythoraci, Placodermi) from the Escuminac Formation (Frasnian) led us to erect a new family: the Plourdosteidae . Firstly, we discuss all the characteristics that allowed Ørvig to differentiate the genus Plourdosteus from Coccosteus...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1985
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1985) 22 (4): 514–524.
...Pierre Béland; Marius Arsenault Abstract Scaumenella mesacanthi (Graham-Smith, 1935) from the Escuminac Formation (Upper Devonian, Miguasha, Quebec) was originally described tentatively as a chordate, probably a vertebrate. It was later variously considered to be a larval ostracoderm or some early...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2005
Journal of Paleontology (2005) 79 (4): 738–744.
... Sandstone Basins along strike of the Caledonian orogen with Old Red Sandstone magnafacies shown by coarse stipple. BP = Battery Point Formation, CA = Catskill Formation, CG = Chaleurs Group, FL/ES = Fleurant and Escuminac Group, HG = Helderberg Group, MB = Malbaie Formation, UG = Upper Gaspé Limestone...
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Figure  4 — Zanclodesmus gaspebius  n. gen. and sp., MHNM 27–40A, Upper Dev...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 4 — Zanclodesmus gaspebius n. gen. and sp., MHNM 27–40A, Upper Devonian (Frasnian), Escuminac Formation, Miguasha, Québec. 1, Specimen in dorsal aspect, anterior towards right; 2, same specimen whitened with ammonium chloride; 3, enlarged view of left side of head showing ocellarium
(A) Schematic reconstruction of  Euphanerops longaevus  (note that the inte...
Published: 16 January 2023
counterpart C.1307 C. (from Stensiö 1939 , original legends for anatomical elements). (D) Endeiolepis aneri almost complete specimen MNHM 01-159. Black arrows point anteriorly. (E) Histograms of the occurrence of adult specimens of anaspid species found in the Escuminac Formation in relation
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2001
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2001) 49 (2): 186–201.
..., and massive to pillowed basaltic flows are present in the upper part of the Indian Cove Formation. The Gaspé Sandstone Group constitutes the youngest (Emsian–Eifelian) rock package in the Connecticut Valley–Gaspé Synclinorium, whereas related units (Lagarde, Pirate Cove, Fleurant, and Escuminac...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Published: 16 January 2023
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2023) 60 (3): 350–365.
... counterpart C.1307 C. (from Stensiö 1939 , original legends for anatomical elements). (D) Endeiolepis aneri almost complete specimen MNHM 01-159. Black arrows point anteriorly. (E) Histograms of the occurrence of adult specimens of anaspid species found in the Escuminac Formation in relation...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2007
Journal of Paleontology (2007) 81 (1): 143–153.
... measured about 30 cm (MNHN 06-299) or more (MNHN 06-342 and SMNH p. 840G) in overall length, while the modal length of adults for this species is only about 22 cm ( Parent and Cloutier, 1996 , p. 70). This material comes from the Escuminac Formation, in the province of Québec (eastern Canada...
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Journal Article
Published: 18 October 2002
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2002) 39 (10): 1541–1551.
.... Radforth N.W. 1970 . Upper Devonian miospores from the Escuminac Formation, eastern Quebec, Canada . Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 7 : 29 – 45 . Brisebois D. Lachambre G. Piché G. 1992 . Carte géologique: Péninsule de la Gaspésie . Ministère de l’Énergie et des...
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Figure  1 —Stratigraphy and location of Old Red Sandstone Basins discussed ...
Published: 01 July 2005
, CG = Chaleurs Group, FL/ES = Fleurant and Escuminac Group, HG = Helderberg Group, MB = Malbaie Formation, UG = Upper Gaspé Limestone Group, YR = York River Formation. After Friend et al. (2000 , fig. 3). 2, Paleomagnetic continental reconstruction for the Middle Devonian (Eifelian, 390 Ma
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2000
Geological Magazine (2000) 137 (3): 257–268.
...-Lawrence , M. 1996 . Plant megafossils from the Escuminac Formation . In Devonian fishes and plants of Miguasha, Quebec (eds H.-P. Schultze and R. Cloutier ), pp. 79 – 90 . München: Friedrich Pfeil , 374 pp. Grosser , J. & Prossel , K. F. 1994 . Palynologische...
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Journal Article
Published: 08 May 2013
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2013) 50 (5): 535–544.
... is debatable (see following text), based on the orientation of the tunnel valley network, it is an ice lobe in this position that probably produced the subglacial environment for tunnel valley formation. Following the retreat at the end of the Caledonian and Escuminac phases, the glacial terminus remained...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2006
Journal of Paleontology (2006) 80 (6): 1186–1204.
..., 1978 ). Cheirolepis is also present in the rich Late Devonian (Frasnian) ichthyofauna of the Escuminac Formation, Miguasha, Canada. Although these sediments had long been interpreted as freshwater in origin, multiple lines of evidence now suggest that they were deposited in an estuarine setting...
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