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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Western Australia
Carnarvon Basin (1)
Hamersley Basin (1)
Western Canada
Alberta (1)
North America
Western Interior
Western Interior Seaway (4)
United States
New Castle County Delaware (1)
Missouri River valley (3)
Montana (1)
North Dakota (1)
South Dakota
Brule County South Dakota (4)
Buffalo County South Dakota (5)
Hughes County South Dakota (4)
Hyde County South Dakota (3)
Lyman County South Dakota (3)
Wyoming (1)
metal ores
copper ores (1)
nickel ores (1)
platinum ores (1)
tantalum ores (1)
tin ores (1)
titanium ores (1)
vanadium ores (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
elements, isotopes
isotope ratios (1)
stable isotopes
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
platinum group
platinum ores (1)
rare earths (2)
Osteichthyes (1)
Testudines (2)
Mosasauridae (4)
Bivalvia (1)
Ammonites (1)
Gastropoda (1)
Foraminifera (2)
microfossils (3)
Dinoflagellata (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (1)
K/Ar (1)
Pb/Pb (1)
Re/Os (1)
Sm/Nd (1)
geologic age
Miocene (1)
Oligocene (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Bearpaw Formation (2)
Dinosaur Park Formation (1)
upper Campanian (2)
Niobrara Formation (1)
Pierre Shale (12)
Senonian (4)
Sharon Springs Member (1)
Archean (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
pegmatite (1)
cassiterite (1)
niobates (1)
tantalite (1)
titanite group
titanite (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (1)
Western Australia
Carnarvon Basin (1)
Hamersley Basin (1)
biogeography (1)
Western Canada
Alberta (1)
Miocene (1)
Oligocene (1)
Osteichthyes (1)
Testudines (2)
Mosasauridae (4)
geochemistry (2)
geophysical methods (1)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
pegmatite (1)
Bivalvia (1)
Ammonites (1)
Gastropoda (1)
Foraminifera (2)
stable isotopes
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Bearpaw Formation (2)
Dinosaur Park Formation (1)
upper Campanian (2)
Niobrara Formation (1)
Pierre Shale (12)
Senonian (4)
Sharon Springs Member (1)
metal ores
copper ores (1)
nickel ores (1)
platinum ores (1)
tantalum ores (1)
tin ores (1)
titanium ores (1)
vanadium ores (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
platinum group
platinum ores (1)
rare earths (2)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
North America
Western Interior
Western Interior Seaway (4)
ocean floors (1)
paleogeography (1)
paleontology (1)
Dinoflagellata (1)
petrology (2)
Archean (1)
sea-level changes (1)
sedimentary petrology (1)
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
shale (1)
sedimentary structures
secondary structures
concretions (1)
United States
New Castle County Delaware (1)
Missouri River valley (3)
Montana (1)
North Dakota (1)
South Dakota
Brule County South Dakota (4)
Buffalo County South Dakota (5)
Hughes County South Dakota (4)
Hyde County South Dakota (3)
Lyman County South Dakota (3)
Wyoming (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
shale (1)
siliciclastics (1)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
secondary structures
concretions (1)
siliciclastics (1)
DeGrey Member
—Location of type section of DeGrey member of Pierre shale.
Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the middle Pierre Shale along the Missouri River, central South Dakota
A study of the Pierre Shale was undertaken, focusing on two measured sections along the eastern side of the Missouri River near Fort Thompson, South Dakota. The members of the Pierre Shale represented within these sections are, successively, the Gregory, Crow Creek, DeGrey, and Verendrye. Micropaleontologic samples were analyzed, with factor analysis performed to classify the assemblages. Four foraminiferal biofacies are recognized: two predominantly agglutinated, Boreal in origin, one shallower and the other deeper; one composed of calcareous benthic foraminifers, Tethyan in origin; and a fourth, which represents a mixed assemblage, transitional between the others. 87 Strontium/ 86 Strontium age estimation yielded 12 usable results. Samples from near the Baculites compressus Biozone yielded an age of ca. 72.43 ± 2 Ma. An average 87 Sr/ 86 Sr date of 72.41 ± 2 Ma was determined from fossil shells near a Globidens sp. excavation site within the upper DeGrey Member. More equivocal dates of 74.58, 74.63, and 75.09 ± 2 Ma were determined for the basal Crow Creek Member, a calcareous sandy siltstone within the upper Gregory Member, and the B. gregoryensis Biozone at the base of the section, respectively. Based on this study, the Gregory Member is interpreted as a highstand systems tract but as a part of the regressive pulse of the Claggett depositional cycle; the Crow Creek and DeGrey Members are the result of the Bearpaw transgression (a transgressive systems tract), and the boundary between the DeGrey and Verendrye Members is interpreted as a maximum flooding surface; and the Verendrye Member is a highstand systems tract. The distinct, calcareous sandy siltstone unit in the upper Gregory Member, herein named the Fort Thompson Beds, is interpreted to represent a storm-dominated deposit.
Revision of Pierre Shale of Central South Dakota
—Crow Creek member as exposed south of Missouri River opposite Rousseau loc...
The Pierre Shale, a member of the Montana Group, is extensively exposed throughout the Northern Great Plains and is well exposed along the Missouri River Trench in central South Dakota. Currently, the Pierre Shale is of formational rank, but herein it is elevated to group status and should be termed the Pierre Shale Group. Most current members of the Pierre Shale should be elevated to formational rank, as they are of distinctive lithology and are mappable throughout the Missouri River area and elsewhere. The name Montana Group should be abandoned because of its relatively limited lithostratigraphic utility. Extensive geological and paleontological investigations of the lower Missouri River Trench indicate that a number of previously described units should be subdivided. In particular, the lowest described unit of the Pierre Shale along the Missouri River, the Sharon Springs, exhibits three distinct disconformity-bounded lithostratigraphic units that are newly designated as members. The lowermost unit is distinguished by bentonites, and the upper two units can be observed in the type area of the Sharon Springs in western Kansas. The lowermost unit is characterized by numerous bentonite beds similar to the Ardmore bentonitic succession in the southern Black Hills, is normally disconformably superjacent to the Niobrara Formation, may be absent where degraded, and is named the Burning Brule Member. The overlying middle unit within the Sharon Springs consists of a siliceous shale that weathers vertically and is termed the Boyer Bay Member, whereas the upper unit is a bentonitic shale characterized by gypsiferous phosphatic concretions and is named the Nicholas Creek Member. These three units are herein regarded as new members of a hierarchically elevated Sharon Springs Formation. Other currently recognized members of the Pierre Shale in central South Dakota should likewise be elevated to formation-rank units except for the Crow Creek Member, a relatively thin tan siltstone. Because this unit is not mappable at recognized scales, it should be retained as a member of the DeGrey Formation. Inclusion of the Crow Creek Member within the DeGrey Formation is based upon another sporadically occurring tan siltstone that lies stratigraphically lower, and the intervening shales are similar to those of the lower DeGrey Formation. The Pierre Shale members should also be elevated to formational status in North Dakota, Kansas, and around the Black Hills in eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota. The elevation of units should probably be made throughout the Pierre Shale depositional area, but those decisions should be made by local investigators.
