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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1977
Journal of Paleontology (1977) 51 (1): 136–138.
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1955
Journal of Paleontology (1955) 29 (1): 129–144.
Figure  2. Map showing location of Beaver Pond site, Ellesmere Island, Nuna...
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 2. Map showing location of Beaver Pond site, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (78°33′N, 82°25′W). This Pliocene site has yielded the remains of Dipoides sp. along with Dipoides woodcuttings
Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 01 August 2008
Paleobiology (2008) 34 (3): 389–402.
...Figure 2. Map showing location of Beaver Pond site, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (78°33′N, 82°25′W). This Pliocene site has yielded the remains of Dipoides sp. along with Dipoides woodcuttings ...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Figure  4. Comparison of mandibular (A) and lower incisal (B) morphology of...
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 4. Comparison of mandibular (A) and lower incisal (B) morphology of Arctic Dipoides sp. (left) and Castor (right). Lower incisor is an anterolateral view with arrows to indicate location of the incisor's cutting edge. Specimens shown are Dipoides sp. (NUFV 194) and Castor canadensis
Figure  9. Schematic of cut stick ends showing differences in cut marks pro...
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 9. Schematic of cut stick ends showing differences in cut marks produced by Castor -type lower incisor (left), and Dipoides -type lower incisor (right). Both sticks have been transected by the same number of cuts at 50% incisor width. The Dipoides -type incisor results in an incompletely
F igure  3. Right M1 or M2, left p 4, left m1 or m2 of  <span class="search-highlight">Dipoides</span> stirtoni  ...
Published: 01 September 2011
F igure 3. Right M1 or M2, left p 4, left m1 or m2 of Dipoides stirtoni ( Wilson, 1934 ) from the late early Hemphillian-aged Rattlesnake Formation, Oregon: 1 , JODA 14098 occlusal view; 2 , labial view.
Figure  7. Cut marks produced by  Castor  (A, B) and  <span class="search-highlight">Dipoides</span>  sp. (C, D)....
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 7. Cut marks produced by Castor (A, B) and Dipoides sp. (C, D). A and C show cut surfaces produced at lingual (posterior) surface of the incisor. B and D show surfaces produced at the buccal (anterior) surface of the incisor during clipping. Arrows show direction of cut mark production
Table 3.  Comparison of  Castor  and  <span class="search-highlight">Dipoides</span>  cutting angles
Published: 01 August 2008
Table 3.  Comparison of Castor and Dipoides cutting angles
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2011
Journal of Paleontology (2011) 85 (5): 930–935.
...F igure 3. Right M1 or M2, left p 4, left m1 or m2 of Dipoides stirtoni ( Wilson, 1934 ) from the late early Hemphillian-aged Rattlesnake Formation, Oregon: 1 , JODA 14098 occlusal view; 2 , labial view. ...
Table 2.  Comparison of stick diameter and cut size for  Castor  and  Dipoi...
Published: 01 August 2008
Table 2.  Comparison of stick diameter and cut size for Castor and Dipoides
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 28 June 2022
PALAIOS (2022) 37 (6): 330–347.
... of vertebrate and plant fossils including abundant remains from the extinct beaver-group Dipoides . Here we present sedimentological data that provide circumstantial evidence that the woody debris deposit at Beaver Pond could record dam-building in the genus, by comparing the facies motif with new data from...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1959
Journal of Paleontology (1959) 33 (5): 872–887.
... antiquus, Dipoides sp., Caninae gen. indet., Osteoborus sp., Indarctus nevadensis Macdonald n. sp., Felidae gen. indet., Mammut (Pliomastodon) nevadanus (Stock), Pliohippus cf. spectans, Aphelops sp., Prosthennops sp., ?Pliauchenia sp., Paracamelus sp., Antilocapridae gen. indet. A new name, Paracamelus...
Table 4.  Estimation of minimum number of sticks (MNS) cut apart by “clippi...
Published: 01 August 2008
Table 4.  Estimation of minimum number of sticks (MNS) cut apart by “clipping” versus “chip removal” (see Fig. 8) for Castor and Dipoides samples
Table 1.  Comparison of incisor width, mean cut width, and relative cut wid...
Published: 01 August 2008
Table 1.  Comparison of incisor width, mean cut width, and relative cut width for Castor and Dipoides . Values for zoo animals, Granby and Cleaver, are also shown
Figure  1. Cladogram showing phylogenetic relationship of some castorids in...
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 1. Cladogram showing phylogenetic relationship of some castorids including Castor and Dipoides . Cladogram based on phylogenetic analysis of cranial and postcranial characters ( Rybczynski 2007 ). Temporal and geographical data are derived from Xu 1995 , Hugueney 1999 , and Korth 2001
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1949
GSA Bulletin (1949) 60 (5): 829–860.
... that inhabited the region at the time the Rexroad fauna lived were recovered from this deposit. The following forms new to the Rexroad fauna were recovered from the Keefe Canyon deposit: ?Megalonyx sp.; Dipoides rexroadensis sp. nov.; Martes foxi sp. nov.; Platygonus bicalcaratus Cope; Gigantocamelus spatulus...
Journal Article
Published: 29 March 2002
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2002) 39 (4): 439–443.
... of a Tertiary shrew at 78°33′N from Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (a new northern territory of Canada), provides a significant geographic extension for the family. The specimen was collected from sediments of an ancient beaver pond with larch ( Larix ) sticks and saplings cut by Dipoides sp. Field work...
Figure  3. Cut wood found associated with the early Pliocene beaver  <span class="search-highlight">Dipoid</span>...
Published: 01 August 2008
Figure 3. Cut wood found associated with the early Pliocene beaver Dipoides sp. A, Base of tree with roots cut off (CMNPB 04616). The right end of stick is badly worn. Cut marks along the trunk are suggestive of feeding. The trunk is badly split, but the original diameter of the specimen
Comparison of measurements of widths of incisor striations (e.g.,  Fig. 9 )...
Published: 01 November 2013
); Marmota sp., Oklahoma (MOk); Paenemarmota sawrockensis (Ps), Mylagaulidae (M), Dipoides sp. (D), and Happy Jack Mine marks. See text for further explanation.