Deer Lodge area

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Summary correlation of the composite Cypress Hills section to the composite...
Published: 15 April 2002
of species occurrences in the Cypress Hills area and the Red Deer Valley. BE, Belanger Menber; DMT, Drumheller Marine Toungue; DP, Dinosaur Park Formation; FR, Frenchman Formation; KT, Kneehills Tuff; LC, Lethbridge Coal Zone (coal thickness has been exaggerated); ML, Medicine Lodge Member; OX, Oxarart
( a ) Geologic map of the Cypress Hills <span class="search-highlight">area</span> of southeastern Alberta, showi...
Published: 15 April 2002
Fig. 1. ( a ) Geologic map of the Cypress Hills area of southeastern Alberta, showing formational boundaries and locations of subsections studied. A, Elkwater core hole; B1 and B2, Medicine Lodge Coulee sections; C, Thelma Creek section; D, Thelma core hole; E, Manyberries section; 6, Dinosaur
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1994
AAPG Bulletin (1994) 78 (9): 1360–1371.
... was done in the Jefferson Valley of southwestern Montana (approximately 90 km southeast of the Deer Lodge Valley), an area where no well log data yet exist for Cenozoic basin fill. However, well log and seismic reflection data are available from Cenozoic basin fill of the Deer Lodge Valley, southwestern...
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Journal Article
Published: 15 April 2002
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2002) 39 (4): 539–557.
... of species occurrences in the Cypress Hills area and the Red Deer Valley. BE, Belanger Menber; DMT, Drumheller Marine Toungue; DP, Dinosaur Park Formation; FR, Frenchman Formation; KT, Kneehills Tuff; LC, Lethbridge Coal Zone (coal thickness has been exaggerated); ML, Medicine Lodge Member; OX, Oxarart...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1962
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1962) 52 (2): 153–162.
...). 1872, December 10, 4:30 p . m . - - E p i c e n t e r probably between Deer Lodge and Helena. VI at Deer Lodge where the Independent (issue of December 14, 1872) reported the "valley was given a healthy earthshaking, which lasted The exact dates on which the sounds were heard is uncertain. Pardee (1926...
Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 01 August 2010
Lithosphere (2010) 2 (4): 232–246.
... released from K-feldspar during step heating : Earth and Planetary Science Letters , v. 123 , p. 95 – 104 , doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90260-7 . Heise B.A. , 1983 , Structural geology of the Mt. Haggin area, Deer Lodge country, Montana [M.S. thesis] : Missoula, Montana , University...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 November 2016
PALAIOS (2016) 31 (11): 497–515.
... Ranch local fauna (C0173, Deer Lodge basin) is included ( Fig. 1 ). To facilitate the comparison with this upper Cabbage Patch assemblage, located about 26 km from the Bert Creek area of the Flint Creek basin, a lower Cabbage Patch assemblage from the Tavenner Ranch Local Fauna is also included (MV6613...
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Journal Article
Published: 19 December 2017
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2018) 108 (1): 66–83.
... the big shake last fall. Deer Lodge, Montana 1872/12/15 ~10:00, Sunday. Fort Lapwai, Idaho Two sharp shocks separated by a very slight interval. 1872/12/14 20:00, Saturday (Foreshock? Mainshock reported at 22:00 here.) 1872/12/15 04:30, Sunday. Fort Simcoe, Washington Almost every hour...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1990
Earth Sciences History (1990) 9 (1): 3–5.
...-50862. By courtesy of the National Archives of Canada, I have a copy of Weston’s field notes for 1889. His account of the Red Deer River trip is most graphic. In the area between the future sites of the Tolman and Morrin bridges, he observed and tried to collect numerous bones of “Dinosaurians...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1994
Journal of the Geological Society (1994) 151 (4): 599–605.
... as an important component of handaxe and other assemblages such as High Lodge, Hoxne and Bowman s Lodge (Ashton 1992; Ashton & McNabb 1992; McNabb 1992). Artefacts from the dark brown silty clay In Area I a biface made on a thin piece of tabular flint was found within the dark brown silty clay, 25cm above...