Origin of Crow Creek Member of Pierre Shale in Central South Dakota
Mollusks from the late Campanian upper DeGrey Formation of the Pierre Shale Group, Missouri River Valley, central South Dakota
The Missouri River and its tributaries in central South Dakota have eroded into the Pierre Shale, exposing a vertical sequence of late Campanian strata, from older to younger: the Crow Creek Member of the DeGrey Formation, upper DeGrey Formation, and Verendrye Formation, deposited during the transgressive phase of the Bearpaw cyclothem. The DeGrey Formation ( Baculites compressus Ammonite Range Zone) is predominantly gray bentonitic shale with interbeds of thin and relatively pure cream-colored bentonite and bioturbated, fossiliferous black manganese-iron carbonate concretions. Fossils are molds, casts, and fragmented shell material from a diverse epifauna of marine bivalve mollusks dominated by byssate, cemented, and unattached inoce-ramids, and ostreids. Inoceramids include Inoceramus convexus Hall and Meek, I. perplexus Whitfield, I. pertenuis Meek and Hayden, I. proximus Tuomey, I. sagensis Whitfield, I. tenuilineatus Hall and Meek, Platyceramus vanuxemi (Meek and Hayden), and Endocostea barabini (Morton). The larger specimens are commonly encrusted with the oyster Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad). Ostrea patina Meek and Hayden, a solitary oyster, is also present. External casts of articulated valves of Pholadomya hodgii Meek, a burrower-borer, are abundant as are those of Pteria ( Pseudopteria ) sublevis Whitfield, P. linguaeformis (Evans and Shumard), and P . sp. B. Anomia subtrigonalis Meek and Hayden and A. oblique Meek and Hayden complete the bivalve fauna. Less abundant are the gastropods Anisomyon borealis Morton, A. shumardi Meek and Hayden, Ampullina ? paludinaeformis Sohl, and Acmaea occidentalis (Hall and Meek). The Late Campanian ammonite index fossils Baculites compressus Say, and Jeletzkytes nodosus (Owen) and J. brevis (Meek), are abundant. Bivalves of the DeGrey Formation lived on a low-energy substrate where bentonite-rich clay was accumulating. Abundant epifauna and extensive bioturbation of the manganese-iron carbonate concretions suggest aerobic conditions. Adjacent deeper, anoxic basin waters periodically transported iron and manganese upward into the oxic zone, where it was precipitated with carbonate. The fragmentary nature of most of the bivalve shells, disruption of the sediment, and abundance of possible coprolitic material suggest predation by sediment-probing and shell-crushing predators.
Biogenic apatite crystals in living organisms contain relatively high concentrations of carbonate, sodium, and other species, making the crystallite relatively soluble and reactive. During fossilization, apatite composition changes from a metastable carbonate hydroxylapatite to a thermodynamically more stable fluorapatite. Calcium, sodium, carbonate, and hydroxyl are replaced by fluoride, REE, and trace elements during diagenesis. The total REE concentrations in osteological material are generally <20 ppm; in fossil bones, however, the concentrations may be >1000–10,000 ppm. More than 95% of REE in fossil bone is incorporated during diagenesis. The fossilization process occurs within a few thousand years, and thus the chemical composition of the fossils records the composition of early diagenetic fluids. Apatite becomes a “flight recorder” for the environment of early diagenesis and can be used to interpret the condition of the paleoenvironment. REE were analyzed from marine reptile (Mosasauridae) bones collected from five superposed formations (Sharon Springs, Gregory, Crow Creek, DeGrey, and Verendrye) of the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale Group at localities along the Missouri River in central South Dakota. Fossil vertebrates from each lithostratigraphic unit sampled of the Pierre Shale Group have different REE signatures. Fossils from the Sharon Springs Formation have distinctive REE signatures that may be further subdivided into three superposed members that correspond with the upper, middle, and lower Sharon Springs Formation. REE signatures are distinctive from each stratigraphic unit; therefore, fossils eroded from their stratigraphic context may be assigned to their proper depositional unit on the basis of REE signature comparisons. Differences in REE compositions of fossil bones among lithostratigraphic subdivisions appear to have resulted from differential mixing of oxygenated and anoxic seawaters. If differences in mixing are interpreted as depth differences, the lower Sharon Springs member was deposited in deep, anoxic water; water depths decreased for the middle and upper Sharon Springs, and the overlying Gregory and Crow Creek units were deposited in even more shallow water. Finally, the overlying DeGrey and Verendrye Formations were deposited in progressively deeper marine waters, but not as deep as for the lower Sharon Springs. These interpretations are generally consistent with those based on faunal diversity and eustatic sea level curves.
Pierre Shale Along Western and Northern Flanks of Black Hills, Wyoming and Montana
The first marine reptile from the American West was collected long before the currently accepted lithostratigraphic nomenclature was established. The reptile, Mosasaurus missouriensis (Harlan), was collected from the Big Bend area of the Missouri River from what is now considered central South Dakota and taken to Germany by Prince Maximilian of Weid. Parts of the same specimen were described in 1834 and 1846, but its lithostratigraphic source could be determined only as the Late Cretaceous Pierre Shale Group, although later authors suggested its source as the Virgin Creek Formation of the Pierre Shale. Recent examination of the preservation of the holotype and associated invertebrates indicated derivation from the upper concretionary portion of the DeGrey Formation of the Pierre Shale rather than the Virgin Creek Formation. However, an independent method was sought to confirm this conclusion. Rare earth element (REE) analysis of vertebrate fossils in the Pierre Shale Group has been used successfully in interpretations of original diagenetic environments, including interpretations of paleodepth, identification of fossil provenance, paleoenvironmental interpretations, and stratigraphic correlation. REE signatures and trace element concentrations in fossil vertebrates from stratigraphic units are sufficiently distinctive to allow identification of the original unit or location in which fossilization occurred. Comparative REE analysis from numerous specimens from each unit of the lower Pierre Shale Group along the Big Bend of the Missouri River confirmed the lithostratigraphic source of the mosasaur as the upper DeGrey Formation.
Marine turtles from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada
Dinoflagellate cysts from the upper Campanian Pierre Shale and Bearpaw Shale of the U.S. Western Interior
Taxonomic comparison and stratigraphic distribution of Toxochelys (Testudines: Cheloniidae) of South Dakota
The Campanian Pierre Shale Group contains a diverse assemblage of marine reptiles, including the sea turtle Toxochelys . Twenty-one specimens from South Dakota include cranial or mandibular material useful for taxonomic and stratigraphic analyses. Twenty of the toxochelyids were collected from three formations of the lower to middle Campanian Pierre Shale in western South Dakota: 1 from the basal Gammon Ferruginous Formation, 15 from the overlying Sharon Springs Formation, and 4 from the Mitten Black Shale Formation. Examination of the specimens suggests identification as Toxochelys sp. cf. T. browni . These toxochelyids reveal previously undescribed characters and are defined by snout emargination, a hooked beak of the mandible, and labial and lingual ridges of the dentary. One toxochelyid was recovered from the DeGrey Formation of the upper Campanian Pierre Shale Group in central South Dakota and is identified as Toxochelys sp. A. This toxochelyid is distinguished by a smooth snout without emargination, a posterolateral margin of the pterygoid that extends to the base of the condylus mandibularis, and absence of the depressor mandibulae muscle attachment site. Qualitative and quantitative stratigraphic analyses of the South Dakota toxochelyids indicate that Toxochelys sp. cf. T. browni could serve as the basis for a bio-stratigraphic local range taxon zone, spanning the time from the late early Campanian to the middle Campanian, between 81 and 78 Ma.
The Timing of Mineralization in the Archean North Pilbara Terrain, Western Australia
Fossil fish from the Pierre Shale Group (Late Cretaceous): Clarifying the biostratigraphic record
The osteichthyan paleofauna of the upper Pierre Shale Group has yielded range extensions for taxa known from its Sharon Springs Formation and the underlying Niobrara Formation, notably with the genera Protosphyraena and Pachyrhizodus . Links are now more apparent with Campanian and Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) paleofaunas from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States, as with Cylindracanthus and Enchodus . Common elements are to be expected, considering the similarities in their geologic ages and environments of deposition.