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Journal Article
Published: 07 November 2018
Journal of Paleontology (2019) 93 (1): 105–114.
...Daniel B. Blake; Joseph Koniecki Abstract Sertulaster keslingi new genus new species (Palaeasteridae) and Delicaster hotchkissi new species (Permasteridae) are asteroid echinoderms described, respectively, from the Ordovician and Carboniferous of eastern North America. The new genus and species...
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( 1–5 )  Cholaster whitei  n. sp. ( 1–3 ) holotype PRIP 20000, form and arr...
Published: 01 July 2019
at arrow; ( 3 ) arrangement of disk ossicles; ( 4, 5 ) paratype PRIP 20005; ( 4 ) apparently bifurcating series of enlarged extraxials at disk margin (arrow), these less clear in adjacent arm and in the holotype; ( 5 ) form and arrangement of dorsal ossicles. ( 6 ) Delicaster ? sp., hypotype PRIP 20009
<span class="search-highlight">Delicaster</span> hotchkissi  n. sp., holotype and only known specimen, YPM IP 238...
Published: 07 November 2018
Figure 3. Delicaster hotchkissi n. sp., holotype and only known specimen, YPM IP 238703. The two columns of figures illustrate the opposite surfaces of the single-known specimen, rotated 180 ° about the “vertical” axis. Disk ossicles are in disarray although arm intervals are largely intact
(1–7) Details of  <span class="search-highlight">Delicaster</span> hotchkissi  n. sp., holotype and only known sp...
Published: 07 November 2018
Figure 4. (1–7) Details of Delicaster hotchkissi n. sp., holotype and only known specimen, YPM IP 238703; ( 1 ) arm to upper left of Figure 3.1 ; madreporite above axillary at arrow; more proximal marginals more or less tightly closed over abactinal field, marginal pustules concentrated nearer
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2019
Journal of Paleontology (2019) 93 (4): 753–763.
... at arrow; ( 3 ) arrangement of disk ossicles; ( 4, 5 ) paratype PRIP 20005; ( 4 ) apparently bifurcating series of enlarged extraxials at disk margin (arrow), these less clear in adjacent arm and in the holotype; ( 5 ) form and arrangement of dorsal ossicles. ( 6 ) Delicaster ? sp., hypotype PRIP 20009...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2003
Journal of Paleontology (2003) 77 (3): 476–489.
...DANIEL B. BLAKE; DAN R. ELLIOTT Abstract Emphereaster missouriensis new genus and species, Ambigaster , new genus, and Delicaster , new genus are assigned to the Carboniferous asteroid family Neopalaeasteridae Schuchert. The neopalaeasterids are similar to but separable from the Carboniferous...
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Figure  3 — 1 – 3 ,  Neopalaeaster crawfordsvillensis , holotype USNM 60607...
Published: 01 May 2003
with smaller granular dorsals adjacent to the carinals. The madreporite (ma) is preserved. Arrows in 1 and 2 identify the same podial pore. Arm of 3 is to the upper right in 1 . 4, Delicaster enigmaticus ; Indiana University, IU 21245, scales 3 mm. Dorsal view of disk and parts of three arms
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2004
Journal of Paleontology (2004) 78 (2): 359–370.
... ossicles closest to the mouth frame. In a few genera, e.g., Delicaster Blake and Elliott, 2003 (fig. 3.6), the adambulacrals are transversely elongate, occupying a significant part of the ventral surface. Presence of an enlarged axillary ossicle. The axillary is an unpaired ossicle immediately...
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