Journal Article
Published: 06 July 2011
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2011) 48 (7): 1131–1154.
... into underlying Cenozoic and Mesozoic units and overlaps the Flint Creek fault in the eastern Flint Creek basin ( Fig. 8F ). Vertebrate fossils collected from Fm facies have Clarendonian ages (NALMA), and uppermost Gf facies have been correlated with Hemphillian (NALMA) gravels in the nearby Deer Lodge...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1936
AAPG Bulletin (1936) 20 (11): 1454–1475.
... by Morgan 5 who gives it an average thickness of 260 feet; 230 feet of sandstone-chert conglomerates and 30 feet of dark shale at the base. In this central area there are only three definite stratigraphic markers which can be traced into areas outside of Oklahoma. These are the Deer Creek limestone...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2009
Mineralogical Magazine (2009) 73 (3): 511–514.
..., on the diorites of Glen Tilt - pushing his bike from Rusholme to the field area and lodging with a gamekeeper's family. His first stroke of luck came on applying for a Strathcona scholarship to Cambridge. The admissions tutor at St. John's College, James Wordie (the geologist on Shackleton's 1914 expedition...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1931
AAPG Bulletin (1931) 15 (10): 1251–1263.
... Esteven and Whitemud formations of the Cypress Hills area represent the middle Edmonton and upper part of the basal Edmonton section as developed on Red Deer River. It is most probable that the beds above the typical Fox Hills, the thickness of which was previously stated, represent the lower part...
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Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 November 1990
The Leading Edge (1990) 9 (11): 38–40.
..., PhiUipaburg4. , Big Hole. 5, Grasshopper.6, HomePrairie. 7, Medidne Lmlge. 8, Muddy Creek. 9, Nicholia. 10, Flint Creek-Avon-NevadaCreek. 11, Deer Lodge. 12, Divide. 13, Mdrome. 14, Reaverhead.15, Bhcktail Deer Creek. 16, SageCreek. 17, Red Rack River. 18, Upper Ruby River. 19, Centennial. 20, Jefferson.21...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1954
AAPG Bulletin (1954) 38 (9): 1997–2010.
... County, Montana, the northwest-southeast axis of thinning on Baker-Glendive, the area of zero Devonian in the Glendive field, Montana, the northeast-southwest axis of thinning in the Richey area, and the north-south axis of thinning in the Tioga-Beaver Lodge-Croff area. Devonian production is established...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1973
AAPG Bulletin (1973) 57 (9): 1703–1713.
... Powell and Clark Counties, southeastern Granite County, and in northern Deer Lodge and Jefferson Counties is in a tectonically complex area marginal to the plutonic province of the Boulder batholith and related stocks. Emmons and Calkins (1913 , p. 68) suggested that thinning was caused by nondeposition...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1992
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1992) 40 (1): 24–35.
... Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing Edmonton series in the Red Deer Valley area of Alberta. Allan and Sanderson (1945) formalized the nomen- clature to Paskapoo and Edmonton Formations and moved the contact upward from the top of the "Big Seam" (Ardley or No. 14 coal seam) to the base of the first brown-weathering...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 December 2014
Geosphere (2014) 10 (6): 1315–1365.
... western half of edifice (see Fig. 20 ). Several vents peripheral to edifice are indicated by stars and identified by unit label ( Table 1 ). Abbreviations: HL—Horseshoe Lake; LG—Lake George; LP—Lincoln Peak; ML—downtown Mammoth Lakes; MMSA—Mammoth Mountain Ski Area (Main Lodge); RL—Reds Lake; SL—Shadow...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 10 November 2021
GSA Bulletin (2022) 134 (7-8): 1834–1844.
... the Snake River Plain from the eastern Missouri River Basin ( Fig. 2 ). Our proposed route for the paleo-Snake River again crosses the modern continental divide back into the Columbia Basin over the lower (1800 m asl) Deer Lodge Pass. While the modern topography profile suggests ~250–300 m of relief between...
